Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 306: Devoured Once Again

Since the end of the war, the goblins' offensive against those special formations has become very weak, and only a few sporadic people who are not convinced or want revenge will sneak into these places.

Fang Jie is basically foolproof as long as he places two skeletal dragons in each position.

"Sure enough, they don't have much gold-level combat power, and they don't dare to send them out."

Those high-level goblins still cherish their lives, and they don't know if their lives are precious or if they feel that their lives are more valuable. Anyway, those gold-level combat power did not appear on the battlefield.

The army of skeletons flew and patrolled in the air, and could not see the traces of those enemies at all, and all the enemies were completely hidden.

On the other hand, Fang Jie spent a day arranging 16 formations in the whole world, and completely completed this task.

"The second phase of the mission is completed. It is detected that the entire world has been locked. Please persist for three days."

Fang Jie understood: "This should be the task of the third stage. In three days, I don't know how much the goblins can recover. If they recover completely, it will be dangerous." Fang Jie's current strength has reached its limit.

Those bone griffins produced every day can only supplement the previous consumption. After all, the Bone Griffon will disappear automatically when the time is up, because it is not under his direct control, so it will not remain forever.

In order to ensure the fighting power, Fang Jie even used the resurrection of the undead, resurrecting some silver-level goblins to act as the fighting power.

The undead created by the resurrection of the undead consumes a lot, but at least there is no time limit.

The first day passed, the goblins didn't move, Fang Jie's air power continued to destroy the cities, and the two sides were at peace. Among the cities on the ground, there are no goblins anymore.

Not at all, there are some hidden among the ruins.

Fang Jie is not a murderer, just to destroy the factory and suppress the goblins, and will not deliberately go to the goblins to kill.

On the second day, the goblin was still the same. However, with the formation of the battle, the sense of crisis felt by the world has become more and more serious. That sense of crisis hits all creatures in this world wave after wave.

Not only did some creatures near the array begin to attack, but even the creatures farther away began to migrate towards the array.

No matter what kind of species, they are madly attacking the places where these arrays are located, and even goblins can find them no matter how idiots.

It's just that the goblins still don't move, and only some people with bad brains will rush out. But those goblins have bad brains, so the goblins in the south have some biological weapons and started to resist.

But because there are too few resisting creatures, there is no serious damage.

"The south must strengthen its troops, otherwise the offensive will be stronger tomorrow."

Fang Jie silently placed half of his troops on the southern map. After thinking about it, Fang Jie simply sent all the troops out and placed them on all the arrays for protection, while he still stayed in the Pula Mountains.

It's not that he doesn't want to hide, but because this place is the core of the array, and if it is destroyed here, it will also cause the mission to fail.

Fang Jie didn't stay near the map, but found a place where no one would disturb him, and secretly hid in it. In this way, once any array is destroyed, it will mark the failure of the mission.

Gu spear

At that time, Fang Jie would leave immediately and would not stay.

The third day arrived as scheduled, and as expected by Fang Jie, the world's offensive began to become stronger.

Even in the air, some fighter planes can occasionally be seen.

"It seems that the goblins are recovering quickly, otherwise they would not have sent these fighters." Fang Jie knew that these fighters were not here to fight, but to reconnaissance to determine the external situation.

If the combat power in the outside world is too strong, they will continue to hide, and if it is weaker, they will rush out.

Fang Jie didn't have much combat power in his hands, so he simply showed that he had no combat power, which made the goblins suspicious. In this way, Fang Jie dragged the time to the end.

However, when there were still two hours before the end, the goblins finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"It's all out. The recovery speed is really fast. According to the information from various places, the number of gold-level goblin airships made by the goblins has at least exceeded 800, and may even exceed 1,000."

Fang Jie had some headaches. Originally this amount, as long as they didn't gather together, would not be the opponent of the Skeleton Dragon.

However, those goblins have obviously been improved and specially manufactured. Although one-on-one is still not an opponent of the Skeleton Dragon, as long as three together, they can barely smash a Skeleton Dragon.

This is what Fang Jie told Fang Jie from the battle on the front line. Fang Jie directly dispatched all the silver-level bone griffins to harass the surrounding area, keeping the goblins on their toes, and delayed again for more than an hour.

At the end, the goblins felt that the enemy's offensive was indeed weak, so some goblins began to approach the Pula Mountains.

Fang Jie watched a team of goblin airships approaching from a distance, and could already see it at this time. But Fang Jie laughed, because the time was approaching as indicated by the panel prompt.

"Ten, nine... One, the time is up." Fang Jie smiled as he looked at the airship that was about to enter the attack range.

For a moment, the whole world suddenly seemed to shake, and everyone felt that something was wrong.

"Look, what is that." A goblin suddenly pointed to the air and said. In the air, a huge illusion appeared, and a huge force completely enveloped the whole world.

Looking directly at it, you can see a huge mouth, which is rapidly approaching itself, gradually swallowing the world into it.

"I saw this scene again. It seems that it has been a long time since I last saw it, but why does this scene feel only spectacular? Maybe it's because this is not my own world."

Fang Jie has no thoughts of grief for a world being swallowed up for them.

It didn't die directly, but fell into another world. However, the mainstream of this world is technology, and the main body is goblins. When it comes to the hunting grounds of the heavens, I am afraid it will not be too good.

After all, there is not much power that can be exerted without any technology.

The basic technology is okay to say, but this kind of high technology basically has no room for play in the hunting grounds of the heavens. But what does this have to do with him, Fang Jie thought while looking at the huge mouth in the air.

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