Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 308 Fragments And Race Contract Scroll

Fang Jie took a quick look at the various large pieces, but there was nothing special about the goblin world.

The power of technology will be destroyed. Although these goblins are smart enough, they will either be merchants or ordinary goblins in the future. Ordinary goblins, Fang Jie has seen before.

That is the lowest level of all species, and even many people think that goblins have no intelligence.

No way, whoever sees those dirty goblins that look like ground mice will think so. With no way to use their ingenuity, goblins are simply too weak.

Sure, goblins are fine, but they're really brainless then.

"Just this one, and these edges and corners, it's just right. The landing point should be on the northern plateau."

The northern plateau is its own back garden, but it is sparsely populated, and there are basically not many people, so it does not matter if the terrain is changed. Fang Jie's selections are all ore veins.

Fang Jie didn't even think that although the goblin world is not good, they still have a lot of minerals.

Even Fang Jie saw two large energy ore veins, which fell to the hunting grounds of the heavens, and that is the top resource. A good thing that can directly mine various high-grade spar and elemental gems.

As your own lord, you can directly build a mining farm, which is an endless source of resources.

As for the goblins on this fragment, they will be arrested at that time. If you can use it, keep it, if not, dispose of it.

"The goblins are good at doing business. If they are recovered, they will be sent to Qin Lan." Fang Jie doesn't want to miss out on this kind of business talent.

As an enemy before, Fang Jie felt that goblins were troublesome, but as a subordinate, it seemed to be troublesome too.

No way, goblins are really full of money. Even if their loyalty is full, they will think that money is more important.

Goblin is one of the few races that can still betray after full loyalty, which makes people feel uneasy.

These are what Fang Jie saw in the information collected in the discussion area. Although I don't know if it is true or not, it should have a certain degree of authenticity. But forget it, these troublesome things, let others trouble them.

After dealing with the fragments, Fang Jie began to look at the racial contract scroll.

"This thing is really terrifying. I didn't expect such a thing. For a family inheritance, this thing is simply the best treasure." Fang Jie nodded with satisfaction.

The racial contract scroll is also a contract scroll, but the contract is for an entire race.

First of all, it must be a complete ethnic group that can pass on. This group must be completely controlled by oneself, and the members of the group have more than 60 loyalty to him, and can only be used after all members agree.

It is very troublesome for others to meet these conditions, but it is very easy for Fang Jie.

After all, he is a powerful lord, but thinking about it this way, it seems that for those lords, this thing is also a guarantee for the future.

Once the contract scroll is used, the group will be bound to itself.

They will be loyal to themselves and their descendants from generation to generation. Because the power of the contract comes from the blood, it directly acts on themselves, affects the spirit, and can even assimilate the soul, so they cannot escape at all.

With age, the loyalty of people in the group will become higher and higher.

Gu Yu

Although it is not possible to directly upgrade to the full loyalty value through the contract, there is no problem in raising it to above 95.

It can be said that as long as the owner is not too cruel, he can easily get a lot of absolutely loyal personnel. For any family, the descendants of these contracted groups can be completely trusted.

Once this contract is used, it is basically impossible to change.

Even if someone can change one or two of them, they can be directly detected by members of other ethnic groups through the power of the contract.

If you choose a suitable ethnic group, then this ethnic group will become the best guardian for yourself and your descendants. Fang Jie thought for a while, and there seemed to be only a few suitable ethnic groups in his hands.

Undead cannot reproduce, so they do not meet the requirements.

The lizardmen who were the first to recover should be fine, but Fang Jie couldn't care less. There were so many desert serpents and desert lizardmen in the desert that were recaptured, but for the same reason.

Some groups of humans actually do too, but humans have no characteristics at all.

There are also orcs, especially the white fox family under their own, are suitable. It's a pity that the race itself is either too bad or has no potential at all.

The potential of the white fox family is not bad, but it is still not seen by Fang Jie.

They are too unsuitable for combat, at most, some auxiliary abilities, not suitable as a guardian group. Besides, they have joined their own territory, and it is not bad to rely on the territory to control.

As for the elves, this is quite good, but unfortunately the elves are only found on Qin Lan's side, and they have not formed a complete ethnic group that can be inherited. Crucially, elf loyalty is more difficult to obtain.

It is too difficult for me to keep the loyalty of the elves to myself above 60.

"Forget it, save it for the time being, and talk about it later when you meet a suitable race."

If it really doesn't work, don't use humanoid race, you can also use beast race, Fang Jie thought to himself. Anyway, the race contract scroll doesn't say what race it is, even if it is other species, there is no problem.

Fang Jie submitted the quest selection, and the next moment, a blueprint and a scroll appeared in his hand, and then Fang Jie saw a huge fragment falling towards the hunting ground of the heavens, which happened to be his northern plateau.

As if from God's perspective, Fang Jie watched the debris fall onto the plateau, and then landed flat.

Without causing any turbulence, the entire map was like a painting on the cloth, and a large piece was pulled away, and this piece of debris was embedded in it.

Fang Jie could even see that many people on the ground were curiously approaching to watch this new fragment.

The next moment, Fang Jie's eyes darkened, and he returned to the temple, where he started.

At the same time, a huge force swept in and merged into Fang Jie's body. "Is this a reward for my own strength?" Fang Jie hurriedly closed his eyes and ran his black lotus meditation.

This is a brand new version that has been improved. The speed of absorbing this power is very fast, and the improvement is completed in a blink of an eye.

Strength: 60 Agility: 60 Constitution: 60 Intelligence: 60 Spirit: 60

Mana: 1200/1200

When he opened his eyes, he saw that all his attributes had reached 60.

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