The time soon came to the morning of July 1st in the third year of Tianxuan. After Su Yan arrived at Jidao on June 30th, besides the meeting, she had followed Qu Mao to open the treasure chest all night.

It's a pity that he worked hard all night, that is, he just opened more than 300 treasure chests. Now Qu Mao has obtained 999 ordinary resident recruitment coupons sold by Lai Dima, and another wave of recruitment and placement of a large number of self-owned residents is waiting for Su. What about Yan?

At noon on July 1st of the third year of Tianxuan, the first wave of self-owned residents who were recruited and transformed into free people had already assembled in the North Port of Jidao. Kong Ming will take them to the 11 islands in the south to develop these islands. Work.

Especially for the transformation of the remaining folding spaces on the eight islands with short vegetation, residents must be sent to the islands to do the transformation immediately.

Qu Mao decided that before officially launching the development of the southern island, at least 500 of its own residents should be arranged in each remaining folded space for renovation. This does not include the 320 experienced residents who were transferred from different villages on the empty island. .

When Kong Ming went to the islands in the south, he had another task, which was to inspect the eight islands with little vegetation and think about how to implement the island-connecting project.

Seeing Su Yan rubbing her panda-like dark circles, Qu Mao said with a bit of heartache: "Su Yan, you can hand over to Su Qiaoer to help deal with the items that were opened in the treasure chest last night. Don't work too hard. , proper rest is still necessary.

We have a total of 1,713 treasure chests this time. Even if it is the same as last night, I estimate that it will take four or five nights to fully open it. And these four or five days coincide with the use of resident recruitment coupons and resettlement of residents. I’m afraid you won’t be able to handle it. live. "

Su Yan rubbed the dark circles under her eyes, her emotions were still high, and said: "My lord, it's not hard work, opening the treasure chest is not hard work at all.

Last night, more than 300 treasure chests were opened, and a total of more than 700 population recruitment coupons were obtained. These people will be recruited first by subordinates. Adults don’t need to worry about subordinates. Now subordinates feel full of strength.

Among the more than 700 people, soldiers accounted for about half. In the future, the subordinates will distinguish between the navy and the army and hand them over to Sylvia and Zhao Pan respectively. As for the resident recruitment vouchers, the subordinates will add some workload to Xuande. Those recruited will also be resettled by Xuande, and his subordinates are mainly responsible for the resettlement of 100,000 self-owned residents. It doesn't matter if Xuande stays in Jidao for the more than 300 self-owned residents. "

Qu Mao nodded and said, "Xuande can't be blacked out on Ji Dao, don't worry.

1,713 treasure chests, according to past experience, should add up to more than 3,000 people, about half of which will be fighters.

That is to say, more than 1,500 fighters can be dispatched in the end. As long as 30% of the fighters are senior fighters, the number of fourth-tier fighters and fighters above the fourth grade can be increased by about 500, which can completely make up for the senior fighters we transferred to explore the underground passage. warrior……"

Su Yan said: "My lord, they are more anxious than you. They all ran away early this morning to explore the underground passage."

Qu Mao said: "Kong Ming seems to have left too. A total of 8,000 residents have been arranged in the 16 remaining folding spaces. Now that he is leaving, he will take away at most 3,000 people. Really..."

Although Su Yan opened the treasure chest the night before, and now her hands are a little weak after sorting out the things, her work is not vague at all. She is like a butterfly wearing flowers. She not only communicates with Qu Mao, but also runs to Ji Village run away.

Seeing Su Yan like this, Qu Mao felt embarrassed to continue chatting with Su Yan.

The battle on Ji Island has basically entered a quiet stage. Although the final counter-offensive has not yet come to an end, the army has already begun to move and divert to other islands in the territory of Yi Village, defending the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance There is no need for a 100,000 army at all, especially in the context of the fact that the army in Yicun's territory is generally higher in rank than the enemy army.

The landing troops of the third invasion fleet of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance were pinned down by the Yi Village Territorial Army in a small area surrounded by five villages. No news came out for several days. We have to manage the response of the third batch of invasion fleet landing troops of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance.

In the minds of the heroes of the Yi Village Territory, the war against the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance has been fought, and all the heroes are busy with their own affairs.

The recruitment coupons for 100,000 self-owned residents in early July have been in place, and Su Yan expects that all of them will be recruited and resettled, at least around July 5th.

Even if the number of this group of self-owned residents is as high as 100,000, Su Yan and other internal affairs officials agree to resettle at least 80% of the 11 islands to the south, and the other self-owned residents will be used to supplement Yi Island, outlying islands and airspace. The hundreds of thousands of prisoners of war among the residents transferred from the island must also be resettled as soon as possible.

Kong Ming went to the southern island at noon on July 1, and took away only 3,000 self-owned residents who were recruited in the morning and turned into free citizens, which was far from the 8,000 people that Qu Mao discussed with Kong Ming, even half of them. It was not reached, but Kong Ming was unwilling to wait any longer.

