The latest website: An hour later, Huang Yu, who had completed his transformation, once again passed through the teleportation channel and arrived at the Battlefield of Town Demon City.

The reason why it took so much time, on the one hand, is because the talent of "Hunyuan Promise" has transformed into "Chaos Promise", and the ability has been greatly enhanced, which has cost Huang Yu a lot of time.

This innate ability originally only manipulated the existing energy and matter in reality, but now on the basis of the original ability, it can also affect consciousness and conceptual things.

It's just that he is busy with the war in the town of Demon City. Like "Eye of Chaos" and "Scalar Control", Huang Yu has not had time to tap the ability of "Chaos Promise".

What's more, the Law of Chaos Power is the most powerful of Huang Yu's many talents.

Huang Yu still has a long way to go to fully grasp the abilities of Chaos Power and Law.

On the other hand, the reason is that Huang Yu needs to pass a message to the other backbones of the military, so that they will be ready for rotation, and go to the 233-layer Slurry Plateau in the abyss after the town is upgraded to the fifth rank.

Huang Yu no longer doubts whether Town Demon City can stand in the abyss.

As long as he does not break through the Sanctuary, under the suppression of the Fushen Realm from the Indian Realm, it is impossible for the devil to break through the town.

The seemingly large-scale demon army has actually become an excellent target for the upgrade of the universe's arms and monsters, and it is also Huang Yu's "take advantage" of obtaining soul crystals.

Thinking of this, Huang Yu couldn't help but feel fortunate that he had endured for half a year and exhausted his assets to buy the artifact "Fu Shenjie Li Yin".

If there is no Li Yin of Fushen Realm, Huang Yu will not say that he will build a town in the abyss, his life may not be saved, and the city of the universe may also fall into the large-scale invasion of the devil.

It can only be said that the artifact is worthy of being an artifact!

Even if the enemy has two demon lords, nearly 100 demon leaders, and tens of thousands of extraordinary demons, they still have nothing to do with the town of Demon City, which is located in the core area of ​​Liyin, the God of God.

When Zhenmo City is upgraded to Tier 5, there will be a steady stream of troops and resources replenished, and it will be even more difficult for the demon army to capture Zhenmo City.

"There are so many demons, it's impossible to kill them with just the universe's arms.

The demon lord will not easily miss the opportunity to invade the Chaos Continent.

The town of Demon Town is protected by the Divine Seal of the Gods, which is an excellent place to kill monsters and upgrade.

Maybe I can provide this to the members of the Oneworld Alliance by charging, and let them bring their own hands here to kill monsters and upgrade.

Hahaha, you have to pay me to help me fight, am I a bit too much? "

Before coming to the wheel of time and space, Huang Yu used two things in one mind, while inputting the power of time and space to assist the wheel of time and space to quickly create a transmission beacon, while thinking about how to maximize the resources in the abyss.

Now Huang Yu is a little bit despised by the obsidian, fire essence, molten essence and the like that are everywhere in the abyss.

Demons are the most valuable resources in the abyss!

If Huang Yu was willing to share the battlefield of Demon Town with other lords, it would be difficult for other lords to refuse the temptation to hunt demons with Demon Town.

As the power of the lords became stronger and stronger, the wild monsters in the Chaos Continent had become difficult to form a scale.

The weak neighbors around are basically eliminated, and the rest are some difficult lords to deal with.

Other territories do not possess overwhelming strength like the Universal Territory.

Forcibly conflict with those territories, it is easy to hurt the enemy one thousand and eight hundred, or even lose both.

At this time, if there is a place where they can improve their strength and earn soul crystals, the lords will definitely flock to it.

"The stronger the members of the Oneworld Alliance, the stronger the spending power, which can be said to be a win-win situation.

As for the cost of soul crystals, each person should be charged one or two million per day, plus killing the demon's corpse, it should be almost the same."

For the current members of the Oneworld Alliance, one or two million soul crystals per day is definitely not a small number.

But compared with their income in Town Demon City, it's actually nothing.

As long as you kill one extraordinary demon or ten or so fifth-order demon generals every day, you can basically get your money back.

In other places, it may be a bit difficult to kill an existence with a strength that has entered the sixth-order extraordinary.

But in the town of Demon City, which is suppressed by the Liyin of the God of God, it is not very difficult.

Don't look at the large number of sixth-order extraordinary demons in the Balrog Army and the Lava Demon Army, but this is the result of several epochs.

The vast majority of them are extraordinary demons, and their strength is not that great.

For example, the sixth-order extraordinary among the low-level demons such as the Kui-arm Demon, the Bat Demon, the Horned Demon, and the Sickle-tail Demon, some of them are not even as powerful as the fully-armed magic knights.

That is to say, the strength of the big demons in the Balrog and the Lava Demon is not bad. If it is 1V1, it can compete with the king-level arms that have stepped into the extraordinary.

Fighting against an enemy of this level is not difficult for Lord Kashid, Lord Kaguya, Lord Garo and others who are comparable to god-level troops.

With the addition of Huang Yu, the efficiency of the wheel of time in creating "beacons" has been greatly improved.

The original twelve time-space arcanists, together with Yuri the teleporter, gathered six beacons in one hour.

But after Huang Yu joined, ten beacons floated in the wheel of time and space in less than ten minutes.

As the sixth arcane faction in the universe, the time and space faction has been established for a short time, but it has developed rapidly with the assistance of Huang Yu.

And this wheel of time and space can be called the most valuable one of the six arcane tower cores.

After activating the beacon made by the Chrono Trigger, the flow of time within a certain range will slow down. If the beacon is fixed on the unresponsive target, the target can also be sent to the specific area marked by the Chrono Trigger .

Delaying the flow of time and teleportation, with the teleportation ability of the teleporter Yuri, the number of demons in the demon army that can detect that they are marked before teleportation is really small.

"It's a pity that those demons in the seventh-order sanctuary, UU Reading have not dared to step into the town of demons since they killed the commander of the Kui Arm Demon.

Otherwise, my units will be upgraded faster, and I will get more soul crystals. "

Huang Yu glanced at the demons in the peripheral area, and felt a little pity in his heart.

The demon commander of the seventh-order sanctuary, even for the legendary demon lord, is also a very important combat power.

For example, the commander of the Kui-arm demon that Huang Yu killed before is the commander of all the Ku-arm demons under the Balrog Lord Aselonde.

Now the death of the commander of the gigantic arm demon basically predicts that the gigantic arm demon under the command of Aselonde will quickly decline and decline under the exclusion of other races of demons.

"Twenty time wheel beacons are enough for the soldiers in the core area to be busy for a while."

Huang Yu glanced at the teleportation beacon clinging to his arm and signaled Yuri, the teleporter, to continue to assist in making the beacon.

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