In the four southern industrial islands, Qu Mao did not only transfer for more than one day. Even on the afternoon of December 24, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao did not complete all the factories on the four southern industrial islands, but Qu Mao did. Had to return to Easy Island overnight.

Because December 25th in the sixth year of Tianxuan was the time for Su Yan to return to the lord's hut, Qu Mao had to go back to the lord's hut in advance to wait for Su Yan. Su Yan was the most important thing in the development of Yi Gong's territory.

At six o'clock in the morning on December 25th, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao got up early in the morning, but when Qu Mao walked into the restaurant on the first floor of the lord's cabin, he found that Su Yan and Su Qiaoer were already sitting in the restaurant on the first floor of the lord's cabin Smile and chat while eating breakfast.

Qu Mao leaned forward and asked in surprise: "Su Yan, didn't you just leave today? Why did you arrive so early?"

Su Yan said with a smile: "My lord, this subordinate came back today, but he didn't say whether he came back in the morning or at night.

The subordinates boarded the civilian passenger ship back to the Holy Land at Yancheng Port at 9 o'clock yesterday evening. After sailing all night, they arrived at the civilian wharf outside the fisherman's village at 5 o'clock this morning, and returned to the lord's cabin just in time for breakfast.

When the civilian ship is sailing at night, the subordinates just have a rest in the cabin for one night, and there is no need for extra rest after breakfast, so that the normal work will not be delayed. "

Qu Mao nodded, smiled, and ordered the maid in the lord's hut to serve him a breakfast, sat beside Su Yan, and said while eating: "Su Yan, in fact, you don't need to work so hard now.

You can directly arrange thousands of heroes, as well as non-hero officials in the Tassel Kingdom, why bother to push yourself so hard every time? "

Su Yan smiled and said: "My lord, the year-end summary meeting for the sixth year of Tianxuan is about to start. As the chief internal affairs officer of the Yigong territory and the first consul of an independent territory at the kingdom level, it is natural that I need to return to the Holy Land early for the meeting." Preparation work, how can there be any hard work or hard work?"

Qu Mao nodded and asked, "How is the development of internal affairs? Su Yan."

Su Yan said: "My lord, haven't you looked at the attribute panel of our territory for a long time?"

Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, then said: "Yes, it is true that I haven't watched it for some time.

What's wrong? A few days ago, I was patrolling the Eastern Peninsula Battlefield and the Kingdom Battlefield in the Eastern Continental Bay. After returning, I dealt with some military technology development matters. I really didn’t bother to take a good look at the property panel of our territory. "

Su Yan rolled her eyes and said, "My lord, the number of gold coins in our territory account has exceeded 600 million.

What is this indicating? Do we need to continue to ask about the development of internal affairs? "

Qu Mao was taken aback, almost dropped his chopsticks on the ground, and said, "Damn it! Why are there so many gold coins all of a sudden? I remember at the end of November I was still hesitating whether to add gold coins to the territory account? It was over in an instant 600 million gold coins, don’t you need to worry about half a year’s military expenses? Thanks to the fact that I was praising Meng De yesterday for knowing how to mobilize private capital to develop industries. If I had known that we had so many gold coins in our account, it would be better to open more factories owned by the territory ah."

Su Yan smiled and said: "My lord, Meng De's practice of mobilizing private capital to develop industries is worthy of encouragement, so that we have more funds to invest in industrial projects that have a great impact on the territory and have a very high investment.

The reason why the territory account broke through 600 million gold coins all of a sudden is that the independent territories that were persuaded to capitulate in June and July have begun to provide positive tax revenue for the Yigong territory account.

In addition, the tax contribution of the Red Leaf Principality has suddenly taken a qualitative leap, contributing a lot to the tax revenue of the entire Yi Gong territory.

In addition, it is now December, which belongs to the end of the sixth year of Tianxuan, and many annual or quarterly settlements in Yigong Territory are concentrated in December.

With so many factors, the number of gold coins in our account has exceeded more than 600 million gold coins, which is no longer incomprehensible.

Of course, in the second half of the year, the investment in infrastructure projects in the Eastern Continent will also be greatly reduced. After all, many infrastructure projects and water conservancy projects that started construction at the beginning of the year have already been completed. "

Qu Mao picked up a few mouthfuls of rice, and asked with a smile: "Su Yan, can it be understood that the economic crisis in our Yi Gong territory has been resolved?"

Su Yan pushed away the rice bowl in front of her and said, "My lord, of course you can understand that, not only the economic crisis has been completely resolved, but we can even say that we still have enough surplus.

Of course, the premise is that we will not concentrate on independent territories and other areas.

At present, military expenditure, salaries of all heroes and administrative personnel, normal education investment, industrial investment and scientific research investment require about 300 million gold coins a month.

Excluding some extra gold coins in December, our standard monthly income should be around 350 million gold coins, which means we will have a monthly surplus of 50 million gold coins.

Of course, we cannot continue to expand the number of high-level fighters, nor should we continue to expand the enrollment of college students and technical school students, and we should not make additional investment in scientific research and industry.

At present, the subsidy for students in various universities is 5 silver coins per student per month, and 3 silver coins for each student in technical schools per month. Teachers' subsidies are doubled, which is not included in the salary range , teachers in all schools are the same.

If we continue to expand the number of students in school, the consumption of subsidies will increase. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Yes, I understand.

Su Yan, no matter how hard it is to educate, I think the subsidy for students in universities can be increased to 8 silver coins per student per month, and the subsidy for students in vocational and technical schools can be increased to 5 silver coins per student per month .

With such a level of subsidy, I think the probability that Bi Sheng will be completely impoverished because of scientific research in the future will be much lower. "

Su Yan rolled her eyes at Qu Mao, and said, "My lord, even if you raise the subsidy to 10 gold coins a month, a student with a personality like Bi Sheng will still make himself poor."

Su Qiaoer hurriedly said: "Miss, there are gold coins just now, and your lord is so determined, you should do as you ordered. It just happened that this news was announced at the year-end summary meeting to boost the morale of the education system."

Qu Mao waved his hand and said, "Su Yan and Qiaoer have already agreed, let's not continue to entangle in this issue.

Let's subsidize according to this standard, starting from January of the seventh year of Tianxuan.

In addition, there must be a special budget for industrial development, as well as a budget for technology..."

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