Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 107 Towards The Rock Oasis

It's not that Fang Jie can't sum up, it's just that his mind generally doesn't do this kind of thing.

After this large-scale trial, both Fang Jie and Qin Lan can sum up a lot of things about professional towers. It's just that Fang Jie thought about it, and then didn't care, it was of no use to him.

Unlike Qin Lan, he will continue to earn a lot of people from the earth and even indigenous people in the future.

These things are very important for the development of a power, and the attitudes of two people towards these things are not exactly the same.

Fang Jie arranged for Qin Lan to collect some things about skills and exercises, and then disconnected. The two of them are very consistent on this point, and they think that they should collect more and keep them for later use.

A few days later, some information in the desert gradually reached Fang Jie's hands.

"Didn't the desert lizards and the desert snake people live together? It's just a relationship of domination and being dominated, not interdependence, but this relationship is normal."

"According to our investigation, those desert lizardmen are scattered in different places, and because the desert snake people are more tolerant, they can live together on a large scale."

"Desert lizardmen are in the form of tribes. There are hundreds or thousands of people in small ones, and even tens of thousands in large ones."

"And what about the desert snake people, where are they all gathered?"

"Desert snake people gather in more areas, but they gather in more numbers. The most are gathered on the rock oasis near the central area. The number is at least two million, and it may be more exaggerated."

"So much? What do they rely on to survive? Even an oasis doesn't have that many resources."

Fang Jie has experimented before. In the desert, his own farmland cannot be built. That is, it can be built in some places close to the oasis, but even if it is built, it is difficult to maintain.

It does not mean that when farmland is built, all laws can be violated unscientifically.

At least the desert can devour these farmlands, which is normal.

Those oases, if not for the protection of world rules, I am afraid that most of them will disappear.

"According to our investigation, there is an underground river on the other side of the rock oasis, which can rush out of the ground and reach a length of more than 1,000 meters. After 1,000 meters, this section of underground river re-enters the ground, and they rely on this section of underground river to survive. of."

As long as there is a source of water, life can be sustained.

"That's it, then destroy those large and small tribes first, and don't let them stay around and make trouble."

There are also a lot of people in those tribes. If you are fighting, it is also a trouble to guard against them. Not to mention that his territory is threatened, even those mining areas are the same.

Fang Hao took the lead, and then the heroes started to set off with the team.

Fang Jie glanced at the map, feeling a little helpless. Although a lot of things were marked on the map, the location and strength of the tribe were not so accurate.

It is good to say that there is an oasis, but there are many tribes, who themselves are wandering in the desert, and it is impossible to know the location without probing. With the results of the investigation, a large number of undead began to sweep the desert.

And because of their sweep, the eastern part of the desert began to be completely chaotic.

A large number of desert serpents and desert lizardmen began to gather in the direction of the rocky oasis. Because of their influence, those tribes who received news from other regions also gathered in the past.

They all realized that this was a battle for control of the desert.

If you fail, and you want to survive in the desert in the future, it is almost impossible. And once he entered the Blue Sand Kingdom, he would be caught as a slave, even if he could adapt, regardless of whether he could adapt.

The Lansand Empire is a kingdom dominated by humans, and it is impossible to welcome these desert aliens.

Seeing that a large number of desert snakes and desert lizardmen began to gather, Fang Jie ignored them. It happened that they all gathered together, and it would be good to completely solve them in a battle.

However, with the continuous gathering, Fang Jie found that his thoughts seemed to be a bit bad, because the number of the other party began to expand wildly. Not only them, Fang Jie's own troops are also increasing.

"We can't wait any longer. If all the troops in the entire desert area gather, we may not be their opponents."

"If they all gather, the food problem can kill them."

Fang Hao shook his head: "No, there are signs now. There is not enough food, and they can devour each other. If we continue like this, they will attack us. Now our defense cannot ignore this amount."

"Well, since that's the case, let's go and take the initiative to attack."

Fang Jie finally gave the order to move forward, targeting the rock oasis.

The huge army created during this time, plus the original brought, and Fang Jie's own split, the total number of troops has actually approached the number of 9 million. The mighty large piece looks very spectacular.

The entire desert area, as if there is an extra white dot, is very obvious.

Leaving a part behind, Fang Jie moved forward with an army of 8 million undead. With such a huge army, no one dared to block it on the road, because blocking it was courting death.

"If you want to get to the rock oasis, it will take at least one day and one night, so just take a rest first."

Fang Jie didn't go out directly, but planned to wait until it was almost there, and then fly over by himself in the mechanism flying eagle. Running on the road for so long is not a wise choice.

This is because the road is flat and there is no need to detour. In addition, with the help of the characteristics of the territory at the rear, the desert terrain is ignored. Those skeletons are not tired yet and can run continuously for a day and a night.

If you change to an army composed of normal creatures, you can't even think of arriving within three days, and this is still the case without an accident.

"Fortunately, there is no quicksand terrain along the way, otherwise we have to go around."

This is the biggest role of the map. In the face of quicksand, even if you can ignore the desert environment, you will still sink when you should sink. The function of the territory does not include ignoring the quicksand.

As soon as Fang Jie moved here, the desert snake man on the opposite side noticed it immediately.

Subsequently, under the orders of the desert snake people, these teams also began to prepare. They don't want to play against each other in the oasis, that's not a good thing.

In a battle of this scale, little tricks like hiding under the sand were basically useless, and they didn't dare to disperse.

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