Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 350 The Road To Legend

After taking some time to get used to the wings, Fang Jie just dropped it and put it away.

With this thing, his survivability has been greatly improved.

"Don't think about it, this thing is too high-level, you can't control it at all." Fang Jie interrupted the two little foxes who wanted to experiment with wings, although the two of them couldn't really say it.

Although the two little foxes are favored, they are influenced by the inherent concept of this world, and they dare not ask too much.

Fang Jie is not disgusted, after all, they are full of loyalty and cannot be betrayed.

What Fang Jie was worried about was that the two of them couldn't control it. Although the wings could provide repellency to the air when flying, they couldn't provide a strong defense capability.

In case of hitting something at this speed, with the physiques of the two of them, there is absolutely no scum left.

Then, Fang Jie set his sights on the huge treasure chest. This is a diamond treasure chest. This kind of treasure chest can only appear after killing a legendary powerhouse. I have seen it once before.

"I don't know what will come out this time. This kind of quality will not be too bad."

The previous battle let Fang Jie know that there are strong and weak legends.

That orc legend, after being surrounded by himself, the other party insisted on dying for a few days, and this was only five hours. Although there is a reason for the ghost chain, the gap can also be seen.

In addition to the achievements obtained from the sneak attack at the beginning, the total number of skeletal dragons eliminated by this legend is less than 150.

This is also because the skeletal dragons keep gathering to block each other, otherwise this number will be even smaller.

Fang Jie knew that the strength of this human legend was too great compared to the orc legend he had encountered before. Even from the performance point of view, it may be far inferior to the previous human legend powerhouses.

"That's it, it seems that I still can't act rashly." Fang Jie thought to himself.

Then Fang Jie opened the treasure chest, the treasure chest disappeared, and the things fell to the ground.

Fang Jie narrowed his eyes and saw a round thing with a very weird circular symbol on it. It looks like a simple line, but I can't remember it.

Looking at it for a long time can also make people feel dizzy.

"What is this? Legendary certificate, is it some special equipment?"

Legendary Proof: Proof leading to the legend, the hero unit of the golden peak wears the Legendary Proof. After passing the test in the temple, they can successfully advance to the legendary level. If you fail, you will never have the chance to try again. Whether successful or not, the Legendary Proof will disappear. If you have your own temple and worship the gods, the difficulty of the test will be reduced.

How to get it: Kill 500 gold-level powerhouses in a single battle, or command a victory in a war with more than 10 million on both sides, or give the legendary powerhouse the final blow to become a new legend, or get the approval of the gods. Note: All achievements must be obtained from hero units that have reached the gold level.

Fang Jie looked at the detailed introduction, and the more he read, the more bizarre his face became.

"This is, the road to the legendary level, this is the road that has been opened, and told me so many conditions."

"In other words, as long as I have this legendary certificate, I can use a lot of legendary-level combat power. It's a pity that normal people can't use it." Fang Jie is a pity.

If you can use it, you will definitely keep it and wait for a breakthrough in the future.

After all, as time goes by, it will become more and more troublesome to obtain the Legendary Certificate in the future. The treasure chests you get on the battlefield will get worse and worse, which is predictable.

Suddenly Fang Jie thought of something: "Wait, that's not right, according to the above standard, my subordinates seem to have been able to achieve it." Fang Jie suddenly thought of something.

The first way to obtain it is to single-kill more than 500 gold powerhouses in battle.

While it sounds incredible, it's actually not impossible. The first bone dragon hero in Fang Jie's hands, he can definitely do it, but the time is too short, and it may not be enough.

But Fang Hao and Coster, who have participated in the battle since the beginning, should be able to achieve it.

The second method is to command a battle with a scale of more than 10 million on both sides. Fang Hao and Coster can achieve this, even Dorolla and Mobas can do it, but why haven't they heard of it.

And the third method is to give the last blow to the legendary powerhouse, which no one seems to be able to achieve.

Although he hunted down two of them, he was dragged to death by the strength of his gold units, and he did not dare to let his gold-level hero units go on, because Fang Jie didn't want to waste it.

The consequence of not wasting is that through this method, I am afraid that no one can get it.

The last one is too illusory and needs the approval of the gods. God knows what the standards of the gods are. Ordinary people are not even qualified to communicate with gods.

It was only once for me, and after one time, I never got a response from the Dark Cloud God.

Of course, that's not a bad thing, and Fang Jie's character doesn't like being stared at by a god all day.

"This requirement cannot be obtained after obtaining the Legendary Certificate, nor can it be a new feature. Therefore, those subordinates may have obtained the Legendary Certificate."

Fang Jie believed that those subordinates could not deceive themselves, nor could they conceal something from themselves.

Maybe they don't even know it themselves. Thinking of this, Fang Jie immediately named everyone who might have this problem. "Tell these people to come back immediately, no matter what they are doing, immediately put down what they are doing."

Fang Jie's order was issued, no matter what their status, they will come back as soon as possible.

But it will take some time for them to come back. Fang Jie simply looked at what was left on the ground.

The rest were pretty good too, but Fang Jie was a little distracted. The only good thing, the class building upgrade card, couldn't cause Fang Jie's emotional turmoil.

"Yes, this thing can upgrade the troop buildings. Let's upgrade the Ghost Academy first."

Fang Jie thought of Ghost Academy, which is indeed something that needs to be upgraded. Fang Jie knows how valuable his ghost mage is. If it is upgraded to the gold level, it will definitely be more exaggerated.

At least the spells that I need in the future can be handed over to them to study. It's just a pity that they are only good at the magic of the dark and soul system, and they are not good at the bone system. Those mainly depend on themselves.

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