Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 375 The First Servant Race

The war has basically ended at this point, and as long as there are no accidents, there will be no problems.

It turns out that an accident is impossible, and everything is going in the direction Fang Jie expected. It didn't take long for the three Legendary Dryads to be destroyed, and none of them remained.

Then the Druid Lord, who was besieged by nine legends at the same time, was even more difficult to persevere.

It didn't take long for an arm of the great lord to be cut off.

The big lord fought back for the last time, seriously injuring a legendary skeleton on the spot, and slightly injuring Dolora, and was pierced by Fang Hao's sword. It didn't take long for the high lord to die in pain and resentment.

"As expected of an old legend, each one is not simple, and has its own trump card."

Fang Jie sighed in his heart, it is really not easy to be able to seriously injure himself a legend under such circumstances. These legends should not be underestimated, Fang Jie secretly warned himself.

If it is not necessary, I will definitely not be able to contact this powerful existence in the future.

Safety is the most important thing, why would you put yourself in danger if you can survive?

Before the battle was over, all kinds of news had already been sent to the Flower Plateau. At this moment, Shadow Moon is looking at her clansmen and keeps giving various warnings.

"Listen, if you don't want the ethnic group to perish, then allegiance to the lord here must be wholeheartedly, and no one should think too much."

"But do we really want to swear allegiance to a human being?"

As the leader of the entire clan, Shadow Moon is also the queen of their shadow elves, so she doesn't want to be loyal to others. Even if you want to be loyal, you are only a silver-level human, which is of course dissatisfying.

But now, he and others are under the control of others.

"I know too, but we have to be clear that although he is a human, he is very capable and has many strong men. Following him, he will definitely be able to gain huge development potential."

"The leader is right. As long as the ethnic group can continue to develop, what is the matter with allegiance. Besides, human beings are human beings after all."

The part that is not said in this sentence is that human beings are short-lived after all, their lifespan is limited, and their descendants may not be able to achieve this kind of achievement. This kind of prominent ethnic group, as long as the number is small, may perish at some time.

And once they perish, they are free.

For humans, this time may not be too long, and perhaps this generation will not pass.

Thinking of this, everyone feels a lot better. Besides, even if they can continue to inherit, it only means that their strength will always remain strong. Isn't it more beneficial to be loyal to such a family.

In any case, as a human being able to control such a powerful undead army, the strength is not simple.

As shadow elves, their composition is very special, so they do not reject the undead. There are many people who even juxtapose them with elemental creatures or undead creatures as a type of existence.

At this time, someone suddenly came over and said: "The latest information, the dark forest has been taken down. Their chief leader has died, and the three legendary tree demons have also been eliminated, and the corpses will be sent later."

Hearing this, all the shadow elves instantly changed their mentality.

Just like what Shadowmoon said before, those dark druids are their worst enemies and most hated targets.

Compared with Fang Jie, this hatred is nothing. If the Dark Druids can be eliminated, it will be very easy for their tribe to swear allegiance.

Shadow Moon said to the others: "Everyone has heard it now, our feud has been wiped out. In return, there should be no problem with allegiance to those who helped us avenge our revenge."

Everyone nodded: "No problem, even if the leader doesn't say that I want to be loyal."

A strange look appeared in the eyes of a shadow elf, which seemed to be full of adoration. There are still a few shadow elves wiping their tears, waiting for this day for too long.

Their ancestors have been suppressed by the dark druids for generations, and if they are not special, they will not even survive.

Even so, their habitats are constantly changing.

Faced with the hunting of Dark Druids almost every year, I don’t know how many people have to die to survive. Now that their feud was finally over, the shadow elves' perception of Fang Jie suddenly changed.

When Fang Jie came back all the way, he found that these shadow elves looked at him differently.

Opening the panel and scanning it, Fang Jie was surprised to find that the loyalty of these shadow elves to him has been greatly improved, and the highest level has even increased to nearly 90, reaching the number of 88.

The leader of the shadow elves did not reach this height, but also reached 64, which exceeded the pass line by a lot.

Fang Jie also doesn't need to think about getting along, because as long as they sign a contract, their behavior will be constant at the same level as their full loyalty value, and their loyalty will increase very quickly in the future.

Even if there is no loyalty, it is impossible to betray, and this is the powerful effect of this contract.

But even so, Fang Jie found that the conditions were still not met, because there was still a shadow spirit, and his loyalty to himself was 2 points lower, and it was only 48, which did not meet the standard.

There are only more than 200 people in this ethnic group, and I still have great favors for them.

Unexpectedly, there is no way to meet the requirements in this way. The requirements for this scroll are too high.

"This has not been achieved yet, what is going on?"

"My lord, please don't blame her. She died in the previous arrest because of her family. We will persuade her."

A group of people around quickly began to persuade, otherwise Fang Jie would definitely not let her go.

"Give you half an hour." After all, seeing that he was about to kill such a beautiful creature, Fang Jie couldn't help it. But he really didn't want to wait any longer, the longer the time, the more troublesome it would be.

It must be done as soon as possible, while now is the closest to success.

Under the persuasion of many shadow elves, in less than ten minutes, that person gave in.

Seeing that the conditions were met, Fang Jie immediately took out the contract while heaving a sigh of relief. "Okay, let's start signing." Fang Jie dripped his own blood on the contract, and then placed the contract inside the enchantment.

Shadow Moon looked at the contract and wrote her name in blood. Then, other people dripped blood on it one after another, and the entire contract began to change, twist, and melt little by little.

The final contract is divided into two parts, one is integrated into Fang Jie's body, and the other is integrated into all shadow elves. This contract will be passed down with the bloodline until the bloodline is cut off.

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