Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 379 Rebels In The South

"Lord Lord, you don't have to do this. I am very satisfied with my current status."

Qin Shulan is an elderly middle-aged woman after all, and it is beyond her imagination to have such a status. As for the territory or something, what's the use of it if you want it.

Now the family members do not know where they are, and they have never been found.

Even if Qin Shulan has a territory, there is no one who can inherit it. After all, there is a gap between women and men in this regard.

"Don't worry, it will always be used in the future. After all, you have always been in charge of maritime affairs. Of course, it is impossible to not have a territory with your credit." Fang Jie is very insistent in this regard.

"In addition, the northern grasslands are also officially your territory, Li Mingshu."

Fang Jie is unfamiliar with the other people, so I can't say it for now. I'll talk about it later after reading the information.

Believe that these materials, Qin Lan has already prepared.

"The second thing is the location of the cabinet. The best place is of course the lord's interior, but there are some problems with the environment of this place."

Indeed, there are undead creatures everywhere, and most people can't stand it in such a place.

Fang Jie is also able to adapt bit by bit because he has stayed for a long time, and because he is the lord.

"It's fine within the scope of my territory. It just so happens that your territory is within the scope of my territory, so you can put it in Feifeng Town. Wait, let's turn Feifeng Town into a city first. get up."

"My territory is still a little short of upgrading to a city. According to the current development rate, I am afraid it will take some more days."

"It's okay, it doesn't take time before arriving in the city, as long as the conditions are met, I will fully support your development."

Fang Jie doesn't care about one more city within his territory, since that city is already under his command anyway. In addition, in terms of military strength, the opponent is not an opponent at all, so Fang Jie has nothing to worry about.

Even because this city is within his own territory, he can immediately know if there is any movement.

Without their own permission, even some things cannot be built, and the strength of the army must be strictly limited.

"Well, that's actually not bad over there."

After all, it is an elf territory, and the environment in Feifeng Town is much better than that in Fang Jie. After this period of Qin Lan's own development, Feifeng Town was basically divided into two different areas.

Half of the area is a huge market, full of noise.

The other half is like a garden, very beautiful.

"Then the third thing today, there is a large-scale rebellion in the south, do you know this."

Fang Jie was taken aback: "Rebellion? What's going on, what happened?" He really hadn't heard of it. However, if the people who come here don't report to themselves, there shouldn't be any problems.

But on a massive scale? Speaking of how big it is.

Qin Lan said solemnly: "When you decided to attack the dark forest, this kind of signs appeared. Many people think that the dark forest is very powerful, and you will definitely lose both if you attack the dark forest."

Fang Jie understood, it turned out that some people thought that the opportunity had come, so they did this.

"Then, those who rebelled should be former nobles."

Only those nobles, because they lost their rights, still have a certain identity and right to speak, and can fool some commoners to follow them, so it is not surprising that they do this kind of thing.

"The main body is those nobles, but there are also various other people. Many people think that their opportunity has come. Especially in the south of the two empires, various rebellions are one after another, and even the royal family has many people participating. already."

"It turns out that this is the case, but their strength should not be very strong."

After a war, the two countries have long been hollowed out, how much power they can have.

Qin Lan nodded: "It's really not very strong, at most a few gold-level guards, but looking at their appearance, it seems that they think they are very strong, and more and more people are affected, and the scope is getting bigger and bigger."

After all, some nobles can still do a lot in terms of prestige.

The commoners are not enlightened, so many things will still listen to those nobles. No matter what the nobles say, they generally listen to it, and they don't have the ability to think for themselves.

People are really incredible sometimes, and some decisions seem stupid, but they can do it.

"Then kill it directly. Anyway, the strength is not very strong." Fang Jie knew that this kind of thing happened because he evacuated the skeletons from the original two countries.

I don't want the undead to affect the development of the two regions. It seems that many people think that their troops are insufficient, so they all mobilize to the dark forest, otherwise they will think that their opportunity has come.

The people who were sent to manage it by themselves, because it takes time for the development of the territory, it is impossible for them to firmly control all the places for a while. Now those old nobles still have a lot of power.

But leaving them before was for a smooth handover.

Fang Jie didn't want to die too many people, so he left those nobles as role models. Now those nobles are basically useless, they dare to come out and make trouble, even if they kill them, it doesn't matter.

"I think they should be kept, as long as they are controlled within a certain range."

Fang Jie frowned, leaving those people behind, wouldn't that kill a lot of people.

"Don't worry, there will be no problems under our control. Keeping them is to attract some people who oppose us, so that they can be dealt with in an open and fair manner."

This is a method. They have been making trouble for a long time, and some people who have dissent will naturally jump out.

"There is another reason, and that is to train troops. Some of our indigenous troops and new troops need to have opponents to experience. And only after these experiences can we better manage the territory."

Yeah? Fang Jie was a little confused, but since he said that, there should be some truth to it.

"Well, don't make too much trouble, the point is not to affect innocent people."

The soldier Fang Jie doesn't care, because in his eyes, he is not a normal person. But the indigenous people are different, they are all living people. When the war broke out, there was nothing I could do, but now that I had the ability, I didn't want them to lose too much.

It has nothing to do with the issue of interests, it is purely that Fang Jie does not want to die too many people instinctively.

Qin Lan nodded lightly: "Don't worry, there will be no serious consequences."

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