Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1027 Governance of the Green Wing Principality

In the early morning of June 2nd in the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao woke up in the palace of Duke Qingyi. The huge palace was empty, except for the occasional sound of guards patrolling soldiers from the door.

At the end of May in the fifth year of Tianxuan, in order to replenish troops and expendable strategic materials for the various military forces on the battlefield of the Qingyi Principality, Qu Mao spent a total of 25 million cheating points on the battlefield of the Qingyi Principality, making Qu Mao now only in the cheating system. There are 15 million cheating points left.

However, as the Qingyi Duke's King City is completely conquered, and the eight military towns around the Qingyi Duke's King City are becoming more and more perfect, it is expected that an additional part of the cheating value will be added.

At around 10:00 in the morning, all the armies sent battle reports to Qu Mao one after another. During the 11-hour battle to conquer Qingyi Duke's King City on June 1, the fifth year of Tianxuan, more than 300,000 soldiers were killed in Yihou Territory, and more than 300,000 soldiers were injured. More than 500,000, with a total of more than 800,000 casualties.

After only 11 hours of combat, the loss was so great, and Qu Mao's mood became much darker.

For this battle, Qu Maokrypton lost 25 million cheating points, only to add 2 million soldiers to the battlefield of the Qingyi Dukedom. In the 11-hour battle, 15% of the soldiers were killed, and the casualties were more than half.

No matter how simple it is for Qu Maokryp to cheat to obtain fighters, it can't afford such consumption.

Of course, in the 11-hour battle, the Yihou territory not only conquered Qingyi Duke's King City and Miyagi, but also wiped out a total of more than 1.1 million soldiers of Qingyi Duke Kingdom in the battle, and slaughtered more than 500,000 residents in Qingyi Duke's King City. Comparing the ratio of casualties, it can be regarded as a very large battle result.

In the era of cold weapon warfare, especially in siege operations, it is inevitable that a large number of soldiers will be killed or injured. Qu Mao is a little bit reluctant, but also a little helpless.

Now there are more than 500,000 wounded soldiers in the Yihou Territory, all of whom are placed in the medical institutions in Qingyi King's City, but it is the military doctor who is in charge of treating the wounded soldiers. The cure and recovery is still unknown, but according to the current number of medical personnel and medical level, Qu Mao estimates that there will definitely be many soldiers who will die due to serious injuries.

With the experience of more than 1.2 million soldiers killed in battle in the previous month, Qu Mao was sad for a few hours, and his nerves began to become tense.

Leaving his room, Qu Mao wandered alone in the palace of Duke Qingyi.

After yesterday's battle, the Qingyi Principality's huge palace and the area enclosed by the palace wall are only guarded by a small number of third-tier swordsmen of the garrison, so Qu Mao wandered all the way, and it was almost difficult to see any traces of people.

The soldiers of the guard army cleaned and cleaned up Prince Qingyi's palace overnight. Even though the pavement inside the palace was cleaned up, there was still a strong smell of blood inside the palace.

Even so, Qu Mao still didn't go to find an inn in the Qingyigong King's City, because the whole Qingyigong's King's City was like this. Except that your mansion is a little better, there is an indelible smell of blood everywhere.

The number of people who died on both sides in one day was close to 2 million. No matter how clean the soldiers in Yihou Territory were, the smell of blood still couldn't get rid of.

In the palace of Duke Qingyi, they wandered around all day, at 11 o'clock in the evening on June 2, the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao was still thinking about things in his room in the palace of Duke Qingyi, when suddenly the door of his room was knocked It rang.

Qu Mao opened the door and saw that an acquaintance appeared outside the door, that is, Liu Sansi, the hero Su Qiaoer sent to Wucheng to send the soldier's advanced certificate.

Liu Sansi bowed his hands and said: "My lord, my subordinate was appointed by the administrative department to go to the Qingyi Principality to serve as the garrison hero of the Qingyi Principality. I heard from the guard soldier on duty that the lights in your room have not been turned off, so my subordinate took the liberty to come over to disturb you." .”

Qu Mao nodded, let Liu Sansi into the room, asked Liu Sansi to sit down, and asked, "Liu Sansi, have you just arrived?"

Liu Sansi said: "Yes, my lord. Before the war, Lord Su Qiaoer sent a letter to his subordinates, saying that you are very concerned about the post-war governance of the Qingyi Principality.

The subordinates arrived at Qinggang of the Qingyi Principality on May 31. When the news of the capture of the Royal City reached Qinggang, the subordinates rushed here non-stop.

All the way in a hurry, the subordinates only brought 10 managers assigned by the administrative department, and 5,000 imperial guards assigned to the Royal Guard of the Green Wing Principality. "

Qu Mao said: "Have the royal guards of Prince Qingyi that you brought have been properly arranged?"

Liu Sansi said respectfully: "My lord, the 5,000 imperial guards of the Royal Guards of the Qingyi Duke have already handed over the defense with the garrison, and there are still 1,000 fifth-tier court guards of the Imperial Guards in the Royal Palace of the Qingyi Duke, who will accompany you. The subordinates believe that the defense handover will go smoothly.

It is estimated that when you get up tomorrow morning, Duke Qingyi's royal guard will be responsible for the guarding of the Qingyi Palace. "

Qu Mao smiled and said, "Liu Sansi, the King City of Qingyi Duke was completely slaughtered, not only to commemorate the more than 1.4 million soldiers who died on the battlefield of Qingyi Dukedom in the Yihou territory, but also to provide you with an opportunity to govern Qingyi Dukedom. Absolutely safe environment.

In order to form a safe ruling base in the Marquis of Jili, Napoleon, Gillette and Moner, we have to build towns by ourselves, and we have emptied the King City of Qingyi Duke for you. Also built 8 military towns for you, so you should have a very safe ruling base. "

Liu Sansi cupped his hands and bowed: "Thank you sir for being so considerate for my subordinates, my subordinates will not disgrace your life.

Now Lord Sir Mrak is leading 200,000 army soldiers to wipe out the rebels and mobs in the Principality of Green Wings. Lords Zhao Pan, Zhang Da and Sophie Trani are also planning to attack the three lands that the Principality of Green Wings has not captured yet. one-third of the territory.

Master Su Yan has brought 100,000 immigrants from the Holy Land and 200,000 immigrants from the Tassel Principality to Yigang, and is heading towards the King City of Qingyi Duke. It is expected to arrive in the evening of June 4th.

The subordinates also believe that the adults and the troops have laid a foundation for the subordinates to govern the Principality of Green Wings far beyond the Marquis of Ji Li, Marquis of Napoleon, Marquis of Gillette and Marquis of Monel. The subordinates believe that the Duke of Green Wings will be governed. good. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Su Yan is coming too?

Well, since you have that confidence, that's good.

I hope you can make the Green Wing Principality a benchmark for the independent territories we have occupied, so that other independent territories can refer to it in the future. "

Liu Sansi said respectfully: "Yes, my lord, your subordinates will not disgrace your life!"

Qu Mao smiled and said, "I believe you have the ability, come on!"

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