After completely calming down his excited heart and trembling hands, Qu Mao communicated with Xinping and Kong Ming successively. Only then did he realize that after returning from Liandao, he didn’t eat lunch or dinner, and Kong Ming let himself rest early during the remote communication. I'm afraid it's getting late.

Only then did Qu Mao consider going down to the first floor of the lord's hut, and went into the restaurant on the first floor to see if there was anything to eat.

Apparently, when the maids in the lord's hut saw Qu Mao coming to the restaurant on the first floor, they immediately began to prepare dinner for Qu Mao, even though it was not time for dinner.

Qu Mao had dinner in the restaurant on the first floor of the lord's hut, and before it was completely dark, he wandered around Yicheng again.

When Qu Mao returned to the lord's hut, he just entered the living room of the lord's hut when he saw Kong Ming and Sylvia Ocean sitting in the living room of the lord's hut in astonishment.

"Damn it! Kong Ming, don't you say that it's getting late today, so why don't you come back to Yidao tomorrow morning?" Qu Mao asked in astonishment.

Kong Ming smiled and said, "My lord, how did this subordinate know that Lord Sylvia Oshen led a coastal defense fleet to patrol the United Islands after having lunch at the lord's cabin at noon.

The subordinate heard such exciting news from you, sir, and wanted to show off to Lord Sylvia, but he didn't expect that Lord Sylvia would land on the United Island immediately.

The subordinates thought that with Lord Sylvia around, there would be no problem even if they returned to Yi Island by boat overnight, not to mention that it was not completely dark when they came back. "

Sylvia Ocean stood up, took Qu Mao's arm, and said, "My lord, at noon, Master Xinping dragged you upstairs, and all the subordinates saw it.

When Mr. Xinping passed the news to his subordinates, he repeatedly emphasized the need to keep it secret, and he had to keep it secret from Mr. Fuer, so his subordinates understood the importance of this matter.

Come on, let's talk in your bedroom on the fourth floor. "

Qu Mao didn't say much, and called Sylvia Ocean and Kong Ming to his bedroom on the fourth floor, sat down in the small living room in the bedroom, asked the maids in the lord's cabin to serve tea, and took out the magic Communication crystal, apply for long-distance communication with Xinping.

After Xinping connected to the remote communication, Qu Mao didn't say much, but just told Xinping to hurry up and come to his bedroom on the fourth floor of the lord's cabin.

In less than 10 minutes, Xinping appeared in Qu Mao's room. Kong Ming and Sylvia Oshen were looking at Qu Mao with burning eyes.

Qu Mao said: "Xinping, tell Kong Ming and Silvia about the information. I briefly told Kong Ming about the power of gunpowder once, and I will definitely have to tell Silvia again later."

Xinping nodded, and briefly introduced the process of discovering the gunpowder information and the basic situation of the Principality of Pengda to Kong Ming and Sylvia Ocean.

After finishing speaking, Xinping took a sip of tea and said, "My lord, tonight is mainly for you to have a meeting with Lord Kong Ming and Lord Sylvia Ocean, and my subordinates are only responsible for providing information.

In fact, when the adults talked about the purpose of gunpowder, the subordinates were also very curious and wanted to hear about it. "

Qu Mao nodded, and said, "Kong Ming, in fact, in the description of the different world technology application scenario written by Liu Qianhui and I, gunpowder was introduced in detail, and now it has been printed in large quantities by printing factories, not only in Zhidao New Technology Research University. have.

For example, in the early stages of naval development in the different world, warships initially carried only one bow artillery, that is, ordinary artillery, which used gunpowder to explode and launch solid iron eggs in the barrel, with a range of only 1 km to 1.5 km.

A little-known small island country, relying on a warship equipped with this single cannon, has no opponents all over the world in another world, and shamelessly calls itself the empire on which the sun never sets. As for how small the small island country is, it is estimated that it is only as big as the mountainous country on our main mainland, and there are three or four royal families jointly managing such a small country. "

Sylvia Ocean breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "My God! Can such a small territory as the Marquis of Mountain Range support a hundred super warships?

There are not even 100 warships, but it can actually dominate the entire world, which is really incredible. "

Qu Mao continued: "That was only the early application of gunpowder. In the subsequent development of cannons, howitzers, etc., gunpowder is sealed in steel ball shells and will explode only after hitting enemy ships and obstacles.

The fifth-tier city wall, hit by a howitzer, can tear open a 20-meter-long gap in an instant.

So if we can get the gunpowder formula and continue to improve the power of gunpowder, even if we only develop a cannon that can fire solid shells, it will be of great help to our naval military power.

Change our current navy development and growth can only rely on the number of installed warships, equipped with more naval fighters, and reduce the difficulty of the navy's independent siege of cities. "

Sylvia Ocean thought for a while, and said: "My lord, according to your description just now, my subordinates feel that this possibility is entirely possible, and that small island country can only go so far.

I have heard of the solid iron egg cannon you mentioned in the family, but I have never seen the real thing. If you really have this kind of naval warfare weapon, your 100 warships will be able to completely conquer the seas of the world. "

Qu Mao said: "This is all true. The premise is that we must obtain the gunpowder formula. Not only the navy can use it, but the army, garrison army, and guard army can also use gunpowder equipment..."

Xinping also leaned halfway, listening to Qu Mao's description.

For a whole night, from Qu Mao's introduction of the power of gunpowder weapons to Kong Ming, Qu Mao, and Sylvia Ocean's deduction of how to capture the gunpowder formula, Xinping kept his promise and did not say a word during the whole process.

Whether it was storming the Principality of Pengda, or sending special combat soldiers to arrest some of the scientific and technological personnel involved in the research and development of gunpowder, after discussing and discussing, the three found that it was not a perfect solution.

In desperation, Qu Mao could only continue to tell Kong Ming and Sylvia Ocean the impact of gunpowder on the entire naval and land battle. As far as possible within the cognitive level of Kong Ming and Sylvia Ocean, emphasize the impact of gunpowder weapons on the current war in the easy-housing territory.

Unknowingly, Qu Mao, Kong Ming, Xinping and Sylvia Ocean chatted all night in Qu Mao's bedroom.

Xinping always watched the three of them communicate with a smile, and did not give any opinions of his own. As the head of the Ministry of Intelligence, Xinping was able to obtain information on gunpowder research and development in the Principality of Pengda, which is already a remarkable achievement.

As for how to bring this scientific research achievement back to Yihou territory, it is something that Qu Mao and Kong Ming need to pay attention to. Anyway, the military meeting will be held in the lord's hut in 4 days. Xinping firmly believes that Qu Mao will definitely make arrangements by then.

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