Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 338 Mage Is Not Enough Blood Family To Make Up

One after another large spells flew in from the rear, and the front line was quickly cleaned up piece by piece.

This destruction speed is much faster than previously imagined. For this reason, other places where there are mages have finally released the mages and participated in every battle.

As long as the magic power is restored later, the lethality displayed on the battlefield is really terrifying.

And what they have to do is to protect these mages, that's all.

After the magicians have battled with spellcasting time and time again, their spellcasting ability is getting stronger and stronger, and even the magic power is constantly increasing. Unconsciously, some mages even advanced on the battlefield.

Of course, this is not how much the battlefield plays a role in the mage, but the accumulation of previous studies and research.

Just like a warrior, sometimes the power accumulated by a mage also needs to be transformed into power through some stimulation. For example, the stimulation of the battlefield is very suitable for them.

For this reason, the mages held back more combat power.

But unlike before, these warriors are now willing. As long as you protect these mages, you can make yourself safer and clear the enemy faster.

The skeletons that had been giving them headaches all along were now falling down piece by piece like mowing grass.

However, as the battle progressed, some normal units joined in after all.

Of course, this does not mean that these arms are normal, but that some biological types of arms have joined. The lords from the earth showed strange expressions when they saw these things.

Because these are not normal people, they are still troops from various territories.

However, most of them were ordinary peasant troops, and peasants of various ethnic groups were sent to the battlefield one after another.

"You don't have to think about it to know that this must have been brought out by the lords in the two kingdoms. I didn't expect them to be forced into this." Someone said looking at this scene.

"Maybe it's not forced, but has to develop. If only one kingdom develops and the other does not develop, what will happen." Everyone nodded, and sometimes this is the case.

I am not afraid that the opponent's strength is stronger than myself, but I am afraid that the opponent's growth rate is faster than myself.

"Look, there are people who are lucky enough to be able to come up with a class of black iron."

Everyone looked at them and nodded. The black iron-level arms stood out among a group of apprentice arms.

Not everyone can develop very well. Most of the earthlings who come to this world are still struggling with food and clothing at this time. Even for those lords, most of them still just use farmers to develop their territories.

If you can have normal arms buildings, it is considered a good mix.

If you can create black iron-level arms and put them among many lords, you can show them off.

But what they didn't notice at this time was that only the troops from the Lansha Kingdom were taken out, and the troops from the New Moon Kingdom were not put on the battlefield, they were still dominated by skeletons.

"Get ready, let them show off their power for so long, and then let them see our strength."

Gu Yan

The front-line commander looked at the enemy's advancing front, and a ferocious flash of ferocity flashed in his eyes.

"Don't worry, leave it to us, this time I'll show you our strength. But after that, you have to help with our conditions." A guy dressed in red came out.

"Don't worry, I have already said hello, as long as you can play a real role."

The comer is a vampire, or a vampire.

Because the mages of the New Moon Kingdom were taken in one pot before, they no longer have the power of mages to use on the front line. This is not only the hatred caused by the death of a large number of nobles, but more importantly, the lack of combat units.

But what they didn't expect was that the royal family came forward and directly brought a group of vampires to the battlefield.

Of course, some of them are real vampires, but the few gold-level powerhouses who really stand out are blood servants. During this period of time, through the cultivation of blood honey, some vampires have reached the silver level.

Vampires are strictly ranked. Although their loyalty varies greatly, as long as their strength does not exceed too much, these vampires will never dare to rebel. All are of the same bloodline and easy to order.

A vampire stretched out his hand and absorbed a large amount of blood from the blood pool beside him.

These blood are contributed by those normal biological arms themselves. They did not go to the battlefield, they were used as blood banks. After all, for the military, this is nothing.

If the natives let them bleed, then I really don't know what they will think.

The blood-colored light sphere was controlled by the vampires, and with a special power fluctuation, it seemed that the entire blood sphere had become different. Then the vampire threw it out, and the ball like a fireball was thrown into the enemy's camp.

The blood cells exploded, not an explosion, but as if it spread silently, instantly filling a large area.

In this area, all the creatures with blood on their bodies, their skins festered instantly, the blood flowed constantly, and died in pain after a while. On the contrary, those special species have little effect.

Skeletons that are too close will be destroyed, and those farther away will be fine.

Those alchemy products are the same as elemental creatures. They have no blood themselves and are less affected.

But as the vampires suddenly showed their power, those creatures on the battlefield suffered heavy casualties in an instant.

"Haha, don't look at how powerful they are, but we also have a team of mages." The people from the New Moon Kingdom at the back cheered, and the bad breath of the past few days finally came out.

The vampires didn't say anything, in fact, they can't be considered normal magic.

This is a kind of use of blood by the vampire family, which is almost instinctive, and also incorporates some magic use methods. For the blood race, as long as there is enough blood, this spell does not consume much, and the effect is still very strong.

Just targeted by some special species, but most creatures are not that special.

With the vampire's targeting, the Lansha Kingdom's offensive stopped for a while, because that kind of death was too terrifying.

I didn't pay attention to the previous one, and a mage team was recruited, and the entire team survived alone, and it was the strongest one. But although he survived, the whole person was as terrifying as if he had been skinned.

The pressure brought by vampires is greater than that of mages, because they are stronger and more numerous.

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