Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 1222 Firearms Army New Military System

On the afternoon of August 2nd, the Seventh Year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Zhaifeidel inspected the firearms army of nearly 90,000 people. In addition to the fact that the inspection queue had already been divided, Qu Mao also asked Zhaifidel to select some soldiers of the artillery team and some Musketeer soldiers conducted a live ammunition shooting drill.

After inspecting the Firearms Army, Qu Mao changed his original plan to leave Midway Twin Islands that evening, but sat with Chafidel in a private room in the Firearms Army cafeteria, and continued to communicate about the Firearms Army while having dinner .

Chafidel said while eating: "My lord, other routine development and construction matters of the Firearms Army are easy to talk about, and my subordinates are naturally responsible for it, but there is a small matter that I am afraid needs to be reported to you by my lord. You can only proceed after you make your own decision..."

Qu Mao stopped his chopsticks, glanced at Zafidel, and asked, "What's the matter? Tell me!"

Chafidel smiled and said: "My lord, it is the military system of the Firearms Army. You also know that the Firearms Army has no rank, so the Firearms Army follows the military system of other armies, and the subordinates think it is not appropriate. Soldiers all have grades, but our Firearms Army has no grades.

This subordinate has nothing to do, and has read the book "Description of the Application of Science and Technology in Another World" edited by you and Liu Qianhui, and has also exchanged with Liu Qianhui on the military arrangement of the different world, so this subordinate wants to adopt new methods in the Firearms Army. The military system is not the establishment of squads, squadrons, brigades and battalions like other armies.

The military establishment of the different world has greatly inspired the subordinates. "

Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, and when he heard Zhaifidel talk about the military establishment in another world, he immediately became interested and asked, "Oh, Zhaifidel, you still have this passion, so let's talk about it in detail."

Zai Feidel laughed and said: "My lord, after all, there is no such thing as a rank in the Firearms Army soldiers, and the army of another world described by Master Liu Qianhui also has no ranks, only the ranks raised by accumulating military achievements, and my subordinates also want to introduce ranks into the Firearms Army and military establishment.

Let’s talk about the military ranks first. The subordinates also want to introduce the military ranks of soldiers, soldiers, lieutenants, colonels, generals, and commanders in the firearms army. Soldiers are divided into three levels: recruits, veterans, and privates. Soldiers are divided into three levels: corporal, sergeant, and sergeant. Lieutenant is divided into three levels: second lieutenant, lieutenant, and captain; school is divided into three levels: major, lieutenant colonel, and colonel; There is a total of six grades and eighteen ranks in the military rank system. "

Qu Mao nodded and said: "The introduction of the military rank system is not a big problem. Other armies can even refer to it, but there must be corresponding military merit upgrade regulations. This is not a big problem."

Chafidel continued: "The other thing is the military establishment, my lord.

Master Liu Qianhui said that the military organization of the different world consists of nine military organizations: squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division, army, and group army..."

Qu Mao added: "Sometimes, the concept of a war zone will be set up on the basis of the group army, but generally it is rarely used."

Chafidel nodded, took out a pen and paper, and took notes on the dining table, and then said: "Considering that our artillery team requires at least 10 soldiers to control a cannon, so I want to combine the Military organization, set up a new military system for our Firearms Army."

Qu Mao smiled wryly: "The military establishment in another world, the numbers are very difficult to remember."

Chafidel said: "So my subordinates want to implement a squad of 10 fighters in the firearms army, mainly because of the characteristics of the artillery team.

Each squad has one squad leader and one deputy squad leader; three squads form a platoon, which is equivalent to 30 soldiers, plus the platoon leader and deputy platoon leader, a total of 33 people, or three platoon leaders can act as three soldiers. The squad leader of a squad ensures that the number of fighters in a platoon is 30, rounded up to an integer.

Three platoons form a company. Since it is a company, a company headquarters, a cooking squad, and a security squad must be added. A company planned by subordinates is equivalent to four platoons, and the company is full of 120 people.

Three companies form a battalion. Counting the battalion headquarters, cooking squad and guard platoon, the full establishment is set at 500 people, which is equivalent to the strength of 4 companies and a little more.

Three battalions form a regiment, and the regiment began to set up field hospitals, which is equivalent to having specialized auxiliary arms. Counting the regiment headquarters, cooking squad, guard company, and auxiliary arms, the full number of a regiment is determined to be 2,000 people, which is equivalent to 4 a battalion.

Three regiments form a brigade, and a brigade is full of 8,000 people, which is equivalent to 4 regiments.

Three brigades form a division, and a division has a total number of 25,000 people; three divisions form an army, and an army has a total number of 80,000 people. The three armies form a group army, including logistics, auxiliary, and civilian staff. Personnel, a group army is full of 250,000 people.

Because the larger the military establishment, the allocation of logistics, auxiliary, and civilian personnel can be used at the same time. Therefore, 250,000 people form a group army, and the subordinates think it is still feasible. "

Qu Mao thought for a while, then said: "Well, I don't think there is a big problem with this arrangement of the military system. You can try it. If it works, other armies can also adopt this military system.

Although I don't know the specific organization of squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions, corps, and group armies in another world, I know that a class should have 7-8 people in a class, and a division should have 8,000 to 8000 people. 12,000 people, as for the military level, I am afraid that the highest will not exceed 50,000 people.

But after all, we are fighting for hegemony on the mainland, not in a different world, so you can completely explore by yourself, as long as you can achieve effective command, strong combat, and order and prohibition, I think it is appropriate.

As for the logistics, auxiliary and civilian staff, as far as I know, they should seldom come to the front line in person, you just need to see the arrangements yourself. "

Chafidel nodded and said: "My lord, the implementation of such a new military system means that we will lack a large number of middle and low-level officers.

If your lord allows, this subordinate would like to build the firearms army into two armies before the end of the seven years of Tianxuan, a gun army and an artillery army. They will not be named specifically, but they will be numbered with numbers starting from the army level. "

Qu Mao said: "You can do whatever you want, I don't have any opinions, you can slowly figure it out by yourself.

Tonight I will rest at the headquarters of the Firearms Army, and I will return to the Holy Land early tomorrow morning, and I may have to go to the main continent of the Eastern Continent later..."

Chafidel nodded, and said: "It's still about the grassroots officers just mentioned. Please allow me to build a firearms army officer university on the big island of Twin Islands, which is specially used to train middle and grassroots officers of the firearms army."

Qu Mao said: "This is very necessary, you can go directly to Kong Ming and Kong Fu to apply for funding and resources."

Chafidel was overjoyed and said, "Thank you for your support!"

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

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