Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 367 It's Time To Update The System

It didn't take long for the entire territory of Lansha Kingdom and New Moon Kingdom to be completely controlled.

After all, in the case of absolute force, it is very easy to control it.

On the Blue Sand Kingdom side, Jia Siwei finally moved the human faction town that he had chosen. With such a huge land all of a sudden, Jia Siwei felt as if he had become a soil emperor.

But for Fang Jie, Jia Siwei has no more thoughts of betrayal.

Because he knew that Fang Jie could easily knock down the Lansha Kingdom, so it would be easier to destroy himself in the future. With the expansion of the territory, Fang Jie's power will definitely continue to expand.

What Fang Jie did on these sites was to set up a branch of a material business, and then build a gathering tower at the verified place.

Relying on the spiritual points brought by a large number of spirit gathering towers, with enough resources, Fang Jie will develop faster.

In the end, there are military strongholds one by one, especially those places where ghost mages study magic. With these, even if the territory is his own, Jia Siwei does not have the courage to rebel.

Not to mention that Jia Siwei's territory still belongs to Fang Jie, and he is just a manager.

For any troops built in the territory, the first allegiance is always Fang Jie instead of himself.

Although a few thoughts turned around in his heart, Jia Siwei gave it up completely.

But what makes Jia Siwei depressed is that the area north of Lansha Kingdom is actually controlled by Korla. Korra was originally just a humble clerk under Jasmine's subordinate.

Because it is aboriginal, Jia Siwei doesn't pay much attention to it.

In the last battle, Korra took the opportunity to lead the troops and showed his talent.

As a result, Fang Jie valued him later, and he stepped up step by step.

Now the Blue Sand Kingdom is divided into two parts, the south is his own, and the north is Korla's, which really makes Jia Siwei a little depressed. However, both of them chose the subordinate territories of the human camp, which was considered a high degree of overlap.

There are basically no enemies in the south now, after all, other places are wrapped in the land of flames.

The north borders the Black Feather Kingdom, so it is necessary for Korla to continue to develop and improve the combat effectiveness of the human camp.

This kind of performance made Jia Siwei feel depressed for a while, knowing that it would not be better for him to choose the north side. If there is no battle, it means that there is no way to get credit, and it will become more and more inconspicuous in the future.

But Fang Jie doesn't care about this, he has called Qin Lan back at this time.

The war on the New Moon Kingdom's side is over, so a new distribution will follow.

"Why did you suddenly ask me to come back? Why don't you accompany your little princess?" Qin Lan said with a bit of resentment. I didn't pay attention to myself, okay, there is a new person here.

The two foxes before were just two attendants, and their status was very low.

Today, although this princess is also a slave, she is also a princess, and she is very attractive to men.

They all come from a society without slaves, so this so-called slave status is not the same as the natives of this world. This little princess makes Qin Lan feel a great threat.

"Haha, it's just a condition to appease them, otherwise it wouldn't have taken control of the entire New Moon Kingdom so quickly, would it?" Fang Jie hit a haha.

It's been such a long time, and I've grown a lot, but it still doesn't seem like Qin Lan is as strong as a woman in the aura.

I don't know when I can suppress it in the aura, otherwise I don't look like a leader when I stand together. Qin Lan didn't know what Fang Jie was thinking.

But seeing Fang Jie like this, Qin Lan's tone softened.

After all, Fang Jie is the boss anyway, so it's not easy to be able to perform like this. It's just that Qin Lan doesn't know why, and can't help but want to complain.

"Okay, I'm looking for you this time, mainly to find a new job."

"I'm afraid it's not so easy to manage the business side of the business. After all, everyone else has their own territory, which highly overlaps with your management direction."

Fang Jie himself found various problems in management.

"So, do you want to reform the management system? That's right. After all, it's different now and before."

Fang Jie nodded: "Look at this place, the New Moon Kingdom, including the Dark Forest, will be taken care of by you in the future. You are the lord here. I plan to turn all the places into such a piece in the future. territory to manage.”

Qin Lan glanced at Fang Jie: "Are you going to imitate the local lord management model of this world?"

Fang Jie shook his head: "No, to be exact, it should be the ancient feudal system, the mode of the princes. Anyway, the main forces are controlled by my hands, they can't betray me, this mode is very beneficial development and expansion.”

Indeed, in the ancient times of this model, the state was always expanding, and at a very rapid rate.

But there are also disadvantages, that is, powerful princes are prone to disobey orders, which themselves are the source of national turmoil. It took a long time to change this model, but the country has expanded very slowly since then.

Even in the most serious period, the country was still being invaded by foreigners.

So when Fang Jie found that he was not afraid of rebellion and could absolutely control all the troops, he decided to use this method. Feel at ease, those lords also have a lot of autonomy, and they are also very at ease.

If anyone has ambitions, it's easy to kill them.

Qin Lan shook his head: "This method is really good, but you can't do without the central command. I think you can't take care of everything by yourself."

"I didn't plan to take care of things. It's enough to give an order when the time comes."

Qin Lan rolled his eyes: "In this case, aren't you afraid of being deceived? It's impossible for them to rebel, but they can still be deceived. Even if you don't want to manage it yourself, you must establish a cabinet or something to manage it. Bar."

"Well, I'll set this up. In the future, you don't have to ask about anything else except major events."

Fang Jie thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll trouble you." If it's someone else, it's definitely dissatisfied with being slapped up like this, but Fang Jie doesn't care, he doesn't care about these things in the first place.

What he cares about is only to develop and strengthen his own territory, and to improve his own strength.

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