From the morning of July 1, the tenth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao began to patrol the Holy Land of King Yi again. Unlike the one that started on March 10, this time Qu Mao visited the Holy Land in a happier mood, because It was on the premise of seeing the fruitful development of various fields in the holy land of King Yi's territory that Qu Maocai came up with the idea of ​​this inspection.

Sure enough, Qu Mao was in a better mood after the inspection all the way. After the Yi Wang Territory went to Shacheng to hold the first industrial development forum in April of the tenth year of Tianxuan, the development of various fields was like riding a rocket-flying into the sky.

On the afternoon of July 5, the tenth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao finally landed on the pier of the small island of Midway Twin Islands. Didn't forget to check it out.

After landing on the small island of Twin Islands, Qu Mao went straight to the office of the director of the Firearms Research Institute. Kong Ming had already resigned from the positions of the director of the Firearms Research Institute and the director of the Outlying Island Power Research Institute. Long finally succeeded in becoming a regular.

After knocking on the door of the office of the director of the Firearms Research Institute, the director of the Firearms Research Institute was surprised by Qu Mao's arrival, and quickly invited Qu Mao into the office to sit down.

Qu Mao asked straight to the point: "Director, from the midway Shuangzi Island firearms application seminar on March 5 to the present, is there any new research by the Firearms Research Institute, Firearms University, Firearms Army University, and Firearms Army Equipment Department? Results?"

The director of the Firearms Research Institute blushed, shook his head, and said, "My lord, after the seminar, there are quite a few newly established project teams, but there are not many project teams that have achieved important phased results.

At present, the main achievements made so far are still in the improvement of existing firearms. "

Qu Mao sighed helplessly, shook his head and said, "Director, this is not acceptable.

It has been exactly 4 months now, and we have not made any new achievements in the field of firearms and weapons. This result really surprised me.

Of course, I believe that firearms researchers are not idle, and must be working hard to develop. As long as everyone is working hard, it doesn't matter if there are no substantial results in the short term. I firmly believe that as long as everyone is moving forward, new achievements will naturally appear in the future. "

The director of the Firearms Research Institute pondered over and over again, and finally plucked up the courage to say: "My lord, there are several project teams established based on the submachine guns and machine guns you described. Everyone is very interested in the continuous firing of firearms and weapons, and they believe that once the development is successful It will greatly enhance the combat power of our firearms army, but these project teams have not made any progress based on the current basis. It seems that there are some problems in the direction of everyone.

There is also a research project team that is considering improving the continuous firing device of the existing rear-loading flintlock gun and the continuous firing device of the existing artillery, but the problem is also that they don't know where to start..."

While listening to the director of the firearms research institute, Qu Mao recalled the knowledge about firearms that Qu Mao did not know much about in another world.

After the director of the Firearms Research Institute rambled on for a long time, Qu Mao said: "Okay, director, you call the key R\u0026D personnel of these related R\u0026D project teams to the conference room for a meeting, I have something to share with you." They share it, and I don’t know if it will help them.”

Hearing what Qu Mao said, the director of the Firearms Research Institute was instantly overjoyed. He booked the meeting room in less than ten minutes and called corresponding personnel to enter the meeting room.

Qu Mao walked into the meeting room and saw nearly 30 people gathered in the meeting room, so he knew that the director of the Firearms Research Institute had expanded the scope of the meeting, but Qu Mao didn't mind, nodded and said: "I still can only Let me share with you what I saw in another world, whether it will help you or not depends on your comprehension ability."

Then Qu Mao took out a large piece of paper and asked the director of the Firearms Research Institute to hang it in front of the meeting room, and began to draw and explain on the large paper.

In fact, Qu Mao’s paintings are just magazines in another world. Qu Mao doesn’t understand the principle of continuous firing of firearms in another world, but he thinks it should have something to do with the automatic reloading of magazines.

"Everyone, this is the reloading device for firearms in another world. Of course, it is only one form at present. In fact, there are many kinds of reloading devices for firearms in another world. I will explain them one by one later.

Although we are still using paper-wrapped ammunition in Yi Wang's territory, I think it should not be a big problem to load the paper-wrapped shell into this kind of magazine...

You see, this is a long device with a certain curvature. The bullets are pressed into the magazine one by one. There is a spring at the bottom of the magazine. The cartridge case is ejected, and the unfired bullets in the magazine will be automatically ejected into the barrel.

In terms of the design of the barrel, a hole will be opened below the loading position, and a spring will be set to clamp the entire clip. Press the buckle and the clip will automatically fall off...

If this device is designed, it can greatly shorten the speed at which soldiers change bombs on the battlefield, thereby enhancing the combat strength of our Firearms Army soldiers...

Moreover, the combo, continuous firing, and high rate of fire you pursue are all the foundations, not only guns can be used with magazines, artillery can also be used with magazines..."

Qu Mao talked for more than an hour, and Qu Mao drew more than a dozen sheets of paper alone. Nearly 30 researchers from the Firearms Research Institute listened with joy.

Of course, Qu Mao himself has little knowledge, so the schematic diagrams are very abstract. The problem is that no one has heard of this kind of thing, so what Qu Mao said is like a treasure to them.

After Qu Mao finished sharing, nearly 30 researchers from the Firearms Research Institute were still unwilling to leave, and surrounded Qu Mao one by one, asking questions.

A researcher asked: "My lord, are you allowed to give lectures at Huowu University and Huowu Army University for the drawings you mentioned? If my subordinates use your diagrams, my lord, the students listening to the lectures will definitely increase their interest."

Qu Mao smiled and said: "What I'm sharing with you is just the research direction, without specific technical elements in it. I naturally wish for you to spread the influence of these research directions.

Study hard, as long as you persevere in your efforts, I believe that you will be able to obtain research results as soon as possible. "

The technicians of the Firearms Research Institute unanimously expressed their full gratitude to Qu Mao, and strongly asked Qu Mao to live in the Firearms Research Institute for a period of time, just like supporting industrial improvement in Bodao or Liandao.

Qu Mao was noncommittal, but Qu Mao felt that it was necessary not to dampen everyone's enthusiasm for research and development.

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