Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 355 The True Meaning Of The Legendary Test

According to them, everyone's test is completely different.

Fang Jie asked: "It seems that everyone's experience is different, so what do you think is the most important thing about this legendary test. We can improve it in a targeted manner, which may improve our success rate."

"I think the most important thing is strategy, and without strategy, I can't win."

This is Fang Hao's opinion. After all, Fang Hao's experience is to lead troops to fight, but Fang Hao is very experienced in this regard. From the very beginning, Fang Hao took the place of Fang Jie to lead the battle, and I don't know how many wars were fought.

"I think it should be courage. The courage of the two armies to fight against each other is the most important. Whoever loses courage first will fail. In fact, the opponent's strength was stronger than us at that time, but we have been working hard to the end." But Coster said.

And Dorolla shook her head and said, "I think combat power is the most important thing. That dragon is really powerful. It may not be as strong as our skeleton dragon in terms of strength, but it is more flexible."

Speaking of which, Dorora felt scared and almost failed at that time.

If the dragon was not a living creature but an undead, some of his methods would be useless at all.

If the dragon was more flexible, had more means, and wasn't so idiot, I'm afraid it's me who will fail in the end. After all, dragons are really not comparable to them in terms of their own hard power.

"I think the most important thing is the ability to command. When I was in command of the battle, there were thirty gold-level powerhouses on the opposite side. If it wasn't for the poor command, I wouldn't fail, just a little bit."

It was Mobas who spoke, and Mobas was really depressed, and he really couldn't do it in all aspects.

Originally, because of its own particularity, it can be said that upgrading to the gold level is the limit. But who would have thought that there is such a thing as a legend certificate. If you pass the test, how can you be promoted to the legendary level.

Although it may be difficult to make progress in the future, a legend is a legend after all.

"Wait, why do you have thirty gold-level enemies, but I have two hundred on my side."

Fang Hao looked at Mobas, and the fire of his soul continued to burn.

"Wait a minute, I think you should make the details clearer, so that it's easier to summarize." Fang Jie suddenly realized that the information he had collected before seemed to be somewhat incomplete.

So, this time everyone carefully explained all the details.

Fang Jie put it together and kept summarizing, and finally came to a conclusion.

"Almost understand, the type of your test is actually related to the method you used to obtain the Legendary Certificate. Generally speaking, the test is mostly close, but not absolute. "

Fang Jie looked at some people in the team, and some people were not exactly the same.

"And the intensity of the test is also different. The stronger the ability, the stronger the test. After passing the test, although everyone's performance is the same, there should be some differences, such as the improvement of potential."

It is unreasonable to just pass the test, but use different difficulties, and there will be no benefits afterward.

After all, the rules of this world are not so simple and rude.

So there must be something invisible, such as potential. Fang Jie guessed by himself that the higher the difficulty of passing the test, the higher the achievement in the future, and maybe it will be even better.

"So in the future, if you want to take the test, you must put more effort into the aspects you pass. In addition, you can't develop only one aspect. This time is actually very dangerous. If you choose the aspect that you are not good at, it will be troublesome. "

In fact, Dorolla's test is not the best side. After all, Dorolla is definitely not a legendary certificate obtained by slaughtering gold-level powerhouses, but her test is a one-on-one battle.

If it weren't for Dolora's good luck and her knowledge of dragon creatures, it would be impossible to win.

Although he won in the end, according to Dorolla, his strength was exhausted at that time, and most of his body was shattered. Replaced with a normal creature, before the dragon died, he would have exhausted his vitality first.

Therefore, this makes Fang Jie even more unable to let his subordinates take a single route.

"So in the end, if anyone gets the legend certificate in the future, they have to take the road of generalists, and everything has been honed, and then they can take the test."

Although it seems that the probability is more than 50% this time, it can't actually be calculated like this.

Because Fang Jie didn't know about the legendary certificate at first, so they never let them go to the test. This has only been honed under my own hands for a long time. If you start at the beginning, many people may fail.

In that case, perhaps the final success rate may not even be 20%.

Just imagine the New Moon Kingdom. With such a profound background, only one country can come up with two legends of arms. On the other side of the Blue Sand Kingdom, there is not a single one.

Fang Jie doesn't believe that they will not know about the Legendary Card, so they will definitely prepare.

Unfortunately, the stronger the strength, the higher the difficulty of the test. On the contrary, the air cavalry from the Blue Sand Kingdom could not pass the test at all. I am afraid that the skeleton flying dragon hero on my side will not be able to pass this test in the future.

No matter, hone it first and then talk about it, even if you fight for the probability, you have a larger base than others.

"In the future, I will pay more attention to this side. During the development process, I will give you as many opportunities as possible so that you can obtain the legend certificate." This is Fang Jie's own practice.

It's just a pity that those losers have no chance to continue to improve in their lifetime.

This is the case for heroes, there is only one chance in the legendary road, and if you fail, you can't come again. Fortunately, they are all undead, and there is no sense of loss at all, as long as the owner is happy.

"Then next, one is the manufacturing plan of the mage team, and the other is to attack the Blue Sand Kingdom."

Fang Jie simply looked up and looked at the others: "You give me a feasible report, Fang Hao, you go to organize the army, and a week later we will launch a general attack. This time, let the newcomers join the team."

The reason for the newcomers is to prove the legend, anyway, they are only the supreme commander in name.

The real order is made after the consultation of the staff department, and the commander is only responsible for selection. In Fang Jie's camp, no matter which hero is similar, the difference is the strength of the hero itself.

This set has been completely formed since I learned it from those in the military.

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