The 233rd floor of the abyss has been ruled by the Lava Demon and the Balrog for several epochs, and the monsters in it have long been reduced to the domestic animals and minions of the devil.

The Balrog Lord Aselonde originally wanted to use the monsters to find out the truth of the town.

But seeing that the monster couldn't even touch the city wall of Zhenmo City, he immediately lost his patience and ordered the army to attack Zhenmo City.

Acting as the vanguard are still the cannon fodder of the vassal races, such as the horned demons, the Kui-arm demons, and the bat demons that are common in the abyss.

These demons are usually demons who have been conquered by the Balrog and rely on the Balrog to survive in the shape of a slave. They are only slightly higher than the monsters in the status of the Balrog army.

However, these demon servants cannot be regarded as monsters. Although most of them are not high in level, they are regular troops in the demon army, and their strength is not weak.

Understand joint operations, but also know how to use ordnance.

Shortly after approaching the core area, lava boulders flew out from the demon servant army in all directions.

This is an energy weapon thrown by the Kui Arm Demon using the catapult. Although the flight speed is not fast, it is slightly more powerful than the explosive magic pill.

When a fourth-order blue dragon tried to fly it with its wings, it was stunned by the blasted lava boulder.

If it wasn't for Huang Yu's quick hand and teleporting the giant dragon into the town of Demon Town, the young blue dragon would have fallen into the air and was torn to pieces by the monsters and demons in the chaotic army.

In addition to that kind of lava catapult, the Balrog army also has flame-throwing devices, large bed crossbows and other powerful equipment.

Although these instruments are rough in shape, their quality is as durable as a demon, and their power is quite impressive.

Although demons are keen on destruction and are not good at R&D and manufacturing, they have, after all, been a race that has lasted for many epochs. More or less also accumulated some weapons and equipment.

When those attacks flew towards the town of Demon Town, they immediately defeated the giant dragon in the sky and the twelve golden men on the ground.

Although in the realm of Fushen Realm, it is impossible for the enemy in the core area to cause sixth-order extraordinary damage and above to the universe.

But the larger the number, the more damage it takes.

And the number of those demon servants is tens of millions, and at the same time, when using ordnance to attack the town of Demon Town, which is still a third-order, it can even cover the entire sky.

After a round of volleys, except for the blue-green wing Fabrio and the seven extraordinary dragons, the remaining fourth-order and fifth-order dragons had to retreat to the sky above the town of demons.

Relying on the ability of "this side of the universe, no flight", avoid the terrifying number of flying attacks.

On the ground, although the Twelve Gold and Thunder Fury Kraos were also injured to a certain extent, compared with them, the monsters who were forced to move forward by the demon servant army were even worse.

The area more than ten meters away from the Wall of Broken Demons was turned into a purgatory by the terrifying firepower of both sides.

Huang Yu climbed onto the Wall of Broken Demons and watched the flying attack that fell like a torrential rain from a dozen meters away, and felt pressured for a while.

Even the obsidian earth with excellent anti-knock performance was bombarded with an astonishing amount of firepower, and a ring-shaped pit was blasted out of the Demon-Breaking Wall.

If there were no restrictions on the statue of the lord and the seal of the **** of the gods, the town of demons might have been turned into ruins.

Seeing that the attack flying over the Demon Town will fall on its own, unable to cause any damage to the Demon Town, or even touch the back of the Demon Breaking Wall.

After nearly a minute of firepower pouring out, the demon servant army finally gave up the idea of ​​directly razing the town.

Driven by the great demons, they began to march to the town of magic town, and at the same time, they aimed their weapons at the twelve golden men, the fury of thunder, Kreos, and those in the sky that were not covered by the fire. dragon.

It didn't take long for the dragon, the Twelve Gold, and Kraos to take it any longer.

Two-thirds of the giant dragons fell back to the town of Demon Town, leaving only Fabilio, the blue wing, and the remaining one-third of the giant dragons to guard the sky at the edge of the fire coverage.

The Twelve Golden Men and Thunder Fury, Kraos, retreated to the narrow area that Huang Yu had left for them outside the city, leaning against the Wall of Broken Demons to defend against the attacks of monsters and demons.

And the magic-patterned knights, extraordinary arms, blood-born gods and blood-born apostles guarding the Wall of Broken Demons also officially fought against monsters and demons.

With four elemental whirlpools on Huang Yu's back, as soon as his mind moved, an elemental attack with power comparable to sixth-order extraordinary spells fell into the formation of the influx of demon servants.

Because the fire attribute energy of the laminar slurry plateau in Abyss 233 is too abundant, Huang Yu released a fire attribute magic attack, which consumes very little energy.

Therefore, Huang Yu released the most attacks, which were fire attribute attacks.

The strength of his fire attribute, but even the Balrog Lord Aselond would be surprised by it, is somehow higher than the fire attribute of the Balrog Bakugan and the Ooze Plateau monster.

Every big blast of jade can blast out a blank area of ​​hundreds of meters in the demon army, and only a few demons and monsters can survive.

It's just that there are too many demons and monsters, and within a few breaths, those blank areas will be filled with new demons, which looks quite powerless.

If it weren't for that, Huang Yu would want to take out an epic-grade area spell scroll and wash the ground for the demon army.


Just when Huang Yu was focusing on cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers, Fushen Realm's sense of opening from the seal at any time told him that there was a demon commander and entered the regular area.

The big devil is a demon with extraordinary strength reaching the sixth-order, and the demon commander is a demon with the strength reaching the seventh-order sanctuary, mastering the power of the domain.

However, as long as it enters the regular area, its strength will be suppressed to the level of sixth-order extraordinary!

"I still want to run away!"

After seeing that the Kui Arm Demon Commander stepped into the regular area, UU reading realized that something was wrong and wanted to exit. Huang Yu turned into a Balrog, holding a big flaming jade and teleported it to the Kui Arm Demon Commander. Before, blocking the retreat of the commander of the Kui-arm demon.

Seeing an exaggerated flame demon blocking him, the commander of the Kui Arm Demon was stunned for a moment.

Before it could react, he saw that the other party directly stuffed a big flaming jade into his face.


! "

The shrill screams even overshadowed the explosion of the Great Flame Explosion Jade.

The surging energy surging directly burned the head of the Kui Arm Demon Commander into charcoal, and even the demon horn on its head was blown off.

While stuffing the devil's horn into the anchor space, Huang Yu stabbed the flame demonized long sword into the chest of the Kui arm demon.

The next moment, the flames surged in the belly of Kui Arm, and in an instant, all internal organs except the heart of the devil were burned to the ground.

Even so, the Kui Arm Demon still struggled to attack Huang Yu.

It wasn't until Huang Yu took off the devil's heart and smashed his brain that the commander of the seventh-order sanctuary's gigantic arm devil died unwillingly.

"Although the strength has been suppressed to the sixth-order transcendence, it is the existence of the seventh-order sanctuary after all. It is reasonable to fail the instant killing skills such as Chaos Drift."

When Huang Yu shoved the big flaming jade into the face of the Kui Arm Demon Commander, he launched Chaos Drift, but the judgment failed.

Originally, I wanted to leave a whole corpse and take it to Huanyu City for research, but later I had to use the Flame Demon Sword to kill the vitality of the Kui Arm Demon Lord.

Putting the corpse of the commander of the Kui Arm Demon into the anchor space, Huang Yu, who transformed into a flame demon, returned to the town of Demon Town under the dazed look of the surrounding demons.

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