Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 328 Unexpected Support

Since the undead joined the battlefield, the war has developed into an uncontrollable situation in an instant.

The two countries never expected that the other side would be so resolute. Although they all knew that the other party would not easily let go of this opportunity, they didn't expect that they were all the kind that made the most of their money.

And at the beginning of the outbreak, the frontier suffered heavy losses. The most important thing was that too many noble children died.

This has caused many nobles to go crazy and insist on avenging their families. The scale of this battle has completely out of control. It didn't take long for the high-level combat power of the two countries to join the battlefield one after another.

The gold-level combat power runs rampant on the battlefield until it encounters the opposite golden combat power, and then fights each other.

Because the scope of the battlefield is large, the scale is also expanded. Therefore, Fang Jie made it easier for his troops to avoid his own people, but searched for the opponent's people to attack to avoid internal friction.

After all, if you destroy the enemy on the battlefield, you can still get the treasure chest.

These were carried out in secret and were not discovered. It's just that the blessings of the hunting grounds of the heavens for these newcomers are gradually weakening, so the number of times that they can get good things is getting less and less.

For Fang Jie, the most valuable thing now is some knowledge of skills or magic.

On this day, Jia Siwei took his own people and cleared an open space in a corner of the territory.

This corner is not an ordinary corner. It is usually used to train soldiers, so there has always been a large number of people. But today, all the people present are those from the earth.

There are only a few natives, but they are all absolutely loyal.

Although Jia Siwei can't see loyalty, he has his own way of distinguishing his subordinates.

"Lord, what are we doing?" Finally, someone couldn't help but ask.

Jia Siwei didn't hide it either: "The north is going to send support here."

The people under his command were surprised: "We don't know when the north sent support, and why." Obviously, Jia Siwei didn't tell them, and some people were prone to have ideas in their hearts.

"I don't know, this was suddenly notified to me yesterday."

Speaking of which, Jia Siwei is also very wronged. Who knew that the other party's support was a sudden attack, and there was no reminder before.

Just when everyone was surprised, black dots appeared in the air. Although the distance is very far away, the speed of arrival is very fast, and the naked eye can see the black spot approaching.

"Come here, all ready, will be transported immediately."

Since yesterday's notification, Jasmine has been preparing. Specially vacated a lot of empty warehouses, and then organized a lot of loyal workers, after all, some things can't be exposed.

It didn't take long for the black spot in the air to approach, and everyone finally saw what it was.

"God, what is this, it feels so high-tech." This is the arrival of the armed airship.

Fang Jie directly used five armed airships to transport supplies this time, which is definitely a great value for Jia Siwei's performance. Although Jasmine had never seen an armed airship, he had heard of it when communicating with Fang Jie.

Before the war broke out, Jasmine sometimes went to the nearby market.

Gu Shun

Since the outbreak of the war and the last communication from Jasmine, there has been no way out.

The airship landed, and some people came out of it. The leader is Liu Yuanyuan. After this period of experience, the immaturity on Liu Yuanyuan's face has basically receded, and it is replaced by capable.

As soon as Liu Yuanyuan walked down, he instructed the others to open the door of the transport warehouse and began to carry them in an orderly manner.

A lot of materials have been transported down, but it is not the workers here who do it, but some puppets.

"I'm really flattered that Miss Liu is actually in charge of the transportation." Jia Siwei stepped forward.

"Where, Lord Jia has a higher status on the Lord's side. It was not easy to send things before, but this time, the situation on the battlefield has changed, and we can come to send things."

The so-called change is that the undead army entered the battlefield and separated this place.

In this way, even if there are some rumors here, it is difficult to spread.

Of course Jasmine understood, and didn't say much. "What is this time?"

After all, I didn't buy it myself, but sent it directly from Fang Jie. Although it is usually half-sell and half-delivery, but in the end, you have to pay. This time, Jasmine finally realized the benefit of having someone on her head.

"I know that your troops are insufficient, so the main reason is to send you some troops. They are all puppets, and they will not be very conspicuous. For ordinary wooden puppets, I sent you 300,000 this time, which is enough for you. Stone puppet five Ten thousand, five thousand silver puppets."

This force is more than the total force that Jia Siwei had from the beginning combined.

Unexpectedly, Fang Jie sent it directly, and Jia Siwei suddenly felt a very strange feeling in his chest.

"The other is these. Considering that there are more people on your territory, you specially sent a batch of food, as well as some bone weapons and some special materials. If there is not enough, you can make a list for me.

"Enough, enough, I'll go back and check."

Jia Siwei Le couldn't close his mouth, the harvest this time was really too big.

With these, even if you persist for a few months, there is no problem, as long as you don't encounter the main army.

"I'm sorry that we can't provide you with gold combat power, and you know the reason." Liu Yuanyuan didn't mean to apologize, and Jia Siwei didn't care, after all, he didn't dare to use it now.

"Considering that the speed of the puppet is too slow and sometimes not very easy to use, I also brought you a hundred Holy Light Knights."

Liu Yuanyuan waved his hand, and a group of knights came over on horseback in a neat and uniform manner. The armor on their bodies was very gorgeous. If it wasn't for Liu Yuanyuan saying that it was at the silver level, many people would view it as a golden knight.

After all, this gorgeous appearance looks much better than those golden knights on the battlefield.

"These are human troops? Our territory is not..." Jia Siwei was a little surprised.

"It was produced in the northern grassland, but there are not enough troops there, so it can't be mobilized too much." Yes, it was produced by the military in the northern grassland, and a batch of them was transferred by Fang Jie.

In any case, now Jazzy wants to maintain the skin of the human camp, and can't rashly increase the undead troops.

If he does, then Jia Siwei will definitely be excluded, which is not a good thing for Fang Jie. At least for now, Fang Jie still needs an undercover noble like Jasmine to provide him with information about the New Moon Kingdom.

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