At 9 o'clock in the morning on April 16th, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao walked out of the lord's hut after having breakfast in the lord's hut, and seemed to be wandering the streets of Yicheng with nothing to do.

The Yihou Territory's war of destroying the country against the Red Leaf Principality started at 6:30 in the morning. The Yihou Territory's tens of millions of troops took action one after another. They headed towards the border of the Red Leaf Principality in a mighty manner.

Although tens of millions of troops were not deployed immediately after the start of the war, at least 6 million troops were dispatched from the army and the magic army. The road has already broken through the border of the Red Leaf Principality. After all, it is impossible for the Red Leaf Principality to resist an army dominated by hundreds of thousands of Tier 4 fighters.

Instead of staying quietly in the lord's hut waiting for the latest battle report, Qu Mao wandered around in Yi City.

Even though a battle to eliminate a powerful aborigine principality started on the Eastern Continent, the streets of Yicheng were still lively and orderly. Obviously, the start of the war on the Eastern Continent did not affect the Holy Land of Yihou Territory.

In fact, since Yihou Territory completely defeated all the invasion fleets of the aborigines mobilized by the birdman system and the invasion fleet of God's Chosen player lord forces in the Holy Land, Qu Mao has not felt the war in Yihou Territory on the main continent. It has an impact on the Holy Land of Yihou Territory.

For the Holy Land of Yihou Territory, no matter how fiercely the troops fight on the Eastern Continent, the Holy Land is nothing more than a supply of food and consumable strategic materials. Go to the main continent.

After wandering alone in Yicheng for a while, Qu Mao unknowingly walked to the Nanlai Village of Yidao. After a moment, Qu Mao found that Yicheng seemed to be connected with Nanlai Village, and nothing happened to Yi. city ​​feel.

Originally, Qu Mao wanted to go to Ji Island through the purple light path in the underground world, but thinking about it, he went to Ji Island a few days ago to ask Xuande about the delivery of food and consumable strategic materials, and now it seems that it is a bit more frequent.

So Qu Mao turned his horse's head, and while walking towards the lord's cabin, he took out the magic communication crystal and applied for remote communication with Xuande.

After the magic communication crystal was connected, Xuande's voice came from the other end of the magic communication crystal: "My lord, are you looking for a subordinate?"

Qu Mao said dissatisfiedly: "Nonsense, why don't you call your magic communication crystal?

Don't talk nonsense, a few days ago, you have transported enough military rations and consumable strategic materials for tens of millions of troops for a month to the independent territory bordering the Red Leaf Principality and sent troops to protect it.

I hope you will start to take stock of the consumable strategic materials in stock now, and contact Jia Sixie and Franklin King to confirm the food. "

Xuande said: "My lord, the reserves of consumable strategic materials and the Holy Land of food reserves are very sufficient. This subordinate already knew very well when they transported food and consumable strategic materials before. Why did you suddenly ask this question?"

Qu Maodao: "I hope you hurry up and send another batch of food and consumable strategic materials to the Eastern Continent. It is best to send them to the battlefield of the Red Leaf Principality and hand them over to the fighting troops."

Xuande smiled wryly and said: "My lord, the battle has only started today, according to the practice that our troops must carry three days of military rations when going out for an expedition, the food and consumable strategic materials delivered a few days ago should not be used yet.

It's only been half a day since the start of the fight, why did you ask your subordinates to deliver food and expendable strategic materials to the battlefield of the Red Leaf Principality? Are you a little anxious? "

Qu Mao sighed, and said: "Xuande, I am also planning ahead. Once the guards are dispatched, there will be tens of millions of soldiers on the battlefield of the Red Leaf Principality, and after the Red Leaf Principality is taken, we will have nearly 2 billion more residents. .

I always feel that food and consumable strategic materials are prepared on the battlefield early, even if some key exceptions are encountered during combat, we have military rations and armaments in hand, and we will not be caught off guard.

What I am most afraid of is that the war progresses to a certain critical moment, and suddenly the Holy Land will be exhausted to deliver food and consumable strategic materials. It is not worth it if this happens.

And on April 18th, I will go to the regular fleet of the Principality of Fulu. I plan to increase the consumable strategic materials of 50 transport ships. We will give priority to our battlefield needs first, and then supply the Principality of Fulu, so that you will not need to swell your face fat man. "

Xuande was silent for a while, then said: "My lord, add 50 consumable strategic materials for transport ships, my subordinates think that even if we replenish the Red Leaf Principality battlefield in the past two days, we should be able to get them out.

However, has your friend the Chosen One, the King of the Principality of Fulu, made any major military actions recently?

Our Yihou Territory will supply the Principality of Fulu every three months. It used to be a supply of food. Now, my lord, you want us to supply the Principality of Fulu with consumable strategic materials. Every time the Principality of Fulu gives us feedback from the Principality of Yihou If things go on like this, the subordinates are not only worried that the Duke of Fulu will become a heavy burden on our Yihou territory, but also worried that the Duke of Fulu will eventually drag down our Yihou territory. "

Qu Mao smiled and said, "Xuande, I know what you mean. Fuzhi, the king of the Fulu Principality, didn't make any new demands on me.

It's just that I re-read the letter Fuzhi wrote to me last night, and I feel that Fuzhi wants to achieve the goal of unifying the Western Continent within 5 years, and we will definitely not be able to do it by supplementing some food every three months.

So I tried to supply him with some consumable strategic materials, so as to speed up the pace of the Principality of Fulu's attack on the aborigines in the Western Continent. Constant replenishment quantity.

Once the Principality of Fulu takes over the entire Western Continent, there will be an entire continent that we don’t need to consider when we conquer the main continent in the future. It can be regarded as an early scattered investment, and we can finally recycle the proceeds uniformly.

If we don't have enough consumable strategic materials, I suggest you build more military factories. What do you think? "

Xuande thought for a while, and said: "My lord, the subordinates are still a bit uncomfortable with the simple and unconditional supply to the Principality of Fulu. If it is really not possible, the Principality of Fulu can buy it with gold coins.

Since you have made a request, my lord, let me add it up again. The construction of the military factory will naturally be beneficial in the long run, but it will definitely accelerate the burden on our Yihou territory in the short term.

The subordinates turned around to discuss with Kong Ming and Meng De, and the supplies for the Red Leaf Principality will be delivered early tomorrow morning. "

Qu Mao said: "Okay, my request is very clear, if necessary, directly mention it."

Xuande said seriously: "Yes, my lord."

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