Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 349 Flying Prop Golden Wings

Gergis desperately wanted to leave, but there was no chance at all.

If you attack those chains, you will have to endure more skeletal dragon attacks, which will consume more energy, and your own battle qi barrier will have no way to stop it. If you attack those skeletal dragons in turn, the chains will take the opportunity to wind up.

The chains were entwined in a continuous loop, pinning Gergis completely in mid-air and going nowhere.

In order to entangle themselves, the dragons will gather from time to time. Only when it attacks by itself will it spread out again.

In this way, Gergis can hunt more dragons every time, but that's all.

However, the gathered attacks also made Gergis's vindictive consumption even more terrifying. When Geji thought about attacking the ghost mages on the ground, he found that there were always flying dragons who took the initiative to meet his attack and weaken his attack power.

With such a long distance, coupled with the weakened power, it is impossible to break through the joint barrier of the ghost mage.

With so many ghost mages gathered together, the defensive barrier is enough for a gold-level powerhouse to bomb for a long time without breaking. One can imagine how strong this defense is.

If it weren't for that, Gergis thinks he'd escaped long ago.

At this moment, the situation on the ground is even worse. Because some of those mages actually ran over to help.

Morale is weakened, then the undead are strengthened. The Blue Sand Kingdom army, which was not an opponent in the first place, fell to the brink of collapse on the spot. In less than two hours from the start of the battle, the Lansha Kingdom's army was completely destroyed.

The gold-level powerhouses in the team are almost dead.

Air power was also completely wiped out. At this time, in addition to the skeletal flying dragons, there are a large number of white bone vultures in the air, which have completely surrounded them. Some golden powerhouses couldn't hold back and wanted to escape, but they couldn't do it at all.

Facing the encirclement and suppression of more golden powerhouses, they could only use up the last trace of their strength in the battle.

Less than three hours after the fighting broke out, the entire team was wiped out.

That's right, not defeated, but completely wiped out. Even those who wanted to escape were left behind. Because there are a large number of undead hidden around, they are completely surrounded.

It is simply impossible to escape in the desert area where Fang Jie has been operating for a long time.

On the entire battlefield, the only one still alive was Gorgis.

However, after such a long and high-intensity battle, Gergis found that his vindictive qi was draining too fast. Even if he had a lot of fighting spirit, he recovered very quickly after reaching the legendary level, and he still couldn't hold on.

"You undead, do you want to become mortal enemies with the Lansha Kingdom?"

"You want us to let you go back? Don't think about it. Letting you go back won't change the situation."

Dorolla rode out on her own white-boned horse. As the earliest hero unit, Dorolla's strength was also one of the best under Fang Jie's men, and she definitely reached the peak gold level.

Of course, it's incomparable with those skeletal dragons, that's a racial advantage.

In order to lay the foundation for victory, Fang Jie also arranged a strong hero on the desert side, that is, Dorora. The battle in this place is no longer in full control of the bones.

Besides, the strength of Bone is not enough, and high-level undead may not be able to meet the requirements of Bone.

Bony is just a manager arranged by Fang Jie, not the lord himself. Without absolute strength, how could other undead obey? After all, the undead still depends on the strength.

Gorgis roared frantically: "I can swear, as long as you let me go, I will keep the Blue Sand Kingdom and you friendly forever."

With such a powerful force, it is impossible not to remain friendly. Although they don't have legendary powerhouses, they can actually deal with legendary powerhouses, which is really terrifying.

The undead itself is a species that is not afraid of death, and no one dares to underestimate them.

But Dorolla obviously didn't mean nonsense, she still looked at it like this, and didn't come close. After five hours of perseverance, Gergis finally couldn't hold on anymore. At this point he had really reached his limit.

A dragon breath spit out, and Gergis screamed, and the whole person became very sluggish.

If it weren't for the high physical strength, it would have killed Gergis at once.

But then the skeletal dragons gathered, and the breath of the dragon breathed out, and it didn't take long for Gergis to really die. The corpse fell, along with the wing on the body.

"Pack up all the things, bring the treasure chest, and send it to the lord together."

All the people bowed their heads slightly to show their understanding.

Dolora's status in Fang Jie's team is not low, or the first few hero units have a high status, which is not comparable to their ordinary hero units.

Things were sorted out quickly, and it didn't take long for the entire desert to be back to normal.

That night, things were delivered to Fang Jie's hands. The first thing Fang Jie saw was not the corpse, but the special big wing. "Gold level flying equipment, this Blue Sand Kingdom is really rich."

Golden Wings (Gold): Provides flying ability, the user will have the average flying ability of gold-level flying creatures.

Fang Jie equipped it without thinking. The next moment, Fang Jie spread a pair of wings behind his back. Just like it grew out of itself, it can provide extremely strong lift by gently fanning it.

Fang Jie felt that the wings were like his own arms, and he could fully control them.

"Wow, the master has grown wings." Lulu flew over and kept walking around Fang Jie. "But these wings are ugly, but Lulu's wings are the most beautiful."

Fang Jie rolled his eyelids: "Little girl, what kind of aesthetics, aren't my wings gorgeous?"

"Gorgeous, it's so beautiful." The two little foxes narrowed their eyes and sparkled. It can be seen that the two of them are not just complimenting, but really think so.

After all, this thing is shiny, and it looks very rich at first glance, which is in line with the aesthetics of the two little girls.

Fang Jie didn't care about those either. He controlled his wings and patted it hard, and the whole person instantly appeared in the air, and then Fang Jie stopped quickly. The speed was so fast that I couldn't control it.

If you are just traveling at a high altitude, you can go all out, but if you use it for battle, you must not use full speed, otherwise Fang Jie will be completely out of control if the speed is too fast, so it is better not to use that speed.

This speed is very slow for the legendary powerhouse, but it is uncontrollable for Fang Jie.

"I thought I could fully utilize this equipment, but now it doesn't seem so easy. Gold equipment is golden equipment." Even so, Fang Jie was still very happy.

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