Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 357 The Besieged Capital

The advance of the undead army is not only affected by the Lansha Kingdom.

The first to be affected are the lords who have been forced or voluntarily joined the Lansha Kingdom. These people all knew the inside information, and knew that Fang Jie was calling this time.

Even they know what some of Fang Jie's policies are, and these things are no secret long ago.

After all, the undead army is marching in front, and those who are really responsible for cleaning up are those who came out of the military. In this case, even Qin Lan took the initiative to ask Ying to go to the rear to preside over logistical matters.

It's been like this, in fact, even if something is exposed, they don't need to care at all.

So these lords, some surrendered immediately, and were then investigated by people arranged by Fang Jie.

Those who meet their own requirements will stay; those who do not meet the requirements should be destroyed and occupied according to the regulations. Although Fang Jie doesn't think he is a good person, he also doesn't want to leave someone with a bad reputation.

Those who have such a bad reputation will be executed on the spot if caught.

Most of these people choose to run away directly, and don't want to throw away the territory.

The few who were able to upgrade their territories to towns under the oppression of the Blue Sand Kingdom had already chosen a place and moved the town directly, leaving a large area of ​​functional buildings waiting to be occupied or destroyed.

In short, advancing all the way, none of these lords can escape.

Fang Jie's subordinates have a lot of lords.

This time it was for occupation, not to collect spiritual points, so Fang Jie encountered those human cities on the way, and he stayed as long as he didn't resist. Except for killing some of the rebels, the others remained.

After running all the way, at least ordinary people have survived.

The reason why only half of them survived was not because the other half were killed, but because many people fled and left. If it weren't for the speed at which the undead marched too fast, none of these people would have stayed.

In the impression of most people, the undead will not leave a living mouth.

On the battlefield before, this is basically the same performance, so the current performance is surprising.

"Lord, Lord, the task on my side has been completed." Jia Siwei took the initiative to contact Fang Jie.

Fang Jie nodded: "It's done, your mission is done very well, then just protect yourself." Jia Siwei did a good job, and his own development is also very good.

"Then can I participate in this battle? I also want to contribute."

Fang Jie's heart moved, and he roughly knew what Jia Siwei meant. This guy must have seen himself start to attack the Blue Sand Kingdom, so he was worried that his promise was gone.

At the beginning, I had promised him that I would hand over the Blue Sand Kingdom to him to manage.

But Fang Jie didn't plan to break his promise. Although Jia Siwei's performance was not that perfect, he was in charge of managing this kind of thing, not giving to anyone. Fang Jie doesn't care about these, he only cares about the resources produced by the land.

In addition, there are various ancient battlefields and current battlefields. After the construction of the Gathering Pagoda, you can continuously provide yourself with spiritual points.

That's the key, nothing else matters.

"No, you don't need to participate this time. After all, the Blue Sand Kingdom is not so easy to deal with. After this time, I will leave the Blue Sand Kingdom to you to manage. You can choose a suitable camp territory to manage. ."

Fang Jie has a lot of territories of various factions in his hands. As long as he needs it, he can upgrade one at any time and transfer it to a specific location.

"That big lord, I feel that my reputation is not enough, so I only need half the management rights of the southern part of the Lansha Kingdom."

Fang Jie was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that Jia Siwei would give up half of it voluntarily. But the imagination is also, Jia Siwei's own reputation and strength are indeed far worse, even at the beginning he did not know how big the Blue Sand Kingdom is.

Even if half of it is removed now, what remains is still much larger than the New Moon Kingdom.

Although Fang Jie's rules must be followed, with the management rights of such a large area, Jia Siwei is also equivalent to a soil emperor. All previous ideas can now be completed.

"That's okay, let's use the desert as the dividing point, and the south will be handed over to you."

Fang Jie on the south side didn't care, because except for a crescent kingdom bordering on the south side, the rest of the place was a special area, and it was not for normal people to pass through.

Only to the north, it is said to border some powerful countries.

On the other side of the northern prairie, isn't it also bordering on three human nations?

Fang Jie waved his hand: "Okay, don't expose it for now, or New Moon Kingdom may not let you go. I'll deal with Lansha Kingdom first."

Jia Siwei quickly expressed his understanding and stopped bothering Fang Jie.

With Fang Jie's acknowledgement, Jia Siwei's excitement, even in his own city, did not calm down for a long time.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the three-way army marched steadily, all the way to the vicinity of the royal capital of the Blue Sand Kingdom. At this time, the undead army is not only as many as 20 million, but each has reached the number of 20 million.

A total of 40 million, this force is more than what Lansha Kingdom hired at the beginning.

The Lansha Kingdom didn't know that it had been tricked in the first place. However, this is the case between countries, they are all deceiving each other, and it depends on who can deceive each other.

I miscalculated, I can only blame myself for not making it clear at the beginning, and I can't blame anyone.

Near the capital, the Lansha Kingdom's army gathered here, and not all of them could be placed in the capital. They can only gather outside the city, and further out, they are all undead armies, besieging them.

Further afield, some cities in the kingdom are connected to each other, nominally besieging these undead, but they absolutely dare not attack. After all, it is only in name, and the siege force is really too weak.

The entire Lansha Kingdom, centered on the capital, turned into something like a burrito, layer by layer.

And the people in the Lansha Kingdom didn't think this was a fun thing at this time, and no one would have a smile in their hearts. After all, they are now surrounded, and there are at least several thousand gold-level undead creatures outside.

Possibly even more, since they are now completely out of reach.

From the perspective of gold-level combat power, they are not the opponents of those undead at all. If it wasn't for the fact that they all trusted their country's legendary powerhouse very much at the beginning, I am afraid that some people would have fled.

But now surrounded, everyone's mentality is still very uneasy.

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