Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 327 The Undead Army Arrives On The Battlefield

"No, it will be seen sooner or later if it goes on like this."

Although Jia Siwei was still confident, his heart became anxious. During this period of battle, no matter how much he calculated and used his puppet army, he still consumed more than half of it.

That's right, at the beginning, there may be fewer people attacking the city and the strength is also poor, but as the war broke out, the battle became more and more fierce. Yesterday, there were more than 100 silver-level enemies involved in the war.

For the Kingdom of Blue Sands, the existence of Jasmine is really a very annoying character.

Although they will not specially send a large army to attack, some troops passing by here will always send some partial divisions to clean up. And as the war continued, the pressure grew.

Because of Jasmine's existence, his reputation is now completely different from what it used to be.

Being able to firmly hold his territory and protect his own people, Jasmine's reputation has been completely reversed.

Those civilians seemed to have forgotten how they slandered Jia Siwei before. They could only see that the territorial people over there were very stable, and then poured their resentment on their lord.

If it weren't for the situation over there, someone would be thinking of joining Jasmine's territory now.

The people of Lansha Kingdom are getting more and more annoyed as Jasmine's reputation is getting higher and higher. The civilians on the opposite side began to say in their hearts that the national army was incompetent, otherwise they would have been beaten long ago.

In this case, the pressure on Justin can be said to be unprecedented.

But he has no choice. He has neither a market nor a material warehouse on his side, so there is no way to directly buy puppets. Even if it is to communicate, it is done secretly using something like a skeleton bird.

Jia Siwei can't let people know about his relationship with Fang Jie, at least not publicly.

Although most of the people from Earth know it, they won't take the initiative to talk about it, at least not Jasmine's subordinates. Therefore, the native subordinates are not aware of this matter.

Only those who have reached a certain status can be qualified to know these things.

The disgust for the undead is deeply rooted in the bones of many people, and it is necessary for them to adapt little by little.

At this point, Jia Siwei was still watching from the city wall, but suddenly, Jia Siwei saw a grayish white appear in the distance. Then, Jasmine finally showed a relieved smile.

"It's finally here, it's finally waiting for you."

Fang Jie's Skeleton Legion appeared on the battlefield, just like a torrent, it washed away everything in front of him.

Then the torrent rushed straight ahead as if it didn't see Jasmine's territory. The external explanation is that the task they received did not deal with the territory of Jasmine.

Even if there is, Fang Jie will not pick it up, anyway, the task evaluation is not worth the loss.

Jia Siwei knew that he was safe. These skeleton legions would never come to deal with him. With their protection, he finally settled down. At this moment, the war entered another stage.

The army of 50 million skeletons purchased by both sides in total just entered the battlefield. It was like water was poured into the hot oil, and it was completely boiled in an instant. The front-line soldiers who had been beaten to death were now left to flee.

There is no way, the undead of your own will not deal with yourself, but they will not protect themselves.

The undead of the other party rushed all the way, but they would not let them go. After killing them, they would become corpses for recycling.

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In just two days, the soldiers from the two countries on the front line lost 30% in an instant. Although there is no high-end combat power, the number of people is too large, and the trouble is even greater.

Fortunately, people on both sides have set their sights on the opposite country, and it is all the fault of the opposite country.

"Don't hate the undead, at least don't hate our own undead. You see, those necks are black, they are our own, remember not to admit mistakes."

An elite skeleton was explaining to a group of people. Everyone looked carefully and found that the necks of these undead were all black.

"Why not before?"

"We didn't think that the other party had so many undead before, so we didn't make a mark. Now we just made a mark." In fact, it was made by Fang Jie, the purpose is to make people recognize it.

At least, the lower-level civilians can recognize it and let them turn their attention to other places.

"But when you reach the silver level, you won't make this kind of mark. You don't have to worry, you can see it by looking at the undead they carry. Of course, you can't touch this level."

It's not that they look down on them, these civilians really don't have the qualifications and don't have the opportunity.

"Then what's on the opposite side, sometimes you can't see it from too far away."

"No, it can be seen that they also marked this time. There is a red triangle on the skull's head, which is their mark." This was also prepared by Fang Jie.

However, unlike other undead powers that are directly drawn, Fang Jie is produced with it.

This is the ability that comes with after reaching the city level territory, and Fang Jie is using it for the first time.

Just like many soldiers of different forces wear different badge patterns or different styles of equipment, the undead are most accustomed to depicting some special symbols on their bodies.

Some symbols may have a certain role, but there are some symbols, that is just a sign.

On the front line, a group of people fled back in embarrassment. Look carefully, isn't it Count Martha?

"Damn, how come the undead creatures on the opposite side seem to have improved a lot in strength. Obviously, they can't tell when they are fighting, and the battle damage ratio is still the same as before."

"Obviously, the undead on both sides have increased, and the increase is about the same." The military advisor behind him was silent.

"Is it possible that the undead on both sides have anything to do with it, or they are all from the same force."

Hearing this person's guess, Count Martha thought for a while and shook his head and said, "Impossible, no one will do this, it will only waste their own troops, and the benefits will not be much."

After all, they are undead forces, and many of the benefits they provide avoid the possibility of allowing the undead to grow and develop.

In their view, this approach outweighs the gains and is not necessary at all. As a result, the only correct answer was easily ruled out.

"Anyway, the strength of the enemy is a little too strong this time, and we must report it as soon as possible to prepare the kingdom."

The kingdom does not have its own territory, or a large territory, so it has fallen behind a lot in combat effectiveness.

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