Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 363 Breaking Their Backbone

The army of undead was dispatched directly, and there was no chance for the people of New Moon Kingdom to react at all.

Even if there is no negotiation, Fang Jie's countermeasure is to first solve the opponent's legendary powerhouse, completely interrupt the opponent's backbone, and then discuss other things for you.

Just like the Blue Sand Kingdom before, as long as their legendary powerhouses are cleaned up, they will be completely honest.

Although the king led the rebellion and destroyed a large number of buildings and territories, which Fang Jie did not expect, the others were still very honest and obedient.

Thinking about it, the king was not reconciled, and he didn't plan to live, so he would make such a move.

It's the kind of mentality that I can't keep and absolutely can't let the enemy take advantage of it. But to Fang Jie, he really doesn't like that kind of thing, isn't the gold powerhouse he made cheap, isn't the quantity enough?

When Barrow heard the sound, he came out immediately, and then two other legends appeared.

"Damn, these damn undead should have been cleaned up a long time ago, but it has become a big problem until now."

The other two nodded slightly and didn't say anything. They were all born in the military, and their obedience was much better than that of ordinary people. Likewise, they are less subjective and don't think about it as much.

"Sir, what should we do, this battle, I am afraid it is very difficult for us to win."

Look at the endless undead armies and the air force that covers the sky.

Since the beginning of the war, air power has been attacking continuously, and it looks as if it is dark in the sky. Under this kind of environment, under this kind of pressure, the strength that the soldiers can exert is only half of what they used to be.

Ahead, after the ghost mage began to cast spells, those troops disintegrated faster, and they were about to spread to their own side.

"We have to do it, they won't stop negotiating if we don't do it, and we don't have a chance to escape."

It was too late to get the news, Barrow had already thought of his own ending, just like those guys in the Lansha Kingdom.

It was only a few days ago that I forced the Lansha Kingdom to compromise, but who would have thought that they had already fallen to this level in such a few days. If I had known this earlier... if I had known it earlier, there seemed to be no way.

The power of those undead was definitely not temporarily improved in the past few days, he believed that the other party could not improve so fast.

Even if there is territory, how can it be possible to have such combat power without a few years or even a dozen years of development.

Barrow apologized to the two subordinates, and then led them into the battlefield. The legendary powerhouse shot, instantly clearing a large area of ​​the battlefield, and the morale of the soldiers finally improved.

But it didn't take long for them to find that their legendary powerhouse was blocked by others.

It's the undead, it's legendary, and it's more numerous.

Because two of them went back to recover from their injuries, there were only seven legends who started this time. But because after the previous battle, they had experience in the battle with the legendary powerhouse, so it was easier to deal with.

In addition, his own strength has improved a little, and none of the legendary strength of New Moon Kingdom can reach the level of Corolla, so this battle is easier to deal with.

When the skeletal dragon in the air flew down, when the white-bone griffin knight joined the battlefield, and when the golden ghost mage shot.

The pressure of this war was instantly reduced to the extreme. The battle had only been going on for three hours, and the aura of the three besieged legendary powerhouses had already been reduced to the extreme.

In the end, Fang Hao seized the opportunity to seriously injured Barrow, and then the gold-level skeleton hero behind him shot and killed him, and the battle began to come to an end.

A few minutes later, the other two legends were killed one after another, and the legendary power of the New Moon Kingdom came to an end.

When the news spread, the army outside the capital collapsed immediately, and it couldn't be contained. The undead only need to go forward to arrest them, and then look at them.

When the news came into the city, the city that had been boiling completely quieted down.

Because they know that they have absolutely no chance to win.

Not to mention victory, there is no chance to escape. All I can do now is negotiate and find a way to survive. Or, to keep more benefits while surviving, that's all.

Those nobles were the first to take action. They took the initiative to completely control the royal family without Fang Jie's hands.

Even the king was stared at by many people, and the king would never be allowed to run around. Otherwise, if this one is gone, wouldn't it be them who will be blamed next?

The king looked at these courtiers who were still loyal in the morning and completely betrayed in the afternoon, and said nothing.

To be able to do this, who doesn't know how to choose.

The entire palace hall was quiet, but everyone's mentality was not so quiet. I kept thinking about various countermeasures and policies in my heart, and it was not as stable as it was on the bright side.

Finally, when the army of undead entered the city and stabilized the control of the city step by step, Fang Hao finally brought people into the palace, and when he came in, he saw this kind of strange scene.

"You are here, this time you have won, and the New Moon Kingdom will be yours from now on."

The king of the New Moon Kingdom slowly got up and took off the crown on his head.

This is to show their attitude with actions, and the other nobles are relieved when they see this. If this guy insists on being hard with the other party, God knows if the other party will become angry and destroy them all.

They can only pray now that these undead are controlled by a human being, just like the rumors.

After all, if it is controlled by a human, then there is still a little way to live. Judging from their performance, they didn't turn all the people into material, so there should be some reliable ones.

"Very well, since you have surrendered, our people will take over here."

"Can I see your lord?" the king said after thinking.

"Sorry, the lord is very busy and has no time to see you."

Hearing this, a smile appeared in the king's eyes. It seemed that the bet was right, but he did not expect that the incredible rumor was actually true.

"Although most of the things in our country are in the treasure house, there are still some special ones that you can use. All I ask is for comfort."

The king took out a picture of a blueprint and gave Fang Hao a look.

Fang Hao nodded slightly: "I need to discuss with the lord." This thing is indeed something they can use.

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