Lord of the People: I Rely on Cheating To Fight For Hegemony

Chapter 972: Military Revolution kicks off

In the days before February 5th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, Qu Mao and Kong Ming were together almost every day, thinking about the way to seize the gunpowder technology day and night, but they still ended in failure.

The current huge gap in strength makes all the plans of Qu Mao and Kong Ming a daydream. Xuande, who returned from the Marquis of Moner, also participated in the discussion, but still gave more constructive opinions.

After several days and nights of continuous discussions, almost all the core heroes of the Yihou Territory have participated, but the conclusion is that the gunpowder technology of the Principality of Pengda is still not considered for the time being, and it is only to strengthen the infiltration and bribery of the intelligence personnel of the Principality of Pengda . This conclusion makes Qu Mao a little frustrated. After all, the jewels are in front of him but he can't keep them for himself, which is really annoying.

Even Liu Qianhui sent a cryptic message to Qu Mao from the lord's communication channel. After interpreting it, he told Qu Mao that the matter of gunpowder was not particularly urgent. At least he could wait until Liu Qianhui came back before considering and discussing it.

Qu Mao thought about it again, Xinping obtained information on gunpowder, it was a coincidence, let’s assume that Xinping didn’t discover this information, the most important thing right now is to collect cheating points, and then Krypton high-level fighters are formally considering dealing with the Principality of Pengda Before now, at least three more Marquis states or one principality's territory must be won on the main continent, so that it is possible to narrow the gap in strength with the Principality of Pengda.

The final opinion given by the lord's hut is that Xinping led the intelligence department to continue to strengthen the intelligence collection on the Principality of Pengda. At this stage, the Yihou Territory directly establishes such a powerful enemy as the Principality of Pengda, which is not in line with the current interests of the Yihou Territory, especially Is this the enemy or the Lord of the Chosen player faction.

At 9:00 a.m. on February 5th in the fifth year of Tianxuan, heroes from the army, navy, garrison army, and imperial guards successively entered the large meeting room on the second floor of the lord's cabin.

Yan Liang, Wen Qiu, Zhang He, Gao Lan, and Lu Bu, the five army heroes who returned to the Holy Land with Qu Mao, returned to the Lord's Lodge today to participate in the meeting after visiting the Holy Land for several days.

Today is the day that Qu Mao announced the establishment of the military headquarters. After the official establishment of the military headquarters, it means that the military reform in the Yihou territory has also officially kicked off.

Before convening this military reform conference, Qu Mao had already met with Su Buqing, Zhao Pan, Zhang Da, Sylvia Oshin and their respective parties in the Marquis of Moner, the Marquis of Napoleon, and on the ship returning to the Holy Land. The core heroes under the military branch have discussed, and the general plan has reached a sufficient consensus.

Gathering so many heroes today is nothing more than creating an opportunity for heroes from different military branches to get to know each other. After all, the military transformation in the Yihou Territory is not only the diversion and reorganization of soldiers, but also the diversion and reorganization of heroes. Of course, it is mainly Army military type heroes transfer to Garrison and Praetorian Guards.

Announcing the establishment of the headquarters of each army, as well as the commander-in-chief and deputy commander-in-chief of each army is just a formality. Qu Mao held this meeting without even calling Su Yan back to the Holy Land of Yihou Territory.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Imperial Guards also withdrew their main force from the battlefield of the Marquis of Moner, leaving only 2,000 fifth-tier palace guards, 3,000 fourth-tier guards and 15,000 third-tier princess guards in Moner. On the battlefield of the Marquis of Nair, this is because the three generals and heroes, including Sandrole, who were assigned to the Imperial Guard, still stayed on the battlefield of the Marquis of Nair.

The rest of the imperial guards were brought back to the Holy Land of Yihou territory by Su Buqing and Wei Qubing, but the total number of troops withdrawn was less than 40,000. After all, the imperial guards fought from Lianhehou to Moner Hou Guo, the loss is not small.

Although the newly captured Marquis of Gillette, Marquis of Gillette, Marquis of Napoleon, and Marquis of Moner have appointed garrison heroes, the Praetorian Guards did not send royal guards to these four Marquis countries. Finally, it means that at least another 12,000 Janissary soldiers need to be sent out.

Qu Mao was naturally aware of the situation, sighed, and glanced at Xuande.

Xuande stood up, coughed to make the heroes in the venue stop their private communication, and said: "Everyone, by the order of the lord, on behalf of the lord's hut, I would like to congratulate you on your achievements on the battlefield and reward each army ..."

According to the previously determined content, Xuande commended the various armies and promoted the use of barracks to advance soldiers of various services.

Then Kong Ming also stood up and said: "Heroes, on behalf of the lord's cabin, I officially announce:

The Army Command of the Yihou Territory was formally established, Mr. Zhao Pan served as the Army Commander-in-Chief, and Chafidel, Sir Mrak, Wang Ping and Hua Tielan served as the Army's Deputy Commanders-in-Chief.

The Naval Command of Yihou Territory was formally established, Lord Sylvia Oceanus served as the commander-in-chief of the navy, Fuer Swamp, Christine Sirian, Shanks Reed, and Lesa Middleton and Justin Smith as Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

The Garrison Command of Yihou Territory was formally established, Master Zhang Da served as the commander-in-chief of the garrison, and Jia Kui, Tang Enshuai, Liu Xi, Liu Xue and Li Ze served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the garrison.

