Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1075: Landscaping progress on the island

There is still a day or two before the Yihou Territory officially attacks the Red Leaf Principality. Qu Mao is not the same as in the past, and his mood is often not calm before the battle.

The current Qu Mao knows that two or three days later, he will launch a war of annihilation against a powerful aborigine principality in the Eastern Continent—the Red Leaf Principality, but he completely trusts his heroes and completely entrusts them to prepare for the battle. Qu Mao himself didn't even ask about all the details.

Now that the military heroes on the Eastern Continent are all busy, Qu Mao naturally can't do nothing. After arranging the affairs of Yi Island, he went to the four southern industrial islands, the holy land of Yihou Territory. Now that the Yihou Territory has been confirmed The key to development is cheating value, Qu Mao naturally needs to invest more energy in industry and technology.

Seeing Kong Ming's excited appearance after spending the bullet's concept drawing for him, Qu Mao reckoned that after a certain amount of time, Kong Ming would definitely give himself a surprise.

At that time, it is enough to directly harvest the cheating value. The large-scale production of industrial products in the four southern industrial islands is the basic disk for Qu Mao to obtain the cheating value.

Thinking of this, Qu Mao went straight to the four southern industrial islands, but in the southern industrial four islands, Qu Mao did not stay for too long as planned.

Before going to the four southern industrial islands, Qu Mao took the purple light trail in the underground world to go to Ji Island to find Xuande. After all, the war is about to start. Xuande arranged food and consumable strategic materials in advance, which is the biggest battle in the Holy Land of Yihou Territory. Prior preparations.

Knowing that Xuande had transported food and consumable strategic materials to the independent territory bordering the Red Leaf Principality in the Eastern Continent in advance for storage, and arranged for heavy guards to guard them, Qu Mao thought it was a very good arrangement.

What's more, Xuande told Qu Mao that even if the Principality of Red Leaf invested tens of millions of soldiers in the battlefield immediately, the supplies he transported there were enough for these tens of millions of soldiers to use for more than a month. Qu Mao was completely relieved.

For the itinerary of the four industrial islands in the South, the time spent in Qumao on Gan Island, Bo Island and Green Island was very short. Basically, after landing, they simply took a few glances and left.

On these three islands, with the increase in the number of factories and handicraft workshops, the concentration of residents is getting higher and higher. The cultivated land reclaimed on Green Island and Bo Island in the early days has already been abandoned on a large scale.

And around the factories or handicraft workshops, there are many five-story tube buildings. After Yihou Territory developed this kind of building by itself, it was only used in real military camps and schools in the early days. Now the factories on Gandao, Bodao and Green Island, This kind of tube building with higher capacity will be built as a dormitory for workers.

The arable land reclaimed by cutting down a large number of trees on these three islands in order to resettle the residents is now generally barren. Except for the dry island that has been deliberately preserved, the wild arable land on Green Island and Bo Island is really simply barren. There are tall trees and vegetation, and there are no fixed-point refreshing beasts.

Seeing this situation, Qu Mao felt very regretful in his heart. At the beginning, the vegetation on these islands was completely destroyed in order to resettle the residents. Now that the land is abandoned, even planting trees will take four to five years. Qu Mao didn't have much confidence in whether the fixed-point refresh point of wild beasts could be re-formed after afforestation.

After landing on Liandao, Qu Mao did not go to Liancheng, the central city of Liandao, but went straight to Lulin Town. The island is covered with green clothes and temporarily built a town, and the positioning of this town is very clear, that is, the base of the island's greening.

Before entering Greenwood Town, Qu Mao found that the hilltops around Greenwood Town were full of fresh greenery, which was the result of Greenwood Town's afforestation on Lian Island.

After a year of development, the ten-kilometer radius around Lulin Town has been filled with trees, but the trees are still young and haven't grown luxuriantly.

The Liandao Reservoir near Lulin Township has not dried up since it was filled with water during the rainy season from September to December in the fifth year of Tianxuan, so the ditch connecting the Liandao Reservoir is always in a state of water.

There is water in the reservoir and ditches, and even if the saplings planted by the residents of Lulin Town do not grow well, they will not die. Currently, they are generally one to two meters high.

Kong Ming also watched Franklin King transport tens of thousands of fish fry from the empty island into the Liandao Reservoir. These fry have lived in the Liandao Reservoir for nearly half a year. In fact, the ditches connected to the Liandao Reservoir Inside, some small fish can also be found occasionally.

However, the longest growing tree is one year, and the trunk is still small. Except for the slightly lush trees on the top of the mountain around Liandao Reservoir, Liandao is still in the process of greening.

Qu Mao recalled that when he planted trees at the beginning, the interval between trees was generally more than 10 meters, and the residents of Greenwood Town continued to increase the vegetation. Now, the density of trees around Greenwood Town is generally planted at intervals of two or three meters. tree.

It is estimated that it will take at least several years for the entire Lian Island to become a virgin forest like Dry Island, but Qu Mao is still very satisfied.

The only unsatisfactory thing is that the greening of Liandao is the man-made behavior of the residents of Greenwood Town, so the species of trees in the wild are very single, and many areas have the same tree within several square kilometers.

How to form a complete ecological chain through tree planting is beyond the scope of Qu Mao's cognition, so Qu Mao can only visit Liandao Greening in the company of experienced gardeners from Lvlin Town.

During the visit, Qu Mao said: "Look at that ditch, there is actually not much water flow, and not many fish fry that Franklin King put in the Liandao Reservoir swim here, but now there are a few water birds in it prey.

I think this should also be taken into account in the greening on Lian Island. Planting some trees that can provide food for birds and beasts will inevitably attract birds or beasts to live there. "

The escort of Greenwood Town said helplessly: "My lord, the 15 islands in the Holy Land are all isolated in the middle of the ocean. Yi Island is more than 300 kilometers away from the coastline of the Eastern Continent. Why do birds fly so far to look for food?

Since you made such a request, the subordinates can try to change the tree species, but they are really not sure about attracting birds and beasts. "

Qu Mao smiled and said: "As long as the trees are planted and there are no birds or beasts, we can arrange for Franklin King to capture cubs from other places and release them on Lian Island.

I believe that with the efforts of the residents of Greenwood Town, Liandao will become full of vitality sooner or later. "

The escort smiled and said, "My lord, this subordinate also sees it that way. This is also the goal and ideal of our Greenwood Town, and all the residents of Greenwood Town will fight for it."

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