Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 348 Both Sides Are Surprised

"This should be their strongest power. I didn't expect to gather such power at this time. If they have legendary powerhouses, they can fight against the kingdom."

Gergis watched the battle come to an end, and said in a very natural tone.

As for those who died on the battlefield before, he would not care. Anyway, he has now become a legendary powerhouse, and he is not in the same world as those who were at the same level before.

Their own information is more valuable than their lives, this is common sense.

It's just that they continued to walk for a day and were stopped again. "No, it's not good, there is an army of undead in front, which is very powerful." A messenger ran over quickly.

"What's the hurry, isn't it the undead, how many have we killed in the past few days." The commander was very annoyed.

In front of a big man, such a subordinate is too embarrassing.

"No, no, those undead are really very strong. There are more than 500 bone dragons we saw before."

"What? How come there are so many." Commander's expression changed suddenly. After the previous war, it is now a question whether their entire kingdom can find 500 gold-level combat power.

In this army, there are less than 100 gold-level combat powers capable of fighting.

Even if there are more orders from the legendary powerhouse, it will cause a lot of problems.

But I didn't expect that this group of undead can hide so much, and it is really terrifying that they still hide such a huge force.

"Five hundred, really more than expected, but this is my mission here." Gergis's eyes lit up, looking at the sky, full of expectations.

"Just use the lives of these five hundred flying dragons to announce my arrival."

Gergis sees this as announcing his new legend on the best stage. Speaking of which, five hundred peak-level skeletal dragons are not easy to deal with even if they are to deal with them. Who made me just break through the legendary level?

But as long as you don't get too unlucky, it's not difficult to eliminate them all. After all, you also have gold-level combat power here.

After the two armies met, they didn't speak, not even the proper temptation, and they directly pressed the whole army for a decisive battle. Of course, this is how the undead fight.

As for the Lansha Kingdom's army, it was a passive reception. The opponent had already overwhelmed the entire army, so they could only keep up, or they would have to flee. But in a place like the desert, escaping is courting death, it is better to fight.

The strength of the undead is stronger than them this time, and those soldiers are full of fear.

But at this moment, a powerful force suddenly erupted, and then a khaki-colored meniscus rose, and in an instant, more than a dozen skeletal dragons were cut off.

Although some flying dragons have not had their heads destroyed, their souls have been extinguished, and this time they are dead.

"Look, what is that, the secret weapon of the Lansha Kingdom?"

"It's a legendary powerhouse, not the one in the previous news. This is the fourth legend. It turns out that the real method of the Blue Sand Kingdom is this." The faces of several skeleton heroes became solemn.

Originally, they wanted to attract a legend from the Blue Sand Kingdom to hunt them down, but they didn't expect that the ones they monitored didn't come, but suddenly an unexpected one came.

And this person can fly, with a pair of wings-like special objects behind him, driving the whole person to fly in the air.

Although flying may not be as agile as flying creatures, the gap between flying and not flying is terrifying.

Gergis held the long sword in both hands, constantly swaying his grudge. Before the skeletal dragons dispersed, they killed more than 50 opponents in one breath, reducing the amount by one tenth.

However, such an attack also made Gergis consume a lot of vindictive energy.

"Happy, really happy, don't run if you have the ability, come and fight with me."

Gorgis roared loudly at the opposite side, but the Skeleton Dragons had no intention of gathering at all.

"What should we do, just watch him make trouble?"

"How come, haven't we already introduced them into the trap area." This area was originally a trap for the legendary powerhouse. Before, it was just for caution, but I didn't expect to encounter one.

"Order 2,000 bone dragons and 10,000 ghost mages."

It's not all power, but it can be exposed. Duogu also hopes that the other party will send one or two more legendary powerhouses. If all of them were sent to die, then the Lansha Kingdom would definitely belong to the lord.

In an instant, the desert boiled, and many sandbags exploded directly, and one by one, the skeleton dragons lifted into the air.

Suddenly, there were two thousand more skeletal dragons, and Gergis's expression changed. "Damn undead, you can hide too much." The total number of skeletal dragons they hired this time was only 2,000.

At this time, Gergis didn't know that he had been deceived.

"No, I can't die here, I have to report the news here." The undead strength of the remaining 2,000 skeleton flying dragons is definitely a force capable of subverting the Lansha Kingdom. .

Fortunately, many things can be settled through negotiation between countries.

It was just that Gergis was about to leave when suddenly a transparent chain swept towards him.

The chain was more than ten meters wide at first, and the closer it got to him, the smaller it became. By the time he touched himself, only his little finger was as thick. One did not pay attention, and Gergis was directly entangled.

However, this chain seems to be small, but it is actually very powerful, and it makes him unable to move all of a sudden.

Gorgis looked at the ground and found a group of ghostly creatures on the ground, but they looked like wizards. These ghostly creatures faced themselves and used union magic, which is this chain.

Just before he wanted to break free of the chains, five more chains were entangled in a row. And those skeletal dragons are already approaching.

Skeleton dragons belong to the dragon-shaped creatures at the peak of gold, and their attacks cannot be ignored even by Gergis.

Especially when a group of skeletal dragons attacked, in addition to using Dou Qi to defend, Gergis could only use Dou Qi to cut back. One after another, the Dou Qi blades killed the skeletal dragons, but they were still not afraid of death.

Every attack of the Dou Qi blade is brought about by a large amount of consumption of Gejisi Dou Qi.

Gergis, who just broke through not long ago, is completely different from the old legend in terms of background. This kind of attack can only last for half a day at most, and at this time, it is impossible for the news to be sent to the country.

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