Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 353 Blue Sand Kingdom Sitting On Wax

Fang Jie shook his head, unfortunately, although these ghost mages have spatial talents, unless they become hero units, it is impossible to learn the magic of spatial attributes.

After all, they belong to the arms themselves, and the restrictions they receive are too great.

The first two skills, Dark Mastery and Soul Mastery, became Dark Mastery and Soul Mastery, which greatly improved Ghost Mage's study and research on these two attributes, but after all, there was no room for mastery of such abilities.

This is a common problem of all arms, they are too limited by their own talents.

The reason why the arms are good at fighting but are rarely the opponents of the natives of the same level is because of the number of means.

Their means are too few. Although they are concise and powerful, their own strength is already dead from the very beginning. Unless you can break through the hero level, it is impossible to have the slightest breakthrough.

Of course, if they were born with insufficient levels due to insufficient building levels, they could still improve their level through battle. Before it reaches the level limit, it can be considered to have the ability to improve.

In the previous battle, Fang Jie put so many ghost mages on the battlefield, and now none of them reach the hero unit.

Not even one can reach elite units, which is the limitation of mages. Mage units are stronger, but they want to break through their own limits, and the difficulty is not comparable to that of ordinary arms.

While Fang Jie was researching here, the Blue Sand Kingdom became weird.

Some soldiers who had been stationed at the border all the time now feel a little baffling.

Because the supplies that have to be transported to the front line every day are suddenly cut off. Then they discovered that the people who used to come back to this place every day to report the situation had also disappeared.

If you win, it's impossible not to send everyone back.

If it was a failure, why would there be deserters coming back, unless the entire army was wiped out and no one escaped, but how could this be possible, and I didn't see those undead chasing and killing them.

"Is there any news yet?" said the king of the Lansha Kingdom with a haggard expression.

Since a day ago, there has been no news of the team entering the desert. Although the desert environment is special, the people who were sent in by themselves are definitely not simple. What is going on now.

"There is no news yet, we have sent people in to investigate."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, this time, we have a legendary powerhouse shot. Even if we encounter a more powerful existence, we can still come back." The person who spoke did not dare to say the word escape.

If you are unhappy to be heard, then you will be out of luck. But everyone understood what he said.

Hearing this, everyone's mood relaxed a little.

The king continued: "Then continue to investigate, and send more people, three times, five times, not ten times the number of people directly."

The king was worried that these people would be intercepted by the undead, so he simply sent ten times as many people in. So many people are almost equivalent to a small army. This is not to investigate, but to fight.

It's just that no one dares to say anything now, after all, the current situation is really weird.

At the border, another group of people entered, but this time it was very crowded. When the undead did not actively pursue large-scale obstructions, some people finally entered the battlefield.

After the investigation, all the people were shocked, because with their professional knowledge, they can definitely figure out what happened here.

"How is it possible, how is this possible, I must be wrong."

A scout said with a bit of a breakdown. He didn't believe that the most powerful troops in the kingdom would actually be smashed in this desert. And the legendary powerhouse who took the lead didn't go back, which means something.

"When we go back, you have to trust our professional knowledge and judgment. Although it is impossible, our knowledge tells us that this is the result. We must report the news as soon as possible, and we can't wait."

Although the man still didn't believe it, he could only follow in the end.

They can't stay here for too long, otherwise the undead will chase and kill them, and it will not be so easy to leave.

All the people ran out one after another, and soon encountered the undead chasing and blocking.

But they were professional after all. Those who came in went out again, and the number decreased by 80%, but after all, some people escaped from the desert area. And there are definitely not a few people who go out in one breath.

It didn't take long for the upper echelons of the kingdom to know what was going on here.

This time, everyone panicked. Everyone wants to know how things got to this point. Originally, the country had only a little fighting power left, but now it's alright, and most of them have been sent in.

The remaining troops are a little troublesome to defend.

Most importantly, they also offended a powerful force. This force can wipe out the entire army they sent out. As long as they are given time, who knows how far they can develop and grow.

If it was in the past, in this case, you just need to use diplomatic means to apologize and compensate, and finally introduce a few scapegoats. But not this time, this time is a national action, and it is the ancestor who proposed the plan.

They can't send the ancestors out, and they can't even take the initiative to apologize.

If you apologize, then the face of the ancestors will not look good. This kind of thing can only be brought up by the ancestors themselves. But with that person's character, no matter how you look at it, it's not someone who can do such a thing.

Besides, they can't make their own kingdom beg for mercy to a mercenary organization.

This organization is still a group of undead creatures, which is even more impossible. As a living being, if you take refuge in the undead, you will be spurned by everyone, or even besieged and hostile.

For these undead, there is still a saying if they cooperate, but if they surrender, it is not the same thing at all.

"Lord Gergis has no news yet. I believe he won't die so easily. Maybe he is hiding somewhere to recover, or he may be held back by something."

"Yes, it must be like this. We will know what happened when Lord Gergis returns."

This matter is no longer what they can bear, and they must find someone taller.

So that Gergis, whose life and death are unknown, is the best candidate. After all, this expedition was originally led by Gergis. Although he is not a commander, his words are definitely the most useful.

The king also nodded: "Yes, we just have to wait. But we still have to tell the ancestors about this."

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