Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 339 Obtaining Development Permission

"Damn, I didn't expect them to have this trick. Do we have any countermeasures?"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally spread their hands helplessly: "No way, there is a vampire race in New Moon Kingdom, but we don't have this special race here."

In the Blue Sand Kingdom, there are actually special races, but most of them are ordinary, with a small number.

Because of the large number and strength, they have been killed long ago, and as a result, the Lansha Kingdom has a dominant human family.

Although the New Moon Kingdom is the same, but the terrain of the New Moon Kingdom is long and narrow, because of the terrain, it is not so easy to gather troops. This also led to the fact that the Crescent Kingdom was unable to cope with the northernmost flower plateau.

The vampire over there survived and became what it is today.

But they didn't know what happened on the flower plateau, otherwise they wouldn't think so.

The current situation is that the other party has vampires, which completely makes up for the lack of mage.

Even speaking, the number of opponents is more and the strength is stronger, and now it can be said that they are fighting against them. It's just that the blood spell doesn't work well for the undead, so they can temporarily curb this situation.

If they all used normal combat power, I am afraid that now they will be beaten and can only retreat.

The mages on both sides fought far away from each other during this period of time. Because once someone is targeted, it is easy to send a team away with one move. The mage's attack here also poses a huge threat to vampires.

And the people in the New Moon Kingdom didn't trust those vampires very much either.

If it wasn't for some of their nobles who transformed themselves into vampires, I'm afraid this trust would be even less. The transformed nobles have a long life, but their personalities and preferences have undergone great changes.

Many people secretly rejected these vampire clansmen, believing that they were no longer human.

But under the pressure of the battlefield, everyone can only temporarily suppress these things and continue to fight.

Similarly, there are also some people who envy the powerful strength and long life of vampires, and have been asking how they can get the chance and get a place for transformation.

And this kind of thing continues to spread, and even some businessmen and ordinary civilians have begun to think of ways.

This situation made the big nobles feel that their quota was threatened, and the royal family felt that their status was threatened. If it weren't for special circumstances, the royal family really didn't want to release these guys.

Because of the addition of mage units on both sides, the battle became more tragic, and it did not mean to weaken at all.

The number of troops that die every day is far more than before, and it can even reach more than twice.

In order to deal with this situation, both sides began to target the mage team by coincidence. Now it is not only the target on the battlefield, but also the use of powerful troops and high-level arms to eliminate, and even the means under the battlefield.

The assassination teams of the two countries that had been hidden for a long time were now dispatched one after another.

Either you kill me a mage, or I kill you a blood clan, every day without interruption.

Under this kind of battle, the team of mages and vampires continued to decrease, and their defenses became stronger and stronger. This caused the assassination team to lose more and more, as if they were caught in an endless loop.

Gu Xun

"What do you think about their proposal."

Although the front line is fighting, the rear is still peaceful, especially in the capital.

At this time, the king of the new moon kingdom gathered his family together. No ministers were here this time, because they knew that those ministers were not credible in certain matters.

The eldest prince said: "If the development order is released to allow them to attack, I am afraid their development will grow even stronger."

The second prince next to him also said: "Big brother is right, and once they let go, if they fail, I'm afraid I will face even more cruel blows. Those dark druids don't care so much."

Dark Druids have always been in that dark forest, occupying the forest without expanding nor allowing anyone to enter.

If they hadn't been constantly curbing the expansion of the forest, maybe the other party's territory would have been bigger.

But those dark druids possessed great power, and they even suspected that the power of the other party was stronger than that of the New Moon Kingdom. It's just because of racial habits, so I didn't type it out.

The reason why my country is so slender is also because of the shape of the dark forest.

"But now there is a problem, and that is that those vampires have threatened our existence. If they are allowed to grow and develop, the country will definitely have serious problems."

"Many people have discovered that those nobles who have been transformed are their loyal followers and cannot be trusted at all. If those great nobles are transformed one after another, who will the country listen to at that time."

This is the scruples of the king and the scruples of every generation of royal families.

"I think it's better to let it go. We don't know the power behind them at all, and after all, they are not of the same race as us. The dark druids don't know the news, and we'll just cut them off."

"I agree with what Big Brother said. Even if the Flower Plateau is given to those dark druids, it doesn't matter. After all, compared with vampires, those druids are much quieter and basically don't take the initiative to cause trouble."

The king nodded, that's what he thought, but the royal family had to make a statement on this matter.

Soon, representatives of other branches of the royal family nodded in agreement.

"Then the matter is decided, we secretly told those vampires to let go of their development order, but only allowed to develop in the direction of the dark forest. This is just a verbal approval."

That's right, it's just verbal, and it's not implemented on any paper, let alone a contract issue.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't admit it, the Dark Druid will not think that this matter has anything to do with him.

If they weren't fighting the Blue Sand Kingdom, they wouldn't be afraid of those dark druids, but now that the frontal battlefield is fighting, they really don't dare to open the second battlefield, that's courting death.

If it wasn't for the vampires being too much, they really didn't want to do this kind of thing.

"I'll inform you of this news. You are all too conspicuous and easy to be caught."

An old man came out. In the royal family, this old man has never had any sense of existence. Even if he goes out now, I believe it won't cause anyone's suspicion, as long as he doesn't promote it himself.

"Then I'll trouble you. For the sake of the kingdom, after this matter is over, I will send you overseas in the name of exchange."

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