At noon on December 25th, the sixth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao went to the restaurant on the first floor of the lord's cabin to have lunch again. However, Su Yan and Su Qiaoer had breakfast together, but the person who ate together at noon was replaced by someone who had just returned from the midway Twin Islands. Chafidel.

Qu Mao looked at Chafidel who was waiting for him sitting at the dining table in astonishment, and asked, "Chafidel, I heard that you left for Midway Twin Islands on December 16. According to my previous itinerary, you probably We can only reach Midway Twin Islands today.

Why did you go back to the lord's hut in the blink of an eye? You also specially use the magic communication crystal to notify me that I will have lunch at the restaurant on the first floor of the lord's cabin at noon? "

Chafidel smiled and said: "My lord, you are marching with 2,000 fifth-tier palace guards, and your subordinates are traveling with three horses.

The subordinates did not stop on horseback all the way, ran all the way to Wucheng Port, and then boarded a navy warship to the Midway Twin Islands. In fact, on the 20th, the day the battle in the Kingdom Battlefield ended, the subordinates had already arrived at the Midway Twin Islands.

Originally, I just wanted to come back after looking around casually, but on the way, the subordinates of the Firearms Army on the Big Island of Twin Islands thought that the training was not bad, so they lingered for a few more days.

Although the firearms army on Twin Islands on the way is still small in number, the officers of the commanding army have trained these soldiers well.

On the way, the firearms university and firearms research institute on the small island of Gemini Island, the subordinates also went to see it. Whether it is the latest firearms research results or the firearms professionals trained, the subordinates are full of praise.

The subordinates asked Li Xiang to arrange the construction tasks of the Firearms Military Hospital before coming back for the year-end summary meeting. It happened that the subordinates met Master Xuande at the Firearms Research Institute.

After communicating with Master Xuande, the subordinates know that the current production capacity of the two new military industrial parks is 5,000 new-style firearms a month, and the production capacity of new-style artillery is 1,000 pieces a month.

Although the current new artillery is mainly produced for naval warships, the subordinates believe that the production capacity of the new artillery can averagely 200 pieces a month for the firearms army is not a big problem.

Considering the current production capacity of the new military industry, the subordinates believe that starting from January of the seventh year of Tianxuan, the formation of the Firearms Army needs to be accelerated.

The subordinates believe that 5,000 new guns can equip 5,000 soldiers of the Firearms Army, and 200 new artillery can equip 2,000 soldiers of the Firearms Army.

Because the current configuration of our artillery team is 10 people equipped with 1 artillery, plus explosives and landmines as a specialized unit of demolition soldiers, so the subordinates believe that starting from January of the seventh year of Tianxuan, the expansion speed of the firearms army should be one month. 10,000 new soldiers of the Firearms Army.

This deployment rhythm can only last until June of the seventh year of Tianxuan, when the total number of our Firearms Army will be close to 100,000.

In the second half of the year, we will re-plan the speed of deployment of the Firearms Army according to the production capacity of the two new military industrial parks. At the end of the seven years of Tianxuan, the number of soldiers in the Firearms Army can exceed 200,000. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "From January 1st, 7th year of Tianxuan, you will be the commander-in-chief of the Firearms Army. These things are what you should do."

Chafidel said: "My lord, the total size of the Firearms Army has reached 200,000, and my subordinates think that it can be put into actual combat to verify the operations of the Firearms Army."

Qu Mao said: "You arrange this yourself. After the year-end summary meeting is over, before you officially go to Midway Twin Islands to take up the post, you can systematically report to me your specific plan.

The actual combat test, I think the Firearms Army has already started, and it doesn’t have to wait until the number of Firearms Army soldiers reaches 200,000. Now on the Eastern Peninsula battlefield in the Eastern Gulf, there are already 500 Musketeers participating in actual combat. "

Chafidel said disdainfully: "My lord, I have heard about this matter, but I don't think that the 500 Musketeers are conducting actual combat tests.

After all, they were still using the oldest flintlock guns, and the bullets they used were still paper-wrapped. The range of the flintlock guns could not even reach 300 meters, so it was nothing like actual combat.

His subordinates have already entrusted Xinping to send a letter to Mr. Zhao Pan, asking him to transfer the 500 Musketeers who were observed by the Firearms Army on the battlefield in the eastern peninsula of the Eastern Continental Bay back to Midway Twin Islands.

After the year-end summary meeting is held, the subordinates will have a face-to-face chat with Mr. Zhao Pan. At that time, there is a high probability that a new musketeer team of 5,000 people will be re-appointed to the Eastern Peninsula battlefield to provide fire support for the army to attack the city. "

Qu Mao said with a smile: "Zafidel, this matter still requires you to communicate with Zhao Pan, and I will not interfere casually.

Let me tell you by the way: Xuande's logistics department has found two interns from Zhidao New Technology Research University, named Nanli and Mu Degui. They are researching the army's paraglider technology. Once successful, the army can fly in the sky Shoot with new guns.

Of course, I also contacted two interns from the Outlying Island Power Research Institute and asked them to join forces to see if they could tinker with an army tank.

Whether it is a paraglider or an army tank, I plan to give priority to the firearms army, and must replace the status of the Zhao Pan Cavalry Corps. "

Chafidel's eyes lit up, and he said, "Haha, once the army chariot comes out and can replace the cavalry, how disappointed should Zhao Pan be?

However, the army chariot also has to be pulled by horses, I am afraid it is not as good as the cavalry corps..."

Qu Mao waved his hand and said, "Since we are entrusting two interns from the Outlying Island Power Research Institute to work on a new infantry fighting vehicle project, we will naturally not use livestock to pull the power, and must use steam power.

So Zhao Pan's cavalry regiment will definitely be suppressed. Just imagine, an infantry chariot is as mobile as a light cavalry, but 10 Musketeers with live ammunition on a chariot can attack enemies within 1 kilometer in minutes. Is the enemy's effective strikes comparable to the cavalry corps? "

Chafidel said with a smile: "My lord, the subordinate really needs to know more about it in advance."

Qu Mao smiled and said: "You are about to take over the Firearms Army, knowing in advance is definitely only good and not bad.

Of course, in the follow-up, I will also provide them with a concept map to explain the basic configuration and theory of the infantry fighting vehicle, so that they can realize it.

Chafidel, after you become the commander-in-chief of the Firearms Army, you will not only quickly expand the number of soldiers in the Firearms Army, but also pay attention to the equipment update of the Firearms Army. "

Chafidel smiled and said, "My lord, since the Firearms Army is so important, why don't you assign some heroes to your subordinates."

Qu Mao glared at Chafidel, and said, "Sorry, I don't have a single hero here, you can find a solution with Zhao Pan, Zhang Da or even Su Yan..."

Chafidel pushed the plate in front of him, stood up and said, "Then don't trouble your lord, my subordinate won't accompany you to eat, and my subordinate will go to Master Su Yan."

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