The battle in the air became more and more clear, because the number of enemies was too large and the firepower was too fierce. As a result, the army of skeletons became more and more unstoppable. The offensive power of scientific and technological power is vividly displayed here.

The skeletons who fought and retreated were about to lose their support.

"Destroy them, destroy them." The goblin air commander was about to jump up with excitement.

These skeleton soldiers are divided into two groups, otherwise it is impossible to cause this situation. As long as you can eliminate these skeletons, then when you deal with the other way, even if you lose a lot, you can basically win.

After this victory was established, his status absolutely rose. If you digest those rewards, you might be able to become a boss. You can't be a top power, but a small country is always fine.

But just as they were about to pursue the victory, a panicked voice suddenly came from behind.

"Report, report, there are a large number of flying dragons in the back, and they are approaching us."

"What's going on, do you know the consequences of talking nonsense?" The commander looked back, then his mouth widened, because there were indeed a lot of black spots approaching quickly in the distance.

Even without observation equipment, he could know what those things were.

This is troublesome. Although the enemy on the opposite side should not be forced to die, they still have the power to resist, and the remaining number is very large. For a while, there is simply no way to establish victory.

Now there are reinforcements coming from behind, this is a big trouble, and it suddenly becomes a situation of two sides.

What to do, the strength of the enemy is not weak. Wave after wave, he is sure to win, but if he faces all of them at the same time, he will definitely die.

After all, after waves come, he can also replenish energy and weapons.

If both sides come together, the weapons you bring may not be enough to hit the end.

"Retreat, retreat, change from the front to the back, and do a good job of defense."

The commander's order was already fast, but the enemy came faster. In the blink of an eye, a large number of undead spread out, swept in from all directions around.

The undead who had just been suppressed by them suddenly turned around and attacked.

These undead were not afraid of death one by one, and they forcibly changed their formation against the attack, dragging the enemy here abruptly.

Although it was only a few minutes, it was enough for reinforcements from the rear to arrive, almost forming a siege. Forming a siege in the air is even more terrifying than on the ground. It is all wrapped up in all directions, including up and down.

The intensity of the battle was instantly more exaggerated than before.

A large amount of debris fell in the air, like hail, but it was much more terrifying than hail.

When passing through a city, these fragments directly turned the city into ruins, and countless goblins wailed in the city. The battle did not last long, less than two hours from the completion of the siege to the end.

Because the enemy kept evading in the end, coupled with the follow-up pursuit, it became like this.

After the air battle, the air combat power of the enemy was almost completely wiped out, and none of the gold-level airships remained.

Gu Chen

On our side, there are more than 1,000 skeletal dragons left in the battle. This time, two-thirds of the skeletal dragons have been defeated, which can be said to be very miserable.

"Air superiority has been established, but we cannot allow ground forces to continue approaching."

The heroic units got together and immediately determined the next plan. They didn't go back to replenish, and they didn't separate. They went straight to the largest ground force in the center, and it didn't take long for the battle to start again.

But without the containment of air power, relying only on ground troops, the disadvantage is too great.

Even if their firepower is very powerful, they are still in retreat in the face of this kind of attack.

It didn't take long for the central team to be eliminated. At this moment, Fang Jie was already listening to an elite unit's Bone Griffon telling about the situation on the battlefield. Just after the air battle ended, this elite unit returned.

"That is to say, although we were put together, we still won the air battle. We did well, we did well." Fang Jie looked fortunate, but luckily his heroes responded quickly enough.

If you follow the strategy you have formulated before, I am afraid that you will be the first to lose air power.

But he only has air power, not even ground power.

Once you fail, the result is that the enemy will drive straight in, and you can only choose to fail the mission. If you retreat too late, your life may be in danger. This is not a test space.

Then Fang Jie heard that they decided to take the initiative to attack the remaining team, Fang Jie said nothing.

When it comes to things on the battlefield, those heroic units have a much more sensitive sense of smell than themselves. Do you need to guard against some absolutely loyal subordinates? No matter how suspicious people are, they won't do that.

After a while, a bone griffin flew back.

"Lord Lord, the battle is over, and the enemy's army has been wiped out. We have less than three hundred skeletal dragons left. If you count those outside, there are only more than six hundred."

More than 600, the number that I brought this time adds up to 600, but the fission became 6,000.

For the entire world, six hundred golden units are nothing, but in the current situation, these six hundred skeleton flying dragons can absolutely control everything and control the air dominance of the entire world.

"Have them come back, recover a bit, and then make the final plan."

Fang Jie has calculated that although in this world, only ten arrays can completely cover it, but some places are not suitable. There are also some places, even in the enemy's military camp or around the city.

Fang Jie can only give up these positions. After calculation, to cover the whole world, sixteen magic circles are needed.

In the previous constant battle, the enemy has always been able to destroy. In this decisive battle, Fang Jie recovered most of his troops, and now there are only two circles left outside.

But now it's different, I have the initiative, then no one can stop me next.

This decisive battle failed, and the goblins also stopped. The goblins issued orders one after another to let their fellow goblins choose a place to hide. All the armies are all hidden and must not go to war for no reason.

The goblins are waiting, they have to wait for their factories to recover, and then regain their strength, and then fight the enemy to the death.

At this time, the goblins have lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight, not because they don't want to, but because a bigger crisis is at hand. If you don't solve the enemy, then they will have nothing left, and even if you win it now, it will be in vain.

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