At 7:00 p.m. on June 1st, the fifth year of Tianxuan, the palace of Duke Qingyi was brightly lit. Qu Mao was sitting on the throne in the middle of the conference hall in the palace of Duke Qingyi. Buckets of clean water rinsed the blood stains in the hall.

At least 200,000 Tier 3 fighters and warriors above Tier 3 gathered in the entire palace wall of Duke Qingyi, but Yihou territory launched an attack on the palace wall of Duke Qingyi from 5:00 p.m., and the army broke through in less than an hour broke through the palace wall, and rushed into the palace of Duke Qingyi.

Before the war, Qu Mao had ordered that no one in Duke Qingyi's palace be left behind.

The soldiers of Yihou Territory faithfully carried out Qu Mao's orders. Even if the Qingyi Duke's royal family sent representatives to ask the troops of Yihou Territory to surrender, the troops of Yihou Territory did not respond at all.

Chafidel even personally shot and killed the representative of the royal family who was sent out to negotiate, and then continued to attack the rebel forces in the palace of Duke Qingyi. In the end, not even the women and children in the harem of Duke Qingyi survived.

After the Yihou territory attacked the Qingyi Dukedom, the Qingyi Duke's royal family was determined to resist, and Miyagi was slaughtered as hard as it was.

After Qu Mao's troops broke through the palace wall of Duke Qingyi, he followed the army to the meeting hall in front of the palace. The king of Qingyi Duke arranged nearly 3,000 fourth-tier guards in front of the meeting hall, and he brought hundreds of soldiers with him. A high-ranking official named Xungui from the Principality of Green Wings stood guard in the main hall.

It's a pity that in the face of 3,000 short-range fourth-tier guards, Chafidel directly ordered the long-range troops to shoot. The 3,000 fourth-tier guards died without even touching the clothes of the fighters in Yihou territory. Zan shot into the main meeting hall, and when Qu Mao walked into the main meeting hall, there was not a single living member of the Qingyi Principality in the main meeting hall.

After the garrison troops also entered the palace, Chafidel asked Zhang Da to send someone to protect Qu Mao, and led the army troops to continue to wipe out other survivors in the palace of Duke Qingyi.

Zhang Da saw that Qu Mao had already entered the main meeting hall of the Qingyi Duke's palace, so he invited Qu Mao to sit on the Qingyi Duke's throne, and then arranged for the third-tier swordsman troops of the garrison to clean up.

The corpses of the guards, officials, nobles and kings who died in the Principality of Qingyi were directly transported outside the city for incineration, while the third-tier swordsman troops brought clean water to wash the blood stains in the hall, and there were also third-tier swordsman warriors who collected and planted them on the ground. , beams and arrows on the desk chair.

Fighting against other forces is not the same as fighting against wild monsters. Fighting against wild monsters will refresh the monster's corpse within a certain period of time after the end, but fighting against other forces will keep the corpse for a long time.

For example, when the Lords of the Chosen players invaded the Holy Land of Yihou Territory, the Meat Grinder Battlefield on the northern coastline of Shang Island and Zhi Island, the soldiers of Yihou Territory who participated in that battle are still unforgettable.

When Qu Mao was sitting on the throne in the main hall of Duke Qingyi's palace, the battle to capture Duke Qingyi's King's City in Yihou's territory had basically come to an end. It took a total of time from when troops were sent out at 8:00 am to when Qu Mao sat on the throne at 7:00 pm 11 hours.

But Qu Mao knew that the matter was not over. Not only Zhao Pan and Chafidel were still purging the Qingyi Principality personnel who were still alive in the palace city, including the rebel forces in the area surrounded by the three walls of the Qingyi Duke King's City.

However, after Qingyi Duke's King City is captured, it is destined to be an empty city. The civilians living between the first city wall and the second city wall, and the rich people living between the second city wall and the third city wall will break through the city wall in the territory of Yihou After that, it was almost slaughtered.

The massacres of civilians did not distinguish between men, women, and children, and all the men among the rich were also massacred. As for the nobles between the third city wall and the palace wall, they have also been detained.

The third city wall is only about 500 meters away from the palace wall, and the total number of people who can live there is also small, which does not pose much threat.

In the future, it is estimated that the King City of Prince Qingyi will have to relocate and relocate residents with relatively high loyalty from the Holy Land of Yihou Territory, the Principality of Tassels, and the Ten Kingdoms in order to restore the prosperity before the war.

Naturally, Qu Mao would not visit Duke Qingyi's palace and harem in person, nor would he summon any of Hou Yi, Xiang Yu, or A Ke to kill the women and children in the harem who had no resistance, although he could still get a little reward for cheating.

The number of third-tier swordsmen in the garrison is sufficient, and the speed of action is also very fast. Before 8:00 p.m. on June 1, the fifth year of Tianxuan, the meeting hall of Duke Qingyi's palace was tidied up, and the stone slabs on the ground were clean and light. , All the arrows in the entire meeting hall were cleaned up.

Except for a few arrow holes that prove that there was a fierce battle here not long ago, of course, the strong smell of blood did not disappear because the meeting hall was cleaned up. Qu Mao, who was still irritated, was a little reluctant to breathe, every breath I felt a spasm in my stomach.

After 8 o'clock on June 1st of the fifth year of Tianxuan, the heroes who participated in the war came to the meeting hall of Duke Qingyi's palace to meet Qu Mao and report the battle situation to Qu Mao.

Zhao Pan finally returned to the main meeting hall, wiped the blood on his face, and said, "My lord, fortunately, I did not disgrace my life. After a day of fierce fighting on the western front of Yihou Territory, the King City of Lord Qingyi has been completely taken down.

None of the Qingyi Duke’s royal family survived. There were 700,000 original residents and 1.1 million garrisons in the Qingyi Duke King’s City. Now there are only less than 200,000 servants left by the families of honored and noble officials, and none of the garrisons survived.

The Army is currently detaining more than 76,000 people from 278 honorable households of the Qingyi Principality. Please show me how to deal with them. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Detain them first, and when Zhen Fu comes over, identify and deal with them one by one, and send them back to the Holy Land for labor reform as much as possible.

The armies counted the battle losses as soon as possible, and cleaned up the defenses of Qingyi Duke's King's City. "

All the heroes said in unison: "Yes, my lord, I will implement your request immediately."

Qu Mao continued: "All armies must remain vigilant tonight. Although the remaining population in the King City of Qingyi Lord is not large, we must still prevent the mobs in the city from harming our soldiers, and also prevent Lord Qingyi There are still remnants of the enemy in the king's city."

Zhang Da said: "Yes, my lord, my subordinates will personally arrange the guards to take charge of this matter."

Qu Mao thought for a while and said: "The magic army returned to their new town to camp. Now the Qingyi Duke's King's City is an empty city, and I urged you to build eight military towns around it. In the future, you will rely on this to build the Qingyi Dukedom's rule. Make it a fortress.

If necessary, move the population from the Holy Land, the Duchy of Tassels, and the Ten Great Marquises to King City of Duke Qingyi and the eight surrounding military towns, Zhao Pan, you have personally contacted Su Yan, the administration of the Principality of Qingyi and the seizure of the remaining territories, Synchronization. "

Zhao Pan nodded and said, "Yes, my lord."

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