Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 376 The Problem Of Reproduction Of Shadow Elves

The contract was successfully completed, and Fang Jie found that Shadow Moon's loyalty to him suddenly increased to the level of 73. Because of the existence of the contract, this loyalty will continue to increase rapidly.

This in itself is a special function of the contract. Basically, as long as they don't do something outrageous, the loyalty of the contract's subordinates to themselves and their descendants will quickly increase to more than 90.

As for how high it can be raised, it depends on the individual aspect.

But now there is only one person in their family, so their loyal object is only themselves.

With the signing of the contract, the eyes of many shadow elves looking at Fang Jie also changed, and Fang Jie's status and senses in their hearts began to change rapidly and became closer.

Fang Jie found that the one who was most loyal to himself at the beginning has now raised his loyalty to 94.

If this continues, it may not be long before another subordinate with full loyalty will be born.

"Not bad, very good, then next, it's your reproduction problem. There are only two hundred, and the number is too small." Fang Jie originally valued the ability of shadow elves, and there was this reproduction ability.

"Master, although we can reproduce by shadow fission, this method cannot be used casually." A shadow elf explained to Fang Jie.

Fang Jie nodded: "I know, it will cause a decline in strength and it will take a while to recover."

The shadow elf just shook his head and said, "It's not just a simple drop in strength, but the most important thing is that because the spirit is also split off, it takes longer for the spirit to recover."

"Once there are too many splits at one time, it will cause damage to mental strength, resulting in a permanent decline in one's own strength, and possibly the upper limit will be lowered. In the most serious case, it will even lead to schizophrenia and even mental decline."

Mental decline is almost like brain death, Fang Jie thought to himself.

I really didn't expect this to happen. However, if ordinary people have mental problems, it is not easy to recover. After asking, Fang Jie found that the essence of shadow elves is very special.

After their mental injury, they can slowly recover over time.

Unless the one-time injury is too serious, there is really no way.

"Wait, can it be recovered through foreign objects, such as some spiritual treasures."

Fang Jie took out a soul crystal while speaking. The biggest problem with this soul crystal being different from the spiritual point is that it is not only as simple as condensing to form an entity, but the most important thing is that this thing itself is a special resource.

Some people who practice soul-type spells or skills can speed up their cultivation by absorbing soul crystals.

Even undead can improve their strength and repair their damage by absorbing soul crystals.

It's just that Fang Jie hasn't used this for a long time, because his own undead can't be regarded as a regular undead. The arms made by these functional buildings are themselves a special existence.

"It's a soul crystal, there is actually a soul crystal."

Shadow Moon took the soul crystal, then closed his eyes to absorb a little power, and then said, "No problem, this can indeed speed up the recovery of our souls."

"How fast can it be?" Fang Jie was very interested in this.

"If the number is sufficient, each split will only take a day to recover."

A smile flashed in Fang Jie's eyes: "Is there only one day, that would be great. So first increase your number, there are enough soul transistors, and many things are not easy to do without the number."

It's not just Fang Jie who wants to increase their numbers, in fact even the shadow elves want to.

After all, only with a sufficient number can the group grow. Now, in addition to allegiance, growing the clan is what these shadow elves want to do most.

"This is not a problem, but a large-scale split, I am afraid our strength will continue to decline. Although we can still recover with soul crystals, we will not have any combat effectiveness for a long time."

Fang Jie waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, I have enough fighting power. I don't need you to fight hard for the time being. You'd better increase the number quickly. After you have a certain strength, I will let you set up an intelligence department."

The intelligence department? Shadow Moon's eyes lit up. That's what shadow elves are best at.

Only by establishing an intelligence department, then among various tasks, one's own clansmen can get the greatest protection. As long as they don't work hard head-on, especially with the mage, they basically won't die.

It's such a blessing to be able to follow such a master.

After thinking about it, Fang Jie suddenly said: "By the way, you will be by my side in the future and be responsible for communicating with other shadow elves. So you don't need to split up."

Although there are soul crystals, who knows if there will be any problems with such a split.

Shadowmoon itself is a gold rank, and her age is not very old, which shows that her talent is very good.

If you continue to cultivate, maybe you will have the opportunity to enter the legendary level in the future. Such a person, Fang Jie is reluctant to waste. Other shadow elves, even if there is a problem, it doesn't matter.

All of them joined in the middle, who knows whether the loyalty can be increased to the maximum.

But those who split out are all newborns. As long as there are no accidents, loyalty can definitely be improved to a very high level in the future. Those people are really suitable for their own cultivation.

In the future, even if Shadow Moon is not suitable, one of these people can be selected and cultivated.

However, those simple shadow elves would not have thought that Fang Jie had so many ideas, and they were very satisfied with Fang Jie's arrangement. Fang Jie assigned a place to these shadow sprites in the flower plateau, and then the shadow sprites started to split.

I have been living in danger before, when can I be so reassured to split and produce the same kind.

Don't worry now, the surroundings are very safe, there are many people protecting themselves, and the soul crystals are piled up next to them.

One by one, the shadow elves transformed themselves into the shadow of the source, and then a group of shadows split.

It didn't take long for the new shadow to become a shadow elf, which was not big, only more than one meter at most. This is the cub of the shadow elves. With the improvement of their strength, they will quickly grow into adults.

These shadow elves who were just born are very ignorant, but their loyalty to Fang Jie is naturally above 80. As for talent, that depends on their luck.

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