Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 106 Differences In Career Choices

After occupying a territory, he finally has a base in the desert area.

Next, Fang Jie builds this territory while producing troops. Although he has brought a lot of troops, but now he is idle, so he cannot waste time.

At the same time, Fang Jie spilled a lot of teams, on the one hand, to explore and clean up some special terrain around.

At the same time, it is necessary to excavate all the minerals here, and then build a mining farm to meet their own needs.

There are also many skeleton heroes who were sent out by Fang Jie, and quietly began to investigate the current situation of the desert snakes and desert lizardmen. Using hero units as scouts, only Fang Jie can do such extravagant things.

Such a huge military activity, if you don't know the situation of the other party before dispatching, it is easy to cause problems.

"Fang Jie, we're back." Suddenly, Fang Jie received a communication from Qin Lan.

"Have you succeeded and become an elemental master?"

Qin Lan nodded lightly: "Yeah, it was successful. I didn't expect that there would be so many problems here."

"What's the problem? It's not too difficult, right?"

Qin Lan suddenly said: "You said that you passed the assessment of the disaster level difficulty, I am not, I can't see the disaster level at all, the highest is only the hell level, no higher."

Fang Jie frowned, what was going on, he couldn't remember wrong.

"Could it be, because of the territory?" Fang Jie could only think of this.

"According to our analysis, it was finally determined that the highest level is probably a benefit for the lord. Only if you have not obtained a job and have passed the disaster level lord test, can you get the test of this level."

Fang Jie frowned even more. Don't think that he has fulfilled this condition, but in fact, it is basically impossible to fulfill this condition, even if the initial ability on their side of the earth is the lord's hut.

This possibility is really too low, then according to reason, the benefits will be very large.

"Have you obtained your talent, what is it like?"

"I passed the test of the hell level. My talent is elemental control. I can control the four elements at the same time, and it can also increase the power of control and elemental spells. I feel that this kind of control may be able to use fusion magic."

Is that so? It seems to be very powerful. It is higher than his talent for directly restoring magic power.

No, no, Fang Jie suddenly thought of something. "Do you have a level of talent?"

"No, how can there be a level of talent? Maybe as the strength increases, the effect that can be exerted will increase, but there is no level on the panel. Could it be that your talent has a level."

Fang Jie nodded: "Yes, my talent does have a level and can be directly improved."

Fang Jie found out, and I'm afraid this is what makes his special disaster level rewarded.

"And what about meditation, do you get it?"

"Yes, it fits very well, but the effect is far from what you said."

Qin Lan was also speechless for a while. Originally, he wanted to pass the disaster level test. Although it was difficult, who wouldn't want to try it. If he succeeded, he might become very powerful in the future.

"It's the same for others, no matter what tests their previous territories have gone through, or whether their territories have been tested, but they only have four difficulty tests, the highest being the disaster level."

"So that's the case, then, has everyone passed?"

Fang Jie is a little surprised, because if the highest difficulty is only Hell level, then it is definitely not that easy to pass. Otherwise, wouldn't everyone in this world who has found a professional tower reach this level?

Although the appearance of professional towers is random, judging from the fact that they can encounter them twice, in fact, it is not impossible for ordinary people to find them. After years of searching, you can always find it.

"No, someone has done the hell level assessment before, but it is impossible to succeed. Not to mention the hell level, even the dangerous level is difficult to pass."

After summing up, Qin Lan said: "Apart from me, none of the others who chose the hell level passed. The probability of passing the dangerous level is probably less than one-third, and the rest are ordinary levels."

"I think it would be very easy if a simple level test was conducted, but I'm afraid there is no benefit at all."

Fang Jie heard the words and probably understood the difficulty of this test. In fact, think about it back then, when I passed the test, if it wasn't for a large number of troops around me, and I still copied it.

If it weren't for his own special talent, and he also had a professional scroll, it would be absolutely impossible to pass.

Even so, he was lucky enough to pass, and Fang Jie was not sure he would be able to pass it again.

Although I don't know what the hell level is like, but Qin Lan can pass it, I am afraid it is not difficult. Among these people, only Qin Lan brought an elementalist occupation scroll, which is why she was able to pass.

Others don't, so they don't even have a chance to pass.

"Those who pass the danger level test will get a good talent ability, and it still fits their own. If they pass the normal difficulty, they will get a common talent ability, which is almost useless. Some people will get a skill."

Fang Jie nodded. Although skills are important, they are far from talent.

If it is calculated like this, a simple level test will be carried out, and in the end, there will be nothing or only skills will be obtained.

He seemed to have acquired skills at the beginning, but those were all initial skills. I didn't bring out the summoned skeleton soldier I learned, and I have to re-study it and deduce it later.

"Okay, I see. Those who failed, have the tests been rearranged?"

"No, the occupation tower reminds me that after a failure, it is impossible to take the test again within a year. However, if you have already cultivated the occupation yourself, you can pass the special test, but the difficulty is higher and the benefits are less. ."

This is also a kind of restriction, Fang Jie thought silently in his heart.

The rules of this world, no matter what, seem to be trying to maintain a balance.

However, this balance is only relative, not a mandatory absolute balance. Otherwise, there would be no absolute strength or weakness in this world.

"I see. Summarize the experience. When new people join in the future, let's plan according to these." Fang Jie summed up and said.

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