Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 309 Talent Rewards In The Goblin World

It really deserves to be a core cultivation method of the gods, and the complete black lotus meditation is amazing.

Although this is a meditation technique, the focus is on your own spirit and magic. However, in this meditation method, there is not the slightest deviation in the attributes, and it is perfectly balanced.

Although this kind of balance will not improve your combat power, it will make it easier for you to move to a higher level, and there are no shortcomings. When you advance to a higher level, your combat power will also exceed other existences of the same level.

The only downside is that it consumes a bit more when cultivating.

In other words, ordinary people really can't practice this top-level cultivation method.

Fang Jie didn't care. Whether it was the special abilities brought by his profession or his powerful territory, he didn't have to worry about resources at all.

With abundant resources, one's own cultivation speed is faster than others.

If things go on like this, it won't be long before he will be eligible to hit the gold rank.

"This time the harvest is not bad, you can go out." Fang Jie said to himself. But at this moment, Fang Jie's ear suddenly heard another beep.

"The Goblin Tech World has fallen from the Hunting Grounds of the Heavens, and the talent ability is being acquired. It is detected that you are the leader of this integration, and you start to obtain the upgraded talent."

Fang Jie was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of this, the earthlings also chose talent when they came here.

However, the Earthlings are rather special, and they actually chose the talent of the lord's hut.

Therefore, everyone on Earth is a natural lord, but later most people gave up the lord's hut in order to survive. But even so, there are a lot of earthling lords left now.

In his own area, the number is very large, and Fang Jie himself can't count it.

Anyway, according to Qin Lan's calculations, I don't know how. The final result was that there were about 100,000 lords of Earthlings in this area, which was the number that remained.

The details can only be used as a reference, and the deviation from the actual number is too large.

"After the selection is complete, the Goblin Tech World has acquired the talent of the portable space, and the portable space can be adjusted and changed according to the individual."

Fang Jie was stunned: "Is it a portable space, it seems to be suitable for these goblins. With this talent, they can completely become a powerful merchant race."

This talent is rather special, and it is not something like the lord's hut. According to the information Fang Jie got, this kind of talent will also appear in their descendants in the future, although not everyone will have it.

But it is almost impossible for the human beings on earth to awaken the talent of the lords in their descendants.

I don't know if it's because the talent is too strong, or because this talent needs a lord's hut.

But no matter how low the probability is, it is still possible. It's just too early, and there is no information for the time being. Fang Jie also felt that a special space appeared in his perception.

But this space just appeared, it was affected by the breath of death. Fang Jie felt that the aura of death in himself began to melt into it, and the aura of death in the territory also began to instill into it.

"The upgrade of the portable space and the transformation of the space are completed, and you have obtained the innate undead kingdom."

Valley Chrome

Undead country level 1: Carry undead creatures with you, which can be released or withdrawn at any time. The undead in the kingdom of the undead get the ability to quickly recover and get their own quick repair ability, the current number is 0/10.

"It's a new talent, but it suits me very well." Fang Jie looked at this talent. If he had this talent before, he would be able to enter another world with more troops.

But it is not bad now, at least it can carry a large number of undead creatures with it.

With these undead creatures, you can make yourself more secure. This is his own talent, so most of the time, it is not forbidden to use.

The authority of talent is much higher than the authority of any skill territory.

However, this skill also has limitations. The first limitation is that the undead stored in the skill itself must be completely owned by oneself, and it is impossible to arrest them anywhere.

For Fang Jie, this restriction is almost equivalent to none, because he is the lord of the undead camp.

The second limitation is the talent level. However, the level of this talent does not need to be promoted by itself or by the promotion of the territory, and besides, this kind of promotion cannot be promoted.

This talent needs to rely on injecting the power of death, of course, your own spiritual point is also possible.

"It's a pity, only the undead can be released, not other things." Fang Jie experimented, and wanted to make a trick, but found that nothing carried on the undead arm could be followed.

Unless you have your own equipment, other extras, even if you put them on your body, will fall out when you earn them.

Fang Jie checked the number of his spiritual points, and after thinking about it, he drew a sum. "Put 100 million to try first." Fang Jie directly injected 100 million spiritual points into it. Fang Jie couldn't take out such a huge batch of spiritual points at will.

A huge power was injected into that invisible space, Fang Jie could feel that the space was getting bigger and bigger.

But it's not a big change in his usual sense, but a very special change that Fang Jie can't see or understand. In this place, you can't look at the size of the undead, but only by the number.

Fang Jie raised it to level 4 in one go, and the maximum carrying amount reached 10,000.

"Enough is enough, everything is enough. Ten thousand gold-level undead, after fission, will be one hundred thousand. Such a huge force can basically run amok in most places." Fang Jie said to himself.

It is true that if you continue to improve, your spiritual point is not so much.

The most important thing is that his current gold-level combat power is only tens of thousands in the entire territory, and he doesn't know it until it reaches 100,000.

Even if there are 10,000 places now, it will take some time to produce them to fill them up.

Although he can come up with so many troops, these troops now have stationed tasks and cannot be mobilized casually. If they are all transferred, who knows what will go wrong, especially on the north side.

If the troops in the north are transferred by oneself, the humans and orcs on the opposite side will definitely attack them immediately.

But anyway, the income of a new talent has been worth all the fare. Looking at this new talent, a sense of security arises. This talent really suits him best.

Anyone with a silver level can carry tens of thousands of gold-level bodyguards with them, and they can do it themselves.

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