Latest URL: "Humans!"

When Huang Yu appeared in the regular area, he immediately attracted the attention of the nearby demons.

A sixth-order Balrog immediately waved the flame whip in his hand to Huang Yu, and other supernatural demons nearby also flocked.

A slit was cut in the abdomen of Aselonde, the lord of the Balrog, and he killed the only one under his command. All of Huang Yu's facial features were given to the demons under his command by Aselund.

"Kill him at any cost" is the order issued by the Balrog Lord to all demons.

"Can't detect that the beacon can't have too much energy fluctuations?"

Huang Yu recalled the teleportation conditions of the Chrono Trigger, and when he launched a teleport to avoid the flame whip, he appeared behind the Balrog's body.

At this time, Huang Yu still maintained his human form, but his arm instantly turned into the claws of the demon dragon, and then he punched the back of the flame demon's head.


In the crisp sound of bones shattering, the back of the sixth-order Balrog's head was directly sunken by a third, and the flames all over his body and the long whip in his hand disappeared instantly.

The huge force on Huang Yu's fist left the sixth-order flame demon's brain blank and briefly lost consciousness.

"In this case, it is impossible to affect the teleportation of the wheel of time and space!"

He affixed a space-time beacon to the sixth-order flame demon, and in the blink of an eye, the flame demon disappeared in front of Huang Yu's eyes.

"These demons are too weak, just leave them to Pan Sen."

Looking at the sixth-order horned demon and the sixth-order terrifying demon that had come to him, Huang Yu shook his head.

Then teleported to a very high place above the battlefield and made an eye of chaos to help him find his target.

Although the sky of the Drool Plateau is always shrouded in thick volcanic clouds, the visibility is extremely low.

However, Huang Yu's Eye of Chaos does not simply observe the target through "seeing". Its mode of action is completely different from any known life and magic in the Chaos Continent.

Cooperating with the field perception that comes with Liyin of Fushen Realm, it can not only help Huang Yu to select a strong individual on the battlefield, but also condense anchor points near the individual, so that Huang Yu can shuttle on the battlefield at an extremely fast speed. .

Within the regular area, all will be under Huang Yu's absolute control!

"It's definitely you two!"

Soon, Huang Yu determined the goal.

These are two extraordinary great demons scrambling together, a Balrog and a Lava Demon.

It stands to reason that with the strength of the Balrog, a 1v1 should suppress the Lava Demon.

But what Huang Yu saw was that the lava demon pressed the flame demon to fight.

There was a sixth-order nerubian corpse lying nearby. Judging from its dead state, it should have been blown up by the lava demon during the battle between the two demons.

"It looks like a lava demon whose strength has not yet reached the upper limit of potential!"

Huang Yu thought that the lava demon should be the same as some of his hero arms, even king-level arms and god-level arms.

Although it is still a sixth-order extraordinary, it has not yet reached the limit of its own potential.

And such an existence is very powerful in the same level.

Of course, the experience points and soul crystals given after killing them are also more than the ordinary extraordinary demons.


Huang Yu appeared in front of the two demons in an instant, and before the two demons could react, he activated two space-time beacons. …

Then he turned into a demon dragon and beat up two demons that only reached his thighs.

After hitting him dizzy, a space-time beacon was posted on his body.

After the two demons were teleported away, Huang Yucai Shi Shiran came to the corpse of the spider demon and threw it into the anchor space.

"Fall down, Tianxing!"

A coquettish shout sounded beside Huang Yu.

The Valkyrie Shikodi rode on the frost dew Aurora, raised her hand and summoned a holy weapon, pierced through the body of the dog demon who rushed behind Huang Yu, and nailed it to the ground.

The owner of the fallen star is Moranica, a former Amazon Legion hero.

Moranica was the first member of the Amazon Legion, but unfortunately died in the battle of the Balrog invasion.

The holy artifact "Falling Star" she made is a rare eighth-order holy artifact in Valhalla.

Because of this, Moranica is one of the more than 4,000 Heroic Spirits in the Hall of Valor, one of the few who can stand side by side with Dilios.

"Nice job, Sikodi!"

Although Huang Yu could use the dragon-like tail to slap the dog demon when it attacked him without Shikoti's help, Huang Yu still encouraged Shikoti.

In this short sentence, Huang Yu found a suitable teleportation target again, and with a flick of his figure, he disappeared in front of the Valkyrie Shi Kodi.

"It's a tone of coaxing a child, Lord Lord!"

Shi Kedi shrugged and complained, and controlled the frost dew aurora to escape the encirclement of demons, and when flying over the dog demon, she also shoved its corpse into the fifth-order holy artifact "Gladiator Ring".

This is the holy weapon condensed by Sargent, a former warrior of the Red Knights, which can pull the target into a circular space and engage in 1v1 gladiatorial combat.

Now Sikordi uses this equipment to store the corpse of the super demon, and Sargent takes out the corpse that Sikordi put into it at the Universal City training ground.

There are a number of space equipment in the universe, and Shikodi doesn't have this thing in his hands, so it can be collected in this way.

"Lord Lord, please wait a little longer, the time-space beacon will be ready soon."

Huang Yu's speed was too fast, and for three consecutive rounds of beacons, fifty-six extraordinary demons were sent to the core area and handed over to his subordinates for siege.

In this short one hour, thirty-two extraordinary combat powers were cultivated for the territory.

It's just that his efficiency in arresting demons is too high, and the speed of the wheel of time and space condensing beacons is already a little behind him.

"You do yours, I need to rest for a while."

Huang Yu let the arcanist and Yuri of the time and space school continue, and stood by himself, while taking the potion to restore the lost energy, he opened the information panel of the town of magic to check the upgrade progress of the town of magic.

"The upgrade is about to be completed, you have to prepare early!"

See you in about half an Town Demon City will be upgraded, Huang Yu will immediately command the entire army Leya, and the four names of Okos, Hippolyte, Sylvana and Xijiangyue were born soon , The god-level arms who have not yet stepped into the extraordinary call come together.

"Leya, let all the people outside the city return to the core area in 20 minutes, and the town of Demon Town is about to be upgraded to Tier 4."

"Follow your orders, my lord!"

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Leia instantly understood what Huang Yu was going to do, and responded immediately.

Looking at the other four with a bit of envy, they rushed back to the city wall to command the army.

Okos, Hippolyte, Sylvana, and Xi Jiangyue were still a little dazed, not knowing what Huang Yu was going to do when he called him back from the battlefield.

I saw the next moment, Huang Yu took out four skill scrolls from the anchor space, and one person sent one.

Seeing the grade of the skill scroll, the four of them couldn't help but shudder.

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