Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 352 Golden Mage Legion

Fang Jie brought these people to the gate of the temple. Originally, he thought of adding a legendary subordinate with the legendary certificate. Now it seems that he should stay, and the effect of retention is even greater.

Fang Jie kept the legendary certificate, and the greatest value of this thing is for exploration.

As long as you see if you can put it on, and listen to the prompt tone, you can know whether these subordinates have obtained the legend certificate. Although the conditions are already known, no one knows whether there will be some details that do not match.

"Okay, let's start here, and bring everything."

Many undead heroes nodded, even if it was a class card, Fang Jie prepared a few for these people.

"No problem." Everyone took the trouble to check it again. After all, it is related to whether one can advance, and no one will take it lightly. Besides, this is also Fang Jie's order.

How could the undead be bored by the master's order.

"Then, let's start." Fang Jie communicated with the temple and directly asked sixteen hero units to conduct the assessment.

The next moment, all the people disappeared, but a lot of things that I brought to them fell down. Those weapons and equipment that did not belong to them, as well as the remaining class cards, were left in place.

"It seems that the test is based on one's own ability, so all foreign objects are not allowed to be brought."

Fang Jie smiled bitterly, leaving a few people watching the place, waiting for the others to return. Fang Jie put away the cards and returned to his residence.

That night, Fang Jie couldn't calm down and couldn't study magic.

Finally, seeing An Fei who came to take care of her, she directly pulled her in and did it all night.

Until the next day, Fang Jie found that those men still hadn't come back. However, his ghost academy has been remodeled and upgraded at the same time, successfully reaching level 10.

After reaching the gold level, Fang Jie looked inside, only to find that there was only one more mage unit inside.

Ghost Mage Level 10: Level (Gold) Skills: Dark Mastery, Soul Mastery, Ghost Chains, Morale Depletion, Weak Strength, Wrath of the Undead, Ice Power, Enchantment, Ghost Scream, Ghost Teleport

Recruitment requirements: 30 units of soul crystals, 20 units of aggregate magic spar, 450,000 units of spiritual points

"This price is really high enough. If you convert all the required materials, such a ghost mage is enough to buy three skeleton flying dragons." Yes, it is such an exaggeration.

Although there is no need for gold-level corpses, there are too many aggregated magic spar.

The skeleton flying dragon only needs two, and they need 20, which is ten times that, and the soul crystal.

If you don't already have manufacturing drawings, just these things, you can't make them. But Fang Jie also knew that the Ghost Mage just created is definitely not the opponent of the Skeleton Dragon.

It's just that the biggest role of the ghost mage is not to use it directly, but to improve it.

When the power of the Ghost Mage is fully formed, Fang Jie believes that the Skeleton Dragon is really no match for the Ghost Mage.

In fact, it's not that the bone dragon is not powerful enough, but that the gap is too great in terms of means. As a unit that can actively learn and research magic, its means are definitely not comparable to ordinary arms.

"Then next, it is possible to manufacture on a large scale. The previous research results are very good, but if you want to produce results in a short time, you still need scale."

Fang Jie took out the previous plan, and then revised it. Fang Jie has already prepared in many places.

In those different places, Fang Jie is going to use it to build ordinary mage towers, not special buildings, but ordinary types built by indigenous people. It doesn't even need to be made too large, as long as it is convenient for research.

Then there's the matter of quantity.

Fang Jie thought for a while, this time he was going to make 10,000 silver-level ghost wizards and a thousand gold-level ones in one go. In this way, after the fission, there will be one million ghost mages at the silver level, and one hundred thousand at the gold level.

With such a large number of mage teams, I am afraid it is difficult for even a powerful mage country to come out at once.

It's just that Fang Jie has a headache after calculating the budget.

"Although it's expensive, it still has to be done. In the next two months, basically nothing can be done. I hope the material business can expand faster, otherwise I don't have enough resources."

Fang Jie can't help it, who made himself a plan.

For the time being, I have enough troops in my hands. If it really doesn't work, I'll just slow down the production speed.

"Wait, it seems that there is no need to slow down. If a war breaks out, then the spiritual point can keep up with the demand."

Fang Jie laughed, because there was indeed a big fight next. But you still have to wait and wait for your heroes to come back. Fang Jie doesn't even think about it, just make it and see.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to stand in front of Fang Jie's eyes, a field of ghost mages, but this time it was gold.

Fang Jie looked up and down and found that there was almost no difference between the two types of mages. The biggest difference is that the robes on the silver-level body have silver-white trims, and these become golden-yellow trims.

It looks a little more gorgeous, but that's it, after all, they are all undead.

This kind of simple dress is actually still a bit rustic. But if you feel the breath on them, you won't think so, the breath of gold-level mages is not weak.

But the mage has a perfect grasp of his own breath and can directly restrain it.

"Not bad, I'll take a look at your newly added skills."

Four new skills have been added to the Gold level Ghost Mage. One is that the strength used against the enemy is weak, which can directly weaken the strength of the enemy on the physical level, which is much stronger than the simple morale depletion effect.

One is the power of ice used on one's own side, which can increase the power of ice on the undead units.

This is similar to the blessing of the statue of the girl of cold wind, but it can be used no matter how far away from the territory.

The next two skills are Ghost Scream and Ghost Teleport. Ghost Scream is an active attack skill that directly stabs the enemy's spirit through the scream, causing fear and panic in the enemy.

This is similar to a fear spell, and the range is still very large, and the effect is very fast.

Ghost teleportation is a teleportation skill, the distance is not very far, but the speed is very fast. With this skill, the ghost mage's life-saving ability has been improved to the maximum, and the most important thing is that it shows that they have the talent of space magic.

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