Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 356 Sounds The Trumpet To Destroy The Country

"The action is really fast. Is this intended to contain us? No, I should be feeling the pressure, so I want to choose a strong alliance, so let's do it for the time being."

When Fang Jie was gathering his troops, he suddenly received a new message.

The Lansha Kingdom and the New Moon Kingdom, two countries that were beaten to death, suddenly announced that they were going to marry.

That's right, the third prince of the Lansha Kingdom announced that he would marry the fourth princess of the New Moon Kingdom. The fight was broken before, and even the little princess of the New Moon Kingdom died on the battlefield. Unexpectedly, it has become a marriage relationship now.

If they are successfully united, ordinary people really have to think hard about dealing with them.

However, this news has just been released, and even if it is fast, it will take half a month to complete the process.

Fang Jie doesn't want to watch the two countries unite like this, even if they are a little dirty with each other, but who knows if they will actually send troops to help.

The three old legendary powerhouse Fang Jie can still deal with it now, but if there are three more, it will not be the case.

"Let's speed up, anyway, we are almost ready, let's do it now."

No way, Fang Jie didn't create a subsidiary territory on the desert side, after all, it was too close.

Although the desert tunnel is very convenient, it can only be used in the desert, and there is a large swamp there. The road in the middle that can be used for passing is a little too narrow, and it seems a little not enough.

But even so, if you let go of your hands and feet and don't worry about being detected, the transportation speed is definitely much faster than this.

Following Fang Jie's order, many skeletons began to attack with their own troops.

Starting from the great desert, all five troops attacked at the same time. Three roads headed to the south, and two roads headed north. Because a large part of the Lansha Kingdom is in the north.

In fact, the border with the Crescent Kingdom is in the south of the Lansha Kingdom.

Continue to the north, in addition to a harsh terrain that is difficult to walk, followed by your own northern plateau.

Under this kind of terrain, the Blue Sand Kingdom had no way to attack smoothly, which was why the northern plateau was not under their control. However, these have nothing to do with the Blue Sand Kingdom now.

A large number of troops were dispatched directly, causing the entire country of Lansha Kingdom to shake.

On the desert frontier that day, all the garrisoned troops completely collapsed.

They never thought that these undead suddenly attacked. Originally, those undead were almost out of power, weren't they? Although their attack seems to have failed, it seems that the undead cannot resist.

Lansha Kingdom never dreamed that those undead had the courage to take the initiative to fight.

As a result, the army stationed around collapsed immediately. Facing the skeletal dragons flying everywhere in the sky, these armies only lasted for less than an hour before they collapsed completely.

"What! You said those undead came out? And they're moving all the way towards us."

"Yes, Your Majesty, according to the information on the front line, I am afraid that they will be able to advance to the vicinity of our capital in three days at most."

The king's face became ugly now, as did the other ministers.

"Let's talk about their strength, especially the high-end strength."

"We have completely lost contact with the north now, and are blocked by those undead. So what is the situation in the north, we don't know, but the undead in the south are three-way troops marching hand in hand, and the number is at least 20 million."

"It's only 20 million. There's nothing wrong with this amount." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this amount.

After cooperating with the undead for such a long time, their means of dealing with the undead have also increased a lot.

"No, although there are only 20 million troops, we don't know how many their follow-up troops are. And more than half of the 20 million are of the black iron level."

The black iron level is completely different from the apprentice level. It is not a big deal if the number is small, but if the number reaches more than 10 million, it is not the same thing at all. Not to mention, there will be a large number of troops gathering in the follow-up.

Fang Jie is still fissioning ordinary troops and sending them up. The apprentice-level troops that were thought to be useless now seem to be very useful, because one of the ways to get the legend certificate is the scale of the war.

No matter whether the opponent can reach it or not, but his side has to create it first.

Fang Jie asked Fang Hao to carry the legendary certificate, and has been in the army all the time, ready to conduct tests at any time to determine whether other people have this qualification. Once it is confirmed that the legendary certificate has been obtained, another person will go up immediately.

As for the replaced heroes, they will not be tested immediately. In order to increase the probability of passing, in order to increase the potential, Fang Jie will let these heroes carry out various training and various promotions.

Fortunately, these heroes themselves know how to improve, and others are also unreserved help.

So if it fails in the end, it is really bad luck.

The army went south, very strong and relaxed, and did not encounter any too strong obstacles at all. Although the Lansha Kingdom has been gathering troops, the troops that have been gathered have always been gathering in the direction of the capital.

Even if there are some terrain suitable for interception on the road, they did not use it.

There is no way, the enemy is too strong and there are too many numbers, and it is not possible to block it by relying on this terrain.

Rather than sending them all to their deaths, it is better to stay in the capital and fight the enemy to the death.

At the same time, the New Moon Kingdom also received a letter of help from the Blue Sand Kingdom. However, at this time, the people from the New Moon Kingdom did not want to help. Instead, even the team originally prepared for the Fourth Princess slowed down.

"Is there something wrong with this, and it will easily affect our reputation and credibility in the hearts of other countries."

"How could it be? We just went through a big war, and everything is waiting to be done. It's normal that we don't have the strength to send it out. If the Lansha Kingdom can't even handle this, then it's their own problem."

The people of New Moon Kingdom did not think that Lansha Kingdom could not stop those undead. After all, they still have three legends. As long as there are these strong people, it is impossible to fail.

Of course, it would be better if one and a half died, directly changing the situation between the two countries.

At that time, whether to marry the princess or marry the princess on the opposite side, it is necessary to talk about it. Maybe some of the benefits distribution that was agreed before will have to be re-discussed.

The entire kingdom, whether it is the king or other ministers, mostly choose to wait and see.

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