Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 491 Folding Space Exploration Plan

It has only been a day and a night since the news that Jenny Water led the team back, but it has already spread in the territory of Yi Village, saying that Jenny Water and her troops have made a lot of money and are going to develop the islands to the south.

After Su Yan got 1,000 resource mine realization blueprints, on the one hand, she arranged for people to send these resource mine realization blueprints to outlying islands, sky islands, and Zhongdao, and asked the internal affairs officers of each island to manifest them; on the other hand, Su Yan She also set off for Ji Island, even though she was about to face the recruitment and resettlement of 100,000 self-owned residents, because there were still 1,713 treasure chests waiting for her to open on Ji Island.

Su Yan didn't intend to use up all the 1,000 resource mine blueprints, and kept 500 of them in her own hands. If it weren't for the fact that there were still a large number of prisoners in the Zhongdao Prisoner of War Camp, Su Yan would not even be willing to use half of them. Use it up in one go.

The last confrontation between Jidao Island and the landing force of the third batch of invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance still exists. Qu Mao has been busy these days, and Qu Mao has not enough energy to ask the army to quickly conquer the last camp of the third batch of invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance. .

Although Qu Mao was also very anxious about the underground passage, he still didn't act rashly and arranged troops to explore it, at least not until the war was over.

Since the temporary truce on June 28th in the third year of Tianxuan, the situation in Jidao has been stable. The landing force of the third invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance was honestly confined to the narrow southeast corner without any rash actions.

Liu Qianhui, the lord of Qianhui Town, only spoke harsh words to Qu Mao, and the reinforcements from the third batch of invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance did not arrive.

On the contrary, the third invasion fleet of the trapped Anti-Yi Village Alliance tried to escape again, but was still resolutely defeated by Sylvia Ocean's navy.

On the morning of June 30th in the third year of Tianxuan, at least ten heroes came to Qu Mao and asked Qu Mao to immediately send troops to explore the folding space of the suspected underground passage, because for islands with vegetation, the underground passage is really difficult. It's so important.

It just so happened that Su Yan was also coming, so Qu Mao had no choice but to call an emergency meeting of more than 20 heroes at 5:00 pm on June 30th in the third year of Tianxuan.

In front of all the heroes, Qu Mao said straight to the point: "Everyone, I originally planned to arrange personnel to report back to Jenny Walter and Hua Tielan after the battle with the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance was completely over. Information is explored and screened.

But you all can't wait, there are already more than 20 people looking for me in the morning and afternoon. Obviously, everyone is very active and proactive about this matter, which is very good.

That being the case, then we don't have to wait until the end of the war to explore, let's draw up a plan first.

I think after selecting the manpower and the army, taking into account that Jenny Water's senior fighter unit just came back and needs a break, go out on July 2nd or July 3rd. "

"I go!"

"I go!"

"Of course I'll go! I was the one who accompanied the adults to explore the purple light path between Lidao and Yidao..."

"It's like I'm not there!


The heroes fought one after another, Qu Mao waved his hand to stop everyone, and said: "Not only the folding spaces that are suspected to be underground passages need to be explored, but also the 16 remaining folding spaces on the eight islands with short vegetation also need to be developed.

Jenny Water said that these remaining folding spaces are about the size of the empty island, which means that these 16 folding spaces can provide us with at least 40 to 50 square kilometers of arable land, and all developed units will have 400,000 to 500,000 units the cultivated land.

With so much arable land, the quality is not bad, how many people have to help our territory to feed. "

Hill Farren said: "My lord, my subordinates are willing to develop these islands that don't grow vegetation.

In fact, the war against the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance has come to an end in the eyes of the subordinates, and our Yi Village territory has won a complete victory.

Therefore, the subordinates believe that there is no need to delay the development of the island, it is just a matter of large-scale development and small development. We will first transform the 16 folding spaces left on the eight islands without vegetation, and reclaim them into cultivated land. At the same time, the development of other islands must also be carried out simultaneously.

We have enough heroes that we can do it all in sync.

What do you think, my lord? "

Kong Ming waved his goose feather fan and said, "My lord, I agree with Lord Hill Farren's point of view. It was my fault before. I shouldn't let you add 300,000 of my own residents before developing the 11 buildings in the south." islands……"

Qu Mao waved his hand to stop Kong Ming, and said: "This has already been discussed at the commander-in-chief hero meeting on June 15, and it is fine to follow the implementation, there is no need to continue the discussion.

Let each island develop on its own. Tomorrow at 9:00 am, we will get another 99,900 self-owned resident recruitment vouchers. This time I will match 3,000 excellent-level qualified resident recruitment vouchers, and Su Yan will still lead the process.

When this wave of self-owned residents is recruited, I suggest tilting towards the 11 undeveloped islands to the south. Of course, the army and navy must provide sufficient security. "

Zhao Pan and Sylvia Oshen glanced at each other and nodded towards Qu Mao.

Qu Mao knocked on the table and said: "The islands with vegetation, Jenny Walter found that there are folding spaces that are suspected of underground passages, so I suspect that Ji Island and Zhong Island should also exist.

Both Xuande and Hill need to pay attention to whether they need to re-search the island they are responsible for. "

Xuande said: "My lord, Ji Dao's subordinates will search again. They have already searched for other areas. Now only the area occupied by the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance has not been searched."

Hill Farren also said: "My lord, let me lead the troops to search Zhongdao again.

Lord Sylvia actually led the navy to search repeatedly several times, and his subordinates went back to organize the army to search again. "

Qu Mao said: "It is important to explore the entrances and exits of the folding space, but what is more important is to open up underground passages and connect different islands. This requires experienced people to do it."

Wang Ping said: "My lord, this subordinate has experience. Jenny Walter led her original team of 290 people to explore an island, Hua Tielan reorganized a team to search an island, and the subordinates formed another team, divided After exploring the three underground passages where the entrances and exits have been found, Lord Mrak can join Jenny Water's team."

Qu Mao nodded and said: "Zhao Pan, Zhaifeidel, it shouldn't be a big problem to deploy high-level soldiers now, and assign them to Wang Ping, let's start as soon as possible.

Don't worry about not having enough high-level fighters. I have a total of 1713 treasure chests here, and there are as many as 13 purple-gold treasure chests. I will definitely be able to open a lot of high-level fighters. "

Zhao Pan said: "My lord, my subordinates are not worried about the lack of high-level fighters. Please rest assured, my lord. The existing sixth-tier fighters and seventh-tier fighters will be given to three exploration teams."

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