Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 377 Night Elf And Night Hunter

"Is that so? It seems that the first few batches have no hope."

Fang Jie shook his head. He just realized that there are many problems with the split of the shadow elves.

When the shadow elves split, the higher the level, the higher the talent of the offspring. If the strength of the split is reduced, and it is split again without recovery, then the talents of the offspring will also decline.

Even if the talent of this race itself is not low, after such a split, the talent of the descendants will still be greatly affected.

Even if Fang Jie goes all out to provide them with various resources, there is no way to change it.

Another point, that is, these shadow elves that have just been split, there is no way to split.

They must grow to an adult state, that is, at least one year later, and their own strength must reach the black body level or above before they can split. The trainee level does not have the ability to split.

In this case, it is not easy to cultivate a large number of shadow elves with high talent.

"Let's just split up the group with the highest talent first, and train them with all their strength. There is no need to split in the future. Those with low talent will be used to continue splitting until the number reaches my requirements."

As for how much the requirements are, Fang Jie himself can't say. Given the huge territory that he has now, I am afraid that tens of thousands of shadow elves are not enough.

"According to the current situation, I am afraid that other races will really need to be used in the future."

Fang Jie lowered his head and thought, and suddenly found that Shadow Moon's expression seemed to be a bit wrong.

"What's wrong, is there any problem with increasing the number of races like this?"

"It's not a problem, it's just that every split will cause a certain amount of pain. I can't bear to see them like this." Shadow Moon said in a low voice, but she could hear something.

The clan is small, and Shadow Moon, who has always been responsible for the survival of the clan, feels empathy for everything about the other members.

If he splits himself, maybe it won't be like this, but as long as he doesn't split, Shadow Moon is also very uncomfortable, Fang Jie understands a little bit.

"And in the way they split, most of them won't be too talented in the future. I'm worried that they will affect some of your things, Master."

These words were a bit insincere, and Fang Jie understood what Shadow Moon meant as soon as his heart moved.

The real meaning is not that they cannot complete the tasks they have given because of their weak strength, but that they are worried about problems in their future lives because of their weak strength. After all, some things must be more powerful.

Those who are weak and have no talent are mostly destined to be abandoned.

If you don't have a job in the future, it will not be so easy to survive. When the clan was small, they could manage it, but the clan was too big, and even Shadow Moon had nothing to do.

"Well, then make the dark forest your territory."

Fang Jie originally wanted to leave the dark forest to Mobas. But after thinking about it, Fang Jie gave up. Because Mobas' ability is limited after all, and it is not very suitable for the forest.

In the case that Qin Lan didn't want such a large site, Fang Jie hadn't thought of giving it to anyone.

Now it's not bad. Originally, these shadow elves lived in the dark forest. Just hand over this place to them. I believe the shadow elves will manage it better.

"Ah? How can this be, it's too precious."

"It doesn't matter, as my servant race, of course you should have a territory of your own."

The reason is perfect, but Fang Jie just said it casually. But when Fang Jie said this, he found that Shadow Moon's loyalty was rising, and it has been raised to the height of 93.

This kind of loyalty is one of the best among the entire ethnic group.

Then Fang Jie said: "But there are not many shadow elves, and I don't have the territory of this race. I do have a night elf territory in my hands, and that can be managed by you."

"But, but I won't manage this."

"It doesn't matter, others can teach you. Besides, you rarely have time to go back. You can appoint a few deputies to help you manage, just choose from the shadow elves."

There are always some bad talents, but they have management skills.

Anyone can manage an ordinary territory without having to think about the general direction.

"Can I ask, why do you use night elves?" Finally, Shadowmoon said something. After all, any elf race is suitable for the management of the forest. I don't know the meaning of using the night elf race.

"Of course there are reasons. First, the night elves themselves are biased towards dark attributes, which are just right for our attributes."

"The second reason is also very simple, because this time, there is a special unit of the Night Hunter in the things sorted out from the New Moon Kingdom. This is the only golden unit I have found."

Shadow Moon nodded, and finally understood that the golden arms are not comparable to ordinary arms.

If it can be built, then with this power, the entire dark forest and even the further east can be easily brought under control.

After following Fang Jie for a few days, Shadow Moon also learned a lot about the power of Fang Jie's subordinates.

Although it uses the undead as its core, it actually has various races under its command.

Even many times, some subordinate races are used as a separate force, mainly to deceive other major forces around. When the time is right, it can be swallowed.

Even in normal times, these special forces can be used to reduce the vigilance of others.

Not only can you give yourself more development time, but also bring greater benefits. Obviously, Fang Jie intends to turn the forest and another area into an area controlled by the night elves.

At least in the eyes of outsiders, this area will be like this in the future.

Shadow Moon doesn't care, anyway, as long as her clan can live well. The shadow elves are very special, but there is not much conflict with the night elves, and the affinity between the two sides is still very high.

"Since you have no opinion, let's do this next."

Fang Jie did not let the undead continue to spread to the east, and the tribes in the east did not know what happened in the dark forest.

There are so many dark druids in this place, and no race is willing to approach, no one knows whether those druids will go crazy. Therefore, there is such a big change here, and the outside world does not know it if it is not deliberately probed.

The war took place in the west of the forest, and after the east was blocked, it seemed calm.

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