Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 362 The News Is Too Late To Run Away

I have to say that the power of Corolla's dying counterattack was really too powerful.

Fang Jie has already learned that although Corolla is not young, she is far from reaching the peak of the legend. But even so, Corolla's strength is still far beyond those who have just entered the legend.

In the previous outbreak, although he was not lightly injured, he also seriously injured the two skeleton heroes on his side.

If it were replaced by a normal legend, it would be difficult to face this kind of attack without dying. Under the blessing of that special power, even if it is a skeleton, it will not be able to recover in a short time.

The two skeleton legends looked particularly miserable now, with many broken bones and cracks all over their bodies.

But because of the effect of the legendary power, it will not get better for a while. According to the two people, I am afraid it will take more than a month to disperse this power and allow myself to fully recover.

However, after this battle, the strength of these skeleton legends has been improved.

After all, they all came from the military, and they could have been improved by war. Although the improvement is not large, after reaching the legendary level, it is not so easy to rely on war to improve.

Otherwise, the two legends of the New Moon Kingdom would have already reached the level of Wudi.

At this level, for the most part, you still have to rely on your own cultivation and understanding.

Just when Fang Jie and his subordinates were making a study plan, the undead army finally broke out in the New Moon Kingdom to attack the city.

But at the beginning, the New Moon Kingdom didn't know that this was the demise of the Blue Sand Kingdom, because the undead moved too fast. The troops who had just returned from the border were called up again.

These armies were directly crushed by the undead army as if they were chariots.

They never thought that these undead were not so powerful before, why are they so powerful this time. Not only has the strength of the military units increased, but even the command style has changed.

"Damn, these damn undead, are they attacking two countries at the same time?"

"I think they were provoking things before, deliberately making our two countries attack each other and weakening our strength before coming back."

"What should we do, if this goes on, the whole army will be wiped out."

The commander looked to the rear: "Hold on for two days, let the people evacuate, and then we will go too. Back all the way, there are legendary powerhouses in our kingdom, and we will never lose to them."

Thinking of the legendary powerhouse battle that they had seen before, all the people instantly had a higher motivation.

So everyone kept fighting and retreating, but they overestimated their abilities.

Their strength could not stop the undead at all, but they were constantly defeated, even surrounded. People who escaped to the general public were also caught. Fortunately, these undead did not seem to want to exterminate them.

After the continuous arrest and return, some restless ones were eliminated, and the remaining troops and people were quiet one after another.

They don't know what these undead want to do, but it's better to be alive than dead.

So under the oppression of the undead, these people returned to their normal lives, but the atmosphere was a little weird.

In this way, two days later, the army directly surrounded the capital of the New Moon Kingdom. Just like dealing with the Lansha Kingdom before, a huge encirclement was formed.

Not only the undead from the Blue Sand Kingdom, but also some from the Flower Plateau participated.

Originally, the kingdom was in a hurry to focus on both sides, but I didn't expect it to take so long, and the situation became like this.

"Report, news came from the front line just now that the Lansha Kingdom has perished, all their legends have died, and the royal family has surrendered with the nobles."

"What? Are you kidding me, when did this happen?" The king's face became ugly.

Why is the news so outdated, and such an important thing told to me now, didn't you see that the capital was about to be surrounded? In this case, even if they wanted to escape, they couldn't do it.

"According to the time, it should have been more than two days ago."

"Two days ago, two days ago! Damn, didn't that happen to be the time when the border was attacked? Could it be that when they were about to win, they already sent people to attack us. This is to destroy both of us at the same time. a country."

Suddenly, he frowned: "How did they do it, how could they kill those legendary powerhouses?"

"Your Majesty, the specific news has not come out, but according to the frontline information, those undead seem to have legendary powerhouses." Suddenly, the king's face turned pale.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now." Those nobles also lost their calm at this time.

Who would have thought that the original situation was very good, the Lansha Kingdom attacked those undead and suffered heavy losses, and then suffered the revenge of the undead. They just waited for the undead to inflict great harm on them and benefit themselves.

From a small loss to gaining the upper hand, it will definitely affect the international situation. At that time, the country can take the opportunity to obtain a lot of benefits and even continue to develop.

And this time I accidentally discovered the huge alliance of the Sea Alliance, but I can find a way to get benefits from it.

But who would have thought that in just a few days, the situation would take a turn for the worse. Not only was the king surrounded, but it was as if he had entered a desperate situation.

"Report to the ancestors immediately and let the ancestors decide. Also, go back and clean up, maybe we have to take the last road." The so-called last road is either to escape or surrender.

Before that, who would have thought that things would go this far.

When the news spread, the entire palace was in complete chaos. Wasn't he just beaten to the capital by someone? It's not unheard of. There are legendary powerhouses, and no one believes that the king will be affected in any way.

But this time, it seems to be completely different. The troops outside had just gathered, and immediately affected by the news, they began to shake. They don't even know who the news came from.

Barrow had just received the news and was about to come to inquire when he suddenly heard a voice from outside.

"Listen to the people of the New Moon Kingdom, surrender now, or you will be killed without mercy." The undead outside began to attack, and even before completing the encirclement, they began to attack.

They believe that there are a large number of flying units in the air, and even if they are not completely surrounded, they will not let them escape.

Barrow's face changed, he knew that he had to come forward, and the matter had developed to such an extent that it could not be solved by holding a meeting.

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