Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 378 This Is The National Specification

Within a few days, Qin Lan found Fang Jie, but there were several other people who came with him.

Fang Jie knew some of them. For example, Liu Yuanyuan and Qin Shulan came to this place, and Li Mingshu also came. Others are people who look familiar but are not.

But seeing Fang Jie, the others were a little excited.

As his immediate boss, it is usually too difficult to see, too mysterious.

As Fang Jie's men became stronger and stronger, he was about to become a legend.

"Why are so many people here this time, is there something wrong?" Fang Jie asked curiously.

Qin Lan said angrily: "What's the matter? Isn't it what you explained? You asked me to set up a management organization, but I haven't had a good rest all this time."

Looking at Qin Lan's delicate face, there is indeed a trace of dark circles under his eyes.

You must know that Qin Lan now has a certain elf bloodline, and he is also an elementalist of the black iron level. If there are such signs, it means that you have not had a good rest during this period of time.

"Haha, isn't that more work for those who are capable?" Fang Jie said somewhat embarrassedly.

Seeing Fang Jie's appearance, the others murmured in their hearts. This lord doesn't seem to be as difficult to speak as in the legend. On the contrary, he looks like an ordinary person, with no air at all.

"This is my preliminary list, and it's also a list for cabinet management."

Fang Jie took the list and saw that there were bad names on it. These people who came today have names on the list.

Qin Lan divided the entire cabinet into different departments, including finance, personnel, public security, etc. The total number actually reached sixteen. This is to disperse all rights and not concentrate them in the hands of individual people.

Plus some other things, and some scattered small seats, there are more than one hundred seats in total.

Of course, not many people come to this place today. However, they are all the ones with more important positions, so I came to meet Fang Jie today, and it was considered a familiar face.

It can't happen in the future that the subordinates don't know the lord, or the lord doesn't know his subordinates, then it's a joke.

The territory will always come into contact with some powerful forces in the future. If such a joke is made, I don't know what will happen. No wonder Qin Lan is so worried.

Among them, those people from the earth are not the only ones.

On the surface, promotion is based on merit and seniority, and everyone has their own reasons for promotion.

There are only a small number of people from Earth, most of them are actually natives or hero units under Fang Jie. Let’s not talk about the abilities of these heroic units, but their strength and credit are definitely a lot.

With these people among them, there will be no need to worry about Fang Jie being overseen.

Although Fang Jie has absolute military power, basically there is no such worry, but Qin Lan still tries his best to do it well.

There are also a large part of the positions that are empty, and there are people in the positions, and the specific reasons and the personality relationship of these people are written. If it is sorted out, it is probably a very large book.

It is conceivable that Qin Lan really worked hard.

"Very good, just follow this, and I will trouble you later."

Qin Lan sighed and knew that Fang Jie would definitely say so.

"In addition, you can take the position of Prime Minister of this cabinet. No one is more suitable than you anyway."

Fang Jie said, suddenly thought of something: "No, this plan, why does it feel like the structure of managing a country, isn't this a constitutional monarchy?"

"You see, it's actually roughly the same, but with some improvements."

Qin Lan said with a smile: "Didn't you find out, your territory is now very large, and it is no problem to say that it is a country. No, according to the size and population, it is even bigger than our country before."

Fang Jie didn't think about it carefully at first, but now that he thinks about it, it seems to be the case.

"Although you use the lord to divide the management, you use the form of the enfeoffment system, but the central management can't use the ordinary management method." Fang Jie nodded, it seemed to be the case.

"In addition, the military can't be so casual. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that our main forces are all manufactured arms, this management method would have gone wrong." This is what Li Mingshu said.

"I know this too, so let's sum up a detailed plan for me when you go back."

Li Mingshu had an urge to cover his head, and he should not speak in front of such a lord. As soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately invited himself a big job, and he didn't know how long he would be busy.

Although Fang Jie's delegating behavior made them very comfortable, it also kept everyone extremely busy.

Qin Lan looked at Li Mingshu with sympathy, who asked him to open his mouth.

However, regarding some military matters, Li Mingshu, a professional, is indeed much more suitable than Qin Lan. Besides, Li Mingshu's former subordinates were all very capable.

During the recent period of time, Li Mingshu has continued to expand, and he has also recruited many soldiers from other military regions or previously retired soldiers. Li Mingshu has the most talents in this area.

"One more question, Jasmine has been active and wants to get a seat in the cabinet."

Fang Jie is not surprising, and Jia Siwei's character is really strange if he is willing to stagnate.

"What do you think?" Fang Jie asked.

"It doesn't matter if you give him a seat. After all, the credit is here. But just because of his personality, he can't give too much at once, or he will definitely want more."

There's always been this kind of insatiable person, and Jasmine is one of them. If too much is given all at once, who knows what will happen in the future. This kind of person can't be firmly suppressed, even if one day he betrays it is not surprising.

Fang Jie wasn't worried about Jia Siwei's mutiny, so he didn't think about it.

"If that's the case, then give him a seat. No, give him a few more seats. Some unimportant seats can be let down by their hands, preferably the ones that do not belong to each other."

In this way, Jia Siwei can't make trouble. If he can still make trouble, it can only mean that there is something wrong with Jia Siwei's brain.

None of the people present were fools, and they immediately understood what Fang Jie meant.

"Also, don't worry if you don't have any territory now, Qin Shulan, I have already planned your territory, it's overseas." Fang Jie said to Qin Shulan.

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