On the afternoon of June 28th in the third year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Liu Qianhui, the lord of Qianhui Town, negotiated before the battle, and broke up unhappy.

However, this is also the second time that Qu Mao has had face-to-face communication with people from the previous world since he came to this world. The last time was when Fu Zhi and Lai Dima came to Qu Mao’s Yi Island to chat with each other when the bird man cheated. for 12 hours.

It was the first time that Liu Qianhui communicated with other players in a serious manner under Qu Maofei's cheating situation. Unfortunately, the communication did not produce any results, and the two broke up unhappy.

After returning to Fushui Village, Qu Maoyuan thought that the third batch of invasion fleet landing troops of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance would launch a counterattack with hatred that night and make a desperate struggle, but nothing happened.

On June 29th of the third year of Tianxuan, Xuande rushed into Qu Mao's bedroom as soon as Qu Mao woke up, shouting repeatedly: "My lord, Jenny Walter and Tielan Hua Tielan have returned to Beigang of Jidao."

Qu Mao said, "So fast?"

Xuande rolled his eyes and said, "My lord, you were the one who asked Jenny Walter to return before the end of the battle with the third batch of invasion fleet landing troops of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance.

At the time of departure, it was already agreed that the battle would end at the end of June, and tomorrow would be June 30th. Jenny Walter’s return today is not too soon, right? "

Qu Mao rubbed his head and said, "Very well, let Zhao Pan continue to strictly control the range of activities of the remaining enemy forces here.

You and Kong Ming go back to Ji Village with me, and let Jenny and the others go to Ji Village to rest. "

The stone roads between the villages south of the Jihai Emergency Line have not yet been repaired, but in the north of the Jihai Emergency Line for the convenience of transporting troops, the stone roads have been connected to every village.

So when Qu Mao, Kong Ming, and Xuande returned to Ji Village on horseback under the escort of the fourth team of fifth-rank court guards, Jenny Walter and the others had already been waiting in Ji Village for a long time even if they were walking.

Jenny Walter and Hua Tielan had long been waiting in the living room of the five-story building in Ji Village, while the accompanying senior soldiers entered the Ji Village barracks to rest.

When Qu Mao led the three heroes into the fifth-floor building, Jenny Walter greeted her and said, "My lord, it's a good luck that my subordinates are worthy of their fate!"

Nodding his head, Qu Mao said, "Tell me about the situation in detail."

Jenny Waters nodded and said: "My lord, before the end of the battle with the third batch of invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance, I led my troops to conduct a comprehensive search of the 11 islands to the south.

Raiding a total of 118 folding spaces, obtaining 1273 blueprints of resource mines, and collecting a total of 1713 treasure chests in islands and folding spaces..."

Qu Mao suddenly became interested and asked, "Jenny, is there a diamond treasure chest at the highest level of treasure chests?"

Jenny Walter shook her head and said, "My lord, there are 13 purple gold treasure chests, but no diamond treasure chest. Please forgive me!"

Qu Mao waved his hand and said: "If you don't have it, you don't have it. It has nothing to do with you. You have worked hard all the way, so arrange for the soldiers to have a good rest."

Jenny Walter said: "My lord, don't worry, the soldiers have already rested in the Jicun barracks. Master Hua Tielan came with his subordinates to report on their duties. The other four army heroes are already on the warship going to Yi Island. Let's attack the folding space The explosives from the monsters obtained at the time must be handed over to Master Su Yan as soon as possible.

However, my lord, when we explored the 11 islands, the wild resource mines and subordinates that existed on these islands have not yet been captured. "

Qu Mao waved his hand and said: "There is no rush to attack the wild resource mines, it will not be too late to attack the wild resource mines when we arrange manpower to develop those islands.

By the way, is there any folding space left after the 11 islands are conquered? "

Hua Tielan took over the conversation and said, "My lord, yes!

On the eight islands without vegetation, there are two folding spaces left on each island that have not disappeared after the raid, a total of 16 places.

Moreover, the two remaining folding spaces on each island are not very far from each other, which is basically similar to the situation on the empty island.

And each remaining folding space is filled with swampy terrain, which is said to be very similar to the two remaining folding spaces on the empty island.

The subordinates feel that this situation is more important, so I will explain it to you, my lord. "

"Really?" Qu Mao smiled, looked at Kong Ming and Xuande, and said, "It seems that the best goods in our territory can only be food.

The eight islands with no vegetation have left two folding spaces. After the completion of the terrain transformation, there must be a large amount of high-quality cultivated land. "

Kong Ming said: "My lord, after recruiting another 100,000 self-owned residents in early July, the 11 islands can be developed simultaneously.

At worst, the folding space left on these eight islands with little vegetation will start to be developed. After all, it is a territory with a population of one million. There is still a relatively large food crisis on the tens of thousands of acres of cultivated land in the different villages of Kongdao. "

Jenny Water said: "My lord, Master Kong Ming is right. When the magic legion is released from the war, they can go to these eight islands to assist the residents in the transformation of the terrain in the folding space."

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Okay, that's what happened in the past few days."

Seeing Xuande was impatient, Qu Mao said: "Jenny, give me all the 1273 resource mine line drawings.

Xuande, you don't need to look, obviously it's impossible to give you all, and you Jicun can't manifest so much. I will give you 273 tickets first, and the remaining 1000 tickets will be arranged by Su Yan. "

Hua Tielan continued: "My lord, on the other three islands with vegetation, there is a folding space that is suspected to be an underground passage, just like the purple light path leading from the outlying island to Yi Island.

Because time was tight, the subordinates and Lord Jenny did not explore in depth. I don't know if there are similar underground passages on Zhongdao and Jidao. "

Qu Mao's heart moved, and he said: "This matter must be taken seriously, and I will talk to Zhao Pan later.

If the islands with vegetation are connected by underground passages, then the development of our islands does not need to be developed independently, and it must be developed as a whole.

Kong Ming has decided to carry out the construction of the eight islands with no vegetation. With fast land transportation, the development speed of our territory can be rapidly increased.

Jenny, Hua Tielan, go to rest early.

The battle against the third batch of inbound fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance has only left some finishing work. When the finishing work is completely completed, the two of you may have to do it yourself to explore the underground passage. After all, you have experience. "

Jenny Walter smiled and said: "Yes, my lord, but there are orders and everything is done, please rest assured, my lord."

Hua Tielan also said respectfully: "Yes, my lord, I am willing to obey your orders and defend your glory to the death!"

Xuande moved to the side and said, "My lord, the underground passage..."

Qu Mao said: "Follow-up arrangements!"

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