Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 374: Experiment With The Battlefield

"It's really spectacular. It's probably not many silver levels to watch the legendary battle with me." Fang Jie controlled the death crow and watched it from different angles.

This kind of legendary battle is also beneficial to oneself after watching it.

In the future, if you want to make breakthroughs, these are very useful for reference.

Of course, his breakthrough is different from those of the heroes of the arms, and he does not follow the same path. Even Fang Jie doesn't know what kind of road to take, and these will be discussed after the data is sorted out.

After all, both kingdoms have normal aboriginal legendary powerhouses, and they must know how to break through.

It's just that he is only at the silver level now, and he has not reached the peak yet. The distance from the legend is too far.

Suddenly, Fang Jie found that the druids also came out.

These Druids are all of the mage type, controlling the plants on the ground one by one, first corrupting them, and then controlling the release of various spells. Fang Jie can see a lot of their abilities.

There is one more step in the release of the spell, but in the dark forest managed by oneself, this step is very fast.

After adding this step, their spells are easier to control and more powerful. I am afraid that these guys use less magic power to release spells than before, this is Fang Jie's own guess.

It's a pity that their spells are accompanied by some corrosive and poisonous attacks, so this type of attack has no effect on the undead, and they are completely restrained.

If those normal creatures were attacked, their attack ability would be much stronger.

However, Fang Jie is not without mages, and many ghost mages have already floated over.

The dark energies in the hands of the ghost mage gathered one by one, and then formed various spells. These spells are terrible for attacking dryads, but there is no problem attacking druids.

There are also some ghost mages who have absorbed some of the combat methods of traditional mages.

They carved some magic circles on the ground, and then concentrated their power together, and a host used all the powers together to burst out stronger combat power.

This is the first time that the ghost mage in Fang Jie's hands has played a role on the battlefield on a large scale.

Various combat methods are used one after another, which is also to accumulate experience in future battles. After this battle, everyone will summarize various problems and effects and discuss them together for future use.

I have to say that there are definitely not many people who can use this kind of battle to experiment, except Fang Jie.

This large-scale experiment will consume a lot of money and the loss will be very large, but it has to be said that the effect is really good.

"Although these Druids follow the mage route, their spells can also be used as a supplement after they are collected." Fang Jie could see that these fallen Druids went the way of spells.

And they all use the method of corrupting plants to cast spells with the help of plants.

Whether it is wooden arrow leaves or various highly toxic corrosive liquids, it is of this type.

As for the Druid's transformation system and element system, even the system that calls for natural power, you can't see it here.

The inheritance of these Druids is also problematic.

"Yes, they are here too." Fang Jie looked into the air, and there were many red-eyed dragonflies flying over there. Because of the short time, the red-eyed dragonfly did not form a large scale.

But even so, it is enough to play a role on the battlefield.

A red light flashed in the air, and the red-eyed dragonfly looked like it was attacking its own people.

But when those rays gathered, a red-eyed dragonfly immediately released the rays and attacked from a distance. The light, which was originally only the thickness of a finger, reached a diameter of more than one meter.

The power contained in it is far from being comparable to before, and this power has fully reached the gold level.

The light hit a tree demon and immediately left a hole in the tree demon's body.

"Yes, the flame attribute still has a good effect on these corrupt tree demons." Different attributes have different effects, so the abilities displayed are also different.

The attacks of these dragonflies have an obvious effect on the tree demon, which is not comparable to those of the mages.

From the beginning of the battle, the Dark Druids were all suppressed. And this kind of suppression did not allow them to persevere, but the balance of battle was constantly tilted.

As more and more tree demons perished, the outcome of the battle became clear.

Because of the speed, those flying undead can go back and replace after being injured. But there is no way for those tree demons to be replaced, and they can only stay on the battlefield and fight until they die.

The high-end battlefield has basically stabilized at this time. Under the successive attacks of the six legends, the Druid lord was retreating, and there were already scars on his body.

That's right, because of their special inheritance method, the Druid Lord's strength is indeed very powerful, even stronger than the Corolla of the Blue Sand Kingdom, which everyone can appreciate.

But because of the previous battles, the strength and combat experience of these legends under Fang Jie have been greatly improved.

After a battle, everyone cooperated more tacitly, so the strength that was exerted was far greater than before.

So Lord Darui was controlled like this, because the other party fought steadily, so the various methods of the Lord were useless. Even some unexpected means were still blocked by them.

Especially the shield in Fang Hao's hand blocked most of the attacks.

That is a legendary-level shield. In the hands of a legendary powerhouse, the ability to play is really terrifying.

Over time, the power of the Druid Highlord began to gradually decline. At this time, one of the three legendary tree demons suddenly fell down, and the battle over there was over.

"Go and help others first, and come here last." Fang Hao shouted loudly.

The skeleton hero who originally wanted to come to help, immediately turned around and went to help the other two battlefields.

"Damn, it's despicable." The Druid lord scolded secretly, but there was nothing he could do. At this time, the battlefield had completely stabilized, and he knew that he was powerless.

Fang Jie showed a smile from a distance, the war was completely overturned, and the Dark Forest himself was sure to take it down.

"Let people immediately block the dark forest, especially in the east, so that none of them can escape." Although Fang Jie was not afraid of these dark druids, he didn't want them to stay outside to cause trouble for himself.

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