Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 370 The Goal Of The Racial Contract

With the support of Fang Jie, another group of ghost mages were sent to the dark forest.

While fighting against those dark druids, at the same time quietly capture all the shadow elves living in it. The whole process went very smoothly without any hindrance.

Or for the dark druids, only they are their compatriots and the masters in the dark forest.

As for the other races living in it, they are all enemies, and it doesn't matter if they are killed.

This is why the shadow elves are suppressed like that, and the dark druids who are captured now don't care. After sweeping several times and making sure they were all caught, they came back.

After all, these shadow elves are too special, and their ability to hide and escape is too strong.

If they don't want to be caught, it's really not an easy thing to control these shadow elves.

Fortunately, there are no legends in their group, so after using the legendary powerhouse, the most hidden ones were still caught, and it was finally determined that none of them escaped.

After getting this news, Fang Jie went directly to the Flower Plateau through the large space door.

The reason why Fang Jie came here in person is because he values ​​the shadow elves as a race.

The racial contract scroll that I have never thought about where to use it, seems to have found a good target this time.

But I still have to see it with my own eyes. Although the shadow elves have very good talents and abilities, if they are too bad, Fang Jie doesn't want them either. After all, a race that is loyal to oneself also represents one's own face, doesn't it?

Fang Jie admits that he has a little selfishness, but he is not a group of people who serve the people, so what's the matter with selfishness. Not to mention that it didn't affect other people, even if it did, they didn't need to consider their opinions.

"Is that all?" Fang Jie said as he walked up to Mobas.

Mobas has completely recovered and saluted slightly: "Lord Lord, that's all, all of them are in this place."

Ahead, one by one enchantment, trapped some shadows in it. Some are elf appearances, but more of them keep their shadow appearances at this time. It seems that as long as the enchantment is opened, they are ready to escape at any time.

"It looks good." Fang Jie nodded.

The few in front of them kept the appearance of elves. They were tall and tall, not as tall as normal elves, but this height was more in line with human aesthetics. After all, real elves are taller than humans.

These 1.7 meters or so are the most suitable. Although he belongs to the shadow elf, he is only wearing black, with fair skin and no pores.

The pupils and hair are black, slightly exotic, more suitable for Fang Jie's aesthetic.

Maybe because of its special composition, even if you exercise all year round, you still haven't left the slightest trace on your body, whether it is calluses or scars, there is not a single point, and the skin is flawless.

"Very well, it meets my requirements."

"Human, are you the leader of these people?" A shadow elf stood up and said to Fang Jie through the barrier.

"Yes, I am their lord, and they are all my subordinates."

"It turns out that your leader is actually a human, and he is so weak. If he had known, he would have succeeded in the assassination." The shadow elf's voice was very pleasant, but the murderous intent in his eyes made people uncomfortable.

Across the barrier, Fang Jie felt a tingling sensation on his skin.

This strength is really not simple. The shadow elf leader mentioned in the data should be her.

Among the shadow elves, there are only three gold-level ones in total, and the one who assassinated Mobas before was the one who did it. Everyone else followed suit and didn't interrupt when they spoke.

The discipline of this race is still very good, it is not like an elves at all.

"Even if you know me, you can't succeed. There are many defensive buildings in my territory, but you can't enter through ordinary shadows." Fang Jie said without caring at all.

Not to mention other things, Death Air Tower and Rune Arrow Tower are the nemesis of these people.

If it weren't for the lack of these things on the Flower Plateau, they wouldn't have been able to touch Mobas.

"And if something happened to me, your entire clan would have been destroyed long ago."

"What's your purpose? What do you want to do with our lives?" The shadow elves still maintain their arrogance. Although they are looking up, there is always a feeling of being looked down upon.

This kind of feeling has been seen in elves before, but these shadow elves seem to be even more arrogant.

It really deserves to be an elf species. The arrogance of this species is really comparable to few races.

"It's very simple, it is to sign a contract with you. This is a racial allegiance contract. You should know what it is."

Seeing the expression on the face of the shadow elves, Fang Jie knew that these people who had never seen the world didn't know. Then Fang Jie explained the contract, and they understood.

"Human, you give up, we will not be loyal to you."

Fang Jie said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, if you don't give allegiance, then you will be useless. When the time comes, the whole family will perish. Mobas, they have assassinated you before, so they will be handed over to you."

Mobas hurriedly bowed and said: "Please rest assured, Lord, I will treat them well, and I will not let them die so happily. There are many experiments on ghost mage, which need to be carried out on them."

Seeing the ghost mage next to him, the shadow elves began to fear.

Although there is not much inheritance, they certainly know what kind of creature a mage is. Usually it seems to be a symbol of wisdom, but once it is used as experimental material, it is really scary, definitely scarier than death.

"Wait a minute, we, we can allegiance to you, but your contract is too harsh."

Indeed, the contract itself must require that the other party must be loyal to the whole family, and the loyalty should reach 50 or more, which is not something that can be done under normal circumstances. They don't say allegiance, they all hate Fang Jie.

After all, when they were captured before, a lot of shadow elves died.

Now the entire ethnic group adds up to less than 200 people.

"It doesn't matter, the hated ones will be eliminated, and the suitable ones will be left." Shadow elves are not a kind race, and they should not be treated with too much tenderness, otherwise it will be even more impossible to achieve their goals.

Finally, the leader of the shadow elves said: "Are you planning to take down the dark forest now? If so, it is not completely impossible to meet the requirements." These shadow elves finally gave in.

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