Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 354 Nine Legendary Heroes

After entering the temple, until this day, three days have passed, and the people inside finally came out.

Lulu hurriedly flew to Fang Jie's room and banged on the window.

Fang Jie opened the window: "What's wrong, you look so anxious?" Fang Jie couldn't believe that someone in his own territory dared to bully Lu Lu, who didn't know that it was just the Lord's favorite pet.

"Come out, come out, those heroes are back."

"What hero? Wait, you said that they have come back from the test." Fang Jie was also in a hurry this time, and instead of going through the main entrance, he directly urged the Golden Wings and flew out from the window.

There were some panicked attendants and two little foxes who were at a loss.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to arrive at the gate of the temple. Because of his urgency, he almost couldn't control the landing. As a result, he stumbled a few steps before stopping. Fang Jie also calmed down.

After all, he is still a lord, so even if he is thirsty for talents, he does not need to be so anxious.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Jie looked forward, this time all sixteen people came back. Fang Jie couldn't tell their expressions, after all, how could skeletons have expressions.

Because the strength is too different, Fang Jie can't feel the strength of their breath.

"Very good, they're all back, tell me how it goes."

Fang Hao came out as a representative: "Lord Lord, we have just communicated. In this test, a total of nine people successfully passed and became legendary powerhouses, and the rest failed."

"Have sixteen people passed nine, that is to say more than 50%, no, it may be about 50%."

Fang Jie didn't expect that the probability of success mentioned on the Legendary Card was much lower than he thought.

Even adding the shrine in his own territory and the Dark Cloud God enshrined in it, the result is still only about 50%. If it is a wild temple, I am afraid this probability will be lower.

It's no wonder that even the New Moon Kingdom has come up with two legendary-level arms.

Fang Jie was no stranger to what happened on the battlefield that day, after all, he had a lot of spies.

Then, Fang Jie opened Fang Hao's panel.

Name: Fang Hao

Affiliation: Origin City

Loyalty: 100

Occupation: Skeleton Lord

Talents: Sword Mastery, Skeleton Commander

Grade: Gold

Strength: 320, Agility: 300, Constitution: 320, Intelligence: 100, Spirit: 100

Death Fight: 640000/640000

Skills: Basic Swordsmanship, Parry, Block, Slash Down, Dangerous Strike, Hidden Breath, Suppressive Strike, Death Cyclone, Dou Qi Uplift, Hundred Battles, Sever, Power Burst, Death Qi Haunting, High Speed ​​Recovery

Legion Skills: Infantry Legion Command, Skeleton Square, Siege, Lord Glory

"Strange, the change is not big, that is, the attributes have improved a lot." Fang Jie said to himself.

"There has not been much change in terms of skills and talents, so a high-speed recovery skill has been added. How much has your skill improved?" Fang Jie asked directly.

Fang Hao didn't hide it either: "I tested it, it's probably a dozen times faster, and it can recover even in battle." Hearing this, Fang Jie understood.

It is no wonder that although the increase in Dou Qi is great, it is because Fang Hao has the ability to increase Dou Qi.

If it is replaced by other people, I believe it will be less, but it is impossible to compare with those legendary powerhouses who can fight for days and nights. It turned out that not only the fighting spirit had increased, but the recovery speed had also increased.

Fang Jie continued to ask, and basically figured it out. Fang Hao's use of skills now consumes less, and each use is more powerful. Even without using skills, you can easily slash the Dou Qi chop out of the sky.

It's like the battle of the legendary powerhouses that I saw at the beginning.

It turned out that the fighting spirit that kept flying out and attacking was not a big move, but a flat cut.

However, this flat cut is too gorgeous, and everyone is different, which makes it feel like a big move. I have been using the flat cut all the time, the consumption is not big and the recovery is very fast, no wonder it can play for such a long time.

If you use the ultimate move directly, it will definitely consume a huge amount of money.

"So, those people didn't use the ultimate move at the beginning because they didn't want to work hard. That lion performed so well, that's the real strength. And the human in the desert didn't use the ultimate move, mostly because there was no more."

Fang Jie basically figured it out. After all, that person wasn't from any military class.

If he was born in a hero unit, just like Fang Hao, although his skills have not changed, they have been improved in essence. They have been upgraded to the legendary level and can be used as legendary skills.

But indigenous cultivation is different, they cannot directly upgrade their original skills.

Unless you can use your own training and understanding to improve, the best way is to directly learn legendary skills.

At the beginning, that person was probably not long after the breakthrough. Either I haven't learned it yet, or I have learned it, but it is not suitable for use in that situation, so I have never used it.

But no matter what, Fang Jie believes that although these legendary powerhouses have just broken through, they are not weak.

Among the legends, it is definitely about medium, after all, there are so many skill bonuses.

Compared with the natives who have just broken through the legend, and even some natives who have reached the legend for many years, perhaps their subordinates are stronger.

"How does your current strength compare to those old guys in the Blue Sand Kingdom?"

"It's not as good as him, I'm afraid it's not an opponent. The nine of us go together, and we may not be able to beat the three of them."

"Then hold on, let a lot of gold-level combat power cooperate."

"In that case, they are dead. As long as they meet on the battlefield, they will definitely not survive." Seeing Fang Hao's self-confidence, Fang Jie smiled. He believed his own judgment.

"If that's the case, then let them pay the price for what they did."

Suddenly, Fang Jie saw those who didn't succeed, and said, "By the way, what was the test you encountered before, and how difficult it was." Fang Jie also wanted to figure out what happened before.

Fang Hao said without hesitation: "My test is to command the army and win the next battle."

"Really, what about the others." Fang Jie looked at the other people around him.

"My test is simple, cavalry charge, as long as you can win," Coster said.

Dolora is simpler: "My test is a challenge, and my opponent is a dragon at the peak of the gold level. But I know dragons better, so winning is much easier."

Dorora looked at the skeletal dragons, that's why she knew the dragons.

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