On April 28th, the tenth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao returned to the third-order courtyard on the outskirts of Liandao Liancheng, the sacred land of King Yi, and only rested for one night. From the second day on, Qu Mao fell into overwhelmed process improvement and product innovation guidance at work.

After a few days, Kong Ming, Xuande, Mengde, and Zhongmou had to publish signed articles on Yidao Weekly, advising all industrial technicians in the Holy Land to study carefully what Kong Ming wrote in the preface of the first Shacheng Industrial Development Forum. Qu Mao’s time application rules mentioned above require non-disruptive innovation technical issues, so don’t bother Qu Mao lightly.

Even though several bigwigs spoke for Qu Mao on the "Island of Change Weekly", Qu Mao's working state day and night continued intermittently until June 30, the tenth year of Tianxuan, before he relaxed a little. tone.

After all, half of the ten years of Tianxuan, Mo Yang happened to go back to the Holy Land once, and stayed with Qu Mao for three nights in a third-tier courtyard on the outskirts of Liandao Liancheng. Seeing that Qu Mao was too busy to move his feet, then He took the initiative to return to the eastern battlefield in the northern part of the Eastern Continent, and continued to preside over the battle for the succession of the Mughal Empire.

Originally, Mo Yangqiao planned to live in the Holy Land for half a month on this vacation.

The reason why Mo Yangqiao was able to return to the Holy Land for vacation when the battle for the succession of the Mughal Empire was in full swing was mainly because the Eastern Front had entered a relatively stable period.

The forces that supported Mo Yangqiao's succession to the throne, the forces that supported Mo Yangyan's succession to the throne, and the forces that continued to support the terminally ill old emperor divided the territory of the entire Mughal Empire into three parts, and their strengths were almost the same.

As for the invading troops of the Principality of Pengda, they were still trapped on the border between the Mughal Empire and the Principality of Pengda by Hua Tilan's 2 million high-ranking soldiers. Although the long-term fierce battle caused Hua Tielan's 2 million high-level army soldiers to lose a lot, Zhao Pan made up for Hua Tielan's high-level army soldiers to about 2 million again at the end of April in the tenth year of Tianxuan.

Although Hua Tielan's delay in the Pengda Principality's invading troops has far exceeded Silta Delta's requirements for Hua Tielan, Hua Tielan has no intention of relaxing the border defense at all. After all, in Hua Tielan's mind, The Mughal Empire is now an independent territory of King Yi's territory.

Even in the battle of succession, there was no sign that Mo Yangqiao would definitely win, but it did not affect Hua Tielan and Hua Tielan's troops firmly believed that the Mughal Empire was an independent territory of King Yi's territory.

Since it is its own independent territory, Hua Tielan will naturally not allow any invading troops to ignite the flames of war on its own independent territory. This is an insult to all the troops in King Yi's territory.

Therefore, Hua Tielan fought very firmly on the border between the Mughal Empire and the Principality of Pengda. In her own independent territory, she would never allow any invading forces to start a war, destroy the infrastructure in her independent territory, and kill her own people. Inhabitants of independent territories.

Of course, the Principality of Pengda is also facing the dilemma of the invading troops dispatched to the Mughal Empire, because in the northwest region of the Principality of Pengda, the firearms army led by Chafidel drove straight in and fought rapidly. The territory of the aborigines who started to attack was exactly the same as undefended for Chafidel's firearms army.

Chafidel led the firearms army, almost fighting wherever he wanted, and he would definitely win if he fought, if it wasn't for the cooperation of Hua Tielan in effectively killing the invading troops of the Principality of Pengda on the border between the Mughal Empire and the Principality of Pengda Chafidel wanted to lead the soldiers of the firearms army to conquer all the territory of the aboriginal forces that the Principality of Pengda had conquered.

It took four or five years for the Principality of Pengda to gradually attack the territories occupied by the aboriginal forces. Chafidel of the Firearms Army actually wrote a private letter to Qu Mao himself, telling Qu Mao that it would take at least a year for the Firearms Army to capture them all. come over.

Of course, the Firearms Army has already deployed a full 1.25 million combat troops on the western front in the northern part of the mainland, because in June of the tenth year of Tianxuan, Chafidel once again deployed a reorganized army group from Twin Islands midway to the western front battlefield.

There are 1.25 million Firearms Army soldiers with sharp firearms. Qu Mao himself feels a little shuddering when he thinks about it. In the northwest region outside the territory of the Principality of Pengda, it would be difficult for the 1.25 million to meet an opponent who could withstand the Firearms Army troops.

Li Pengda, the lord of the Principality of Pengda, also called Qu Mao in plain language on the lord communication channel many times, and directly asked for help from the God of Choice Alliance in the Central Mainland in plain language, but Qu Mao rarely watched the lord communication channel, even if he watched the lord communication channel , mainly to obtain news about Liu Qianhui.

God's Choice sent reinforcements from the Central Continent to the Eastern Continent three times to participate in the war, but each time they were beaten by the sharp naval fleet led by Sylvia Ocean and fled in a panic, unable to even land on the Eastern Continent.

In the waters between the Central Continent and the Eastern Continent, Sylvia Ocean has deployed 5,000 warships of various types that have been refitted with rear-loading artillery, and has occupied three not-too-small sea islands. The supply bases and transfer stations on these islands are also equipped with artillery emplacements.

In fact, Qu Mao didn't pay much attention to the eastern and western battlefields in the northern part of the mainland. After all, Qu Mao himself was too busy in the United Islands.

However, seeing the success of the battle on the battlefield and the fruitful development of various fields in the holy land of King Yi's territory, Qu Mao was in a pretty good mood.

Agriculture is basically invisible to Qu Mao, because Jia Sixie and Franklin Jin transferred all the most important food production in King Yi's territory into the folding space left by Lian Island and Sky Island, and planted them in the form of farms. And production.

As for the 15 islands in the Holy Land, in addition to still retaining a few residents' own cultivated land, most of them are advocating the conversion of farmland to forests and urbanization.

A large number of buildings are built in lush trees, and a large number of four-story tube buildings that can accommodate more residents are built on various islands in the Holy Land of King Yi, but four floors is a limit. On the 15 islands of the Holy Land, the tallest civil building That is, the seven-story building in Liandao Green City. Now it seems that there are nurseries on every floor.

Since the end of February in the tenth year of Tianxuan, the city lord of Green City, Xuande and Kong Ming have each led a research and development team to study the cement Qu Mao said.

Once the cement manufacturing method is researched, Qu Mao believes that seven-storey reinforced concrete buildings will spring up like mushrooms in the holy land of King Yi's territory.

So Qu Mao decided to inspect the fruitful Holy Land of King Yi again starting from July 1st of the tenth year of Tianxuan, because Qu Mao went to the Reef Chain Naval Military Base once and found that he had successfully planted trees.

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