On the morning of August 3rd, the seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Zhaifeidel continued to have breakfast in the headquarters of the Firearms Army, continuing the topic they hadn't finished talking about last night. Qu Mao was very supportive of Zhaifidel's initiative to seek change.

After breakfast, Qu Mao boarded a warship of the Yi Gong Territory Navy at the military pier on the big island of Twin Islands. Instead of going directly to the main mainland in the west of the East Continent Bay, he sailed in the direction of Yi Island. Before going to the main continent of the Eastern Continent, Qu Mao felt that he had to go back to the lord's hut to make some arrangements.

At about 7:00 p.m. on August 3, the seventh year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao landed on the civilian pier outside Yidao Fisherman's Village, and then went straight back to the lord's hut.

After a simple dinner in the restaurant on the first floor of the lord's cabin, Qu Mao came to the meeting room on the third floor of the lord's cabin.

In the meeting room, Kong Ming, Xuande, Xinping, and Su Qiaoer were waiting for Qu Mao in the meeting room. Seeing Qu Mao coming in, Su Qiaoer hurriedly said: "My lord, you have just returned from the West Continent, and you have been patrolling non-stop. Is it too hard to leave the islands of the Holy Land now?"

Qu Mao glanced at Su Qiaoer, and said: "Qiaoer, I have been back for a while, almost a month, and although I have been patrolling the islands of the Holy Land during this period, I am still resting.

After visiting all the 15 islands in the Holy Land, the Reef Chain Naval Military Base, and the Midway Twin Islands, it is natural to go to the Eastern Continent to see the situation in each independent territory.

At present, various developments in the Holy Land are proceeding in an orderly manner. Although the speed has not met my expectations, at least we are slowly moving in the right direction.

As Kong Ming and Xuande said: Our technological and industrial development still needs to accumulate a lot of experience, skills, and a large number of practitioners. No matter what aspect, we are not very well prepared now, and we can only give time to let us slow down. Slowly accumulate more burst capital.

Next, I need to go around the main continent in the west of the East Continental Bay, and focus on seeing the status, loyalty and loyalty of the residents in the independent territories under the rule of our Yigong territory after one or two years of peace.

Of course, I will also go to the borders of the Kingdom of Dali, the border of the Mughal Empire, and even the border of the Principality of Pengda to see if we have the conditions to launch a lightning war against the Kingdom of Dali at this point in time.

It is estimated that after the deployment of 8 million army soldiers in the Yigong Territory to the main continent in the west of the East Continent Bay, the issue of whether to launch a lightning war against the Dali Kingdom will be discussed in our military meeting. "

Xuande said with a smile: "My lord, whether to use troops against the Dali Kingdom, the subordinates think that this matter does not need to be discussed, it is an inevitable matter.

The subordinates think that at that time, my lord, you will convene a military meeting, at most to discuss how to use troops against the Kingdom of Dali, and how to prepare for the reaction of the Mughal Empire and the Principality of Pengda. "

Su Qiaoer nodded and said: "My lord, you are going to inspect the independent territory of the Eastern Continent soon, and I would like to ask you: Is our Holy Land still recruiting 1 million residents every month?

Now that the main continent of the Eastern Continent is becoming more and more peaceful, the need for the population of the Holy Land to relocate is not so urgent. If we still recruit 1 million self-owned residents every month, it means that our Yigong Territory will soon exceed the population limit of 15 million... ..."

Qu Mao was stunned for a moment, and said, "Is that an exaggeration?

A few days ago, Su Yan and I were still discussing: to relocate 10 million residents to the eastern peninsula of the East Continent Bay, have all the 10 planned towns on the peninsula been built? Has the population already migrated? "

Su Qiaoer said: "My lord, it was mid-February that you and Miss discussed the construction of 10 towns on the peninsula, and it is now the first ten days of August, and it has been half a year. With the executive power of the administrative field of our Yigong territory , your task has long been completed.

Besides, when 10 million people migrated to the peninsula, at most 3 million residents moved out of the Holy Land, and more residents migrated from the Tassel Empire and the independent territories captured earlier. The total population of the Holy Land has reached about 12 million. The upper limit of 15 million people can be reached within a month. "

Qu Mao thought for a while and said, "Nowadays, the Reef Chain Naval Military Base and Midway Twin Islands in the Holy Land are basically under military control, with limited capacity for residents. Zhong Island and Lian Island are also semi-military islands, and the capacity for residents is extremely limited. .

How about this, Qiaoer, I still provide the Resident Recruitment Voucher to the Administration Department, but you have to stick to the 15 million population limit of the Holy Land to determine the use of the Resident Recruitment Voucher, and you cannot reduce the living comfort of the Holy Land residents because of the population recruitment.

I think that no matter how long the independent territories have ruled, they must continue to use the population of the Holy Land to replace outstanding, skilled, and specialized talents from the independent territories back to the Holy Land. "

Su Qiaoer said: "Yes, my lord.

The population replacement strategy you mentioned has been implemented in our internal affairs and administrative systems. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "That's fine, let's stop talking nonsense.

The reason why I called the four of you back for a meeting at such a late hour is mainly because I plan to go to the main continent in the west of the East Continent Bay for inspection starting tomorrow. I am not sure about the duration of this inspection. If you explain it, I won't talk nonsense to you anymore.

After I left, the Holy Land was still dominated by Kong Ming’s opinions. Kong Ming was in charge of the overall situation as well as industrial and technological development; Xuande was in charge of military logistics support, and also supervised military technological innovation; Summarize and analyze, and keep in touch with me; Qiaoer is responsible for internal affairs and administration, as well as people's livelihood and economic development. Both Nandi Chamber of Commerce and Beidao Chamber of Commerce need to report specific work to Qiaoer. "

It is not the first time that Qu Mao has left the Holy Land of Yigong Territory for a long time, so the core heroes are very clear about their respective division of labor. Qu Mao emphasized again at the meeting that the four heroes have expressed to Qu Mao that they will fulfill their duties and ensure that Qu Mao After leaving, the development of the Holy Land went on as usual.

As for the several items that Qu Mao paid extra attention to in terms of technology, Qu Mao did not bring up the extra points this time for the first time, and Kong Ming waved his goose feather fan and never mentioned it.

In terms of intelligence, Qu Mao reminded Xinping to pay attention to the development situation on the peninsula battlefield, as well as the recent reactions of the Kingdom of Dali, the Mughal Empire, and the Principality of Pengda.

There is nothing to say about the administration. Su Yan and Su Qiaoer are very independent, and it is nothing more than a matter of continuing to improve the loyalty and centripetal force of the residents.

Before leaving, Qu Mao discussed with the four heroes until 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, and then returned to his room to rest.

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