According to the plan, Kong Ming will directly land on 8 islands that do not grow vegetation. The 8,000 self-owned residents also went to the islands in advance to transform the remaining folding space. In addition, Kong Ming has to inspect eight islands that do not grow vegetation.

There is no vegetation on these eight islands. The longest distance between each other is about 5 kilometers, and the shortest distance may only be 300 meters. Even after the sea ebbs, a few islands can still be connected to each other. These eight islands are connected.

On June 30th of the third year of Tianxuan, 120,000 gold coins were directly deducted from the account of Yicun's territory. It was military expenses, but Qu Mao did not suffer too much. I don't know if Su Yan used Qu Mao The 50,000 gold coins in her backpack are enough for the military pay anyway.

Qu Mao emphasized to Kong Ming that the next gold coin crisis is expected to be at the end of July, so he inspected the eight islands in the south with no vegetation, and determined which bridges should be built, which should be reclamated, and which should be reclaimed according to the actual situation. Build pontoon bridges build pontoon bridges and don't think about saving gold coins.

The main purpose of connecting the eight islands without vegetation is safety and convenience for residents. As for the eight islands without vegetation, Qu Mao has already made psychological preparations, and the cost of renovation is expected to not be special Low.

After two o'clock in the afternoon on July 1st of the third year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao took a look at Yicun's territorial account and found that there were only a dozen gold coins left, so he transferred another 60,000 gold coins in his backpack without hesitation. Transfer money to Yi Village's territorial account.

It took 9,990 gold coins to buy Laidoma's resident recruitment coupons for sale in the morning. Qu Mao only left 10,000 gold coins in his backpack, which was just enough to buy Laidama's resident recruitment coupons in early August.

But Qu Mao is not worried at all, because there are still more than 1,300 treasure chests that have not been opened, and all of them will be opened in the next few nights. After opening these treasure chests, it is estimated that the gold coins obtained from opening the treasure chests will exceed 1,000 gold coins.

The 50,000 gold coins stored in Su Yan's backpack, although Su Yan didn't say anything, but Qu Mao estimated that before June 30, Su Yan must have transferred them to Yi Village's territorial account, otherwise the gold coins for military expenses would be deducted on June 30 Certainly not enough.

However, even with the purchase of 100 outstanding resident recruitment coupons and the previous purchase of school construction blueprints, Qu Mao's current cheating value is still as high as 280,000 points, so Qu Mao has never regarded the gold coin crisis as a real crisis.

The end of the battle with the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance also means that Ji Island and Zhong Island will enter the stage of building a large number of villages. There will also be a large amount of cheating value credited.

Coupled with the development of the 11 islands in the south, the construction of villages to resettle a large number of residents must be indispensable, which also means that the daily growth of Qumao's cheating value will continue for a long time.

Right now, opening treasure chests consumes the most cheating points, but opening more than 300 treasure chests in one night can't even consume 1000 cheating points, and the increase in Qumao's cheating points brought about by building a village can be far more than 1000 points a day.

With such confidence, Qu Mao didn't care about the gold coin crisis at all.

On the evening of July 1st in the third year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao returned to the fifth-floor building in Ji Village ahead of schedule, waiting for Su Yan to come back to open the treasure chest together.

While waiting, Qu Mao also began to take inventory. Currently, Kong Ming has gone to the eight islands with little vegetation to develop the folding space and inspect the construction foundation of the joint island project; Su Yan is busy opening treasure chests at night and settling them during the day Self-owned residents; Su Qiaoer and several other internal affairs officers and heroes are assisting Su Yan in recruiting and placing self-owned residents.

Xuande is busy in Jidao. On the one hand, he builds a village to resettle the residents. On the other hand, he organizes the residents to reclaim a large amount of cultivated land, which greatly damages the vegetation in Jidao.

Su Li is assisting Zhao Pan, Chafidel, Sylvia Ocean, and Fure Swamp to continue the siege of the last lair of the third batch of invasion fleets of the Anti-Yi Village Alliance.

Wang Ping, Sir Mrak, Hua Tielan and Jenny Walter led three troops to explore the suspected underground passage on the southern island.

The arrival of a large number of residents has brought vigorous vitality to the territory of Yi Village. The more than 50 heroes, whether they were recruited by Qu Mao using recruitment coupons, transformed by captives, or aboriginals who used props to transfer jobs, are all Qu Mao was very pleased with the high enthusiasm.

Shaking his head, Qu Mao returned to the room on the third floor and began to put treasure boxes on the ground, although Su Yan hadn't come back yet.

Since coming to this continent, Qu Mao has never opened a treasure chest so softly. This time is an exception. Jenny Walter and Hua Tielan actually swept through 11 islands in such a short time and obtained a large number of treasure chests.

Qu Mao didn't have the habit of saving money in another world. Now that these treasure chests have been obtained, Qu Mao naturally wanted to open them as soon as possible and transform them into his own strength. Keep opening treasure chests.

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