The headquarters of the Imperial Guard Army in Yihou Territory was formally established. Master Su Buqing served as the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard Army, and Wei Qubing and Sandroulie served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard Army.

The Magic Army Headquarters in Yihou Territory was formally established. Lord Sophie Trani served as the commander-in-chief of the Magic Army, and Jenny Walter served as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Magic Army. "

Qu Mao's heart twitched. In this battle on the main continent, Jenny Walter did not break through, and was still an eighth-level master-level water magician. Qu Mao thought that this time Jenny Walter would definitely be promoted to a ninth-level master-level water system magician. magician.

Now Jenny Water can only serve as the deputy commander-in-chief of the Magic Army as an eighth-level master-level water magician, because Jenny Water is unwilling to use hero transfer props to change jobs to heroes. As the deputy commander-in-chief of the Magic Army as a division, the effect will be much better.

The meeting didn't give Qu Mao too much time to think about it. After Kong Ming's speech, Su Qiaoer stood up and said: "Heroes, on behalf of the Lord's Lodge and the Administration Department, I announce that the Army Department, the Navy Department, and the Garrison Department will be abolished in the Yihou Territory. Ministry of Defense and the Department of the Imperial Guard, the Military Department was formally established, and Sir Selta Delta served as the Minister of the Military Department.

In the follow-up, the military department, the staff department, and the logistics department all serve as military departments to jointly connect the various armies and the lord's cabin. "

Sirta Delta was also the hero of the army logistics officer in the early days of Yihou Territory. He was basically a hero of the same period as Xu Tan and Zhang Yao. He had been engaged in second-line combat all the time, so he was not well-known, but he was an epic-level qualification after all. Hero, so after such a long time, he has made many achievements.

Although Qu Mao and the core heroes of each military branch have already discussed and had general ideas, after Su Qiaoer announced, Qu Mao stood up and said: "It is rare for heroes to gather in the lord's cabin. In the next time, heroes Discuss with each other how many soldiers each service should have and the types of these soldiers.

I would like to ask the Minister of Military Affairs, Mr. Silta Delta, Mr. Xuande of the Logistics Department, Mr. Suli of the Staff Department, and the staff of various military headquarters to organize discussions.

After an hour and a half, please bring the results of the discussion to Mr. Suli, and Mr. Suli will announce it.

The deployment of the heroes of each army will be communicated to the headquarters of each army after the meeting by the Minister of Military Affairs, Mr. Silta Delta. "

Hundreds of heroes in the conference room on the second floor of the lord's hut began to discuss in groups. Qu Mao didn't care whether the groups were discussing the propositions he had determined.

At almost 11 o'clock in the morning on February 5th, Su Li stood up, walked to the rostrum, coughed a few times to attract the attention of all the heroes present, and said, "Everyone, after thorough discussion, the five-year opening ceremony of Tianxuan Before the next main continental war, each army needs to complete the following troop configuration, and the time needs to be completed before March 31, the fifth year of Tianxuan.

The Army's four major corps have a total of 2 million establishments, including 600,000 cavalry corps, 600,000 long-range corps, 800,000 free corps, and 10,000 special operations corps.

The seven major arms of the navy have a provisional staff of 8 million. Before March 31 of the fifth year of the day, no matter whether the warships are equipped or not, the soldiers must be in place. The 8 million staff does not include the Luanshan Fleet, the Tassel Fleet, the Jill Fleet, the Geely Fleet and Monet Seoul fleet.

The three routes of the Garrison have a total of 18 arms and a staff of 8 million, excluding the guard forces on the independent territories of the mainland.

There are 100,000 of the three major arms of the Imperial Guard, excluding the 30,000 improved arms in total, and the royal guards in the independent territories of the mainland.

The magic army has a fixed number of 20,000 tier-5 junior magicians, 6-tier intermediate magicians, and 7-tier senior magicians. As for magic apprentices, it mainly depends on the speed of training, and there is no upper limit or lower limit requirements.

The above configuration of troops must be completed before March 31st in the fifth year of Tianxuan. "

Sirta Delta, the new Minister of the Military Department, also stood up and said: "Dear comrades, this meeting led by the Lord's Lodge marks the official beginning of the military reform in our easy-housing territory.

Based on the opinions of various armies, the Ministry of Military Affairs decided to build Wucheng Military Medical University in Wucheng, and strive to start the autumn enrollment together with 36 universities in the Holy Land in July of the fifth year of Tianxuan.

The Ministry of Military Affairs also decided to expand the establishment of the Wucheng Military Science and Technology Research Institute to meet the research and development needs of special weapons and equipment for each army.

It is hoped that all armies will jointly select outstanding soldiers from among the soldiers to enter Wucheng Military Medical University and Wucheng Military Science and Technology Research Institute for study and research work. "

The meeting lasted until around 11:30 in the morning, when Qu Mao stood up and said, "Military heroes, in the future, Yihou Territory will attack the main mainland more and more frequently, and there are a lot of opportunities for you to make contributions.

But I hope that we will be fully prepared for every war and will achieve the greatest results at the least cost.

In order to commend you for your brave performance in the battle on the main continent, today at noon the lord's hut will treat guests, and please go to the tavern opposite to get drunk before resting! "

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