Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 382 The Newly Rising Dark Night Kingdom

Although Fang Jie is ready, it can't be done in a short time after all.

Those night elves who trained were not professional sailors, and it was good enough to be able to sail. That kind of high-level ship takes a long time to get used to before it can really move flexibly.

But even so, it is impossible to fully exploit the true power of these ships.

So Fang Jie gave them only heavy warships at most.

Gold-level ones will not be handed over to them, because the night elves really can't control such ships. If you give it to them rashly, I'm afraid you won't be able to exert much power, so it's better to use the silver level.

Of course, even a silver-level heavy warship, the actual attack it exerts can still threaten the gold level.

It's more than enough to deal with orcs who don't even have a gold level.

Just as the night elves were adapting to the ships, a large number of new troops were still being created in the rear.

As soon as these troops are created, they will all be sent to the front line and integrated into the legion. With the model of veterans leading new recruits, these night elf units soon used the survival mode of the battlefield.

"Very good, after this battle, the night elves also have a lot of their own hero units."

"Yeah, with these heroic units, it will be much easier to control this area in the future."

Originally, Shadowmoon didn't have time for himself, and neither did his own people. This night elf territory was difficult to control. Although they didn't care much, they were Fang Jie's servant race anyway.

What the shadow elves care about most is the growth of their race, which is what they are doing now.

As for the territory or something, if it wasn't for the task that Fang Jie gave them, the shadow elves would have taken it seriously long ago.

But because I have something to do, I can't control it. Now there is no problem, there are many hero units in the group. These hero units have no problem controlling the territory.

Because this is an affiliated territory directly controlled by Fang Jie, although it also has its own talents.

However, some abilities of Fang Jie's territory can also affect the night elf city.

A large part of the impact caused the units produced by the night elves, some naturally elite units, and the ability to be more easily promoted to hero units.

In addition to some heroic units that were forcibly spawned with the help of the trial tower at the beginning, there have also been some breakthroughs in the past few days. It has to be said that the breakthrough of the night elves is much easier than that of the undead.

After all, this is the advantage of creatures, and the undead are far inferior to other creatures in breaking through their own levels.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and those orcs who were forced to the seaside gradually realized that their food was not enough.

It is not so easy to get food from the sea.

Some orcs, using the wood they had on hand, made small sampans and wanted to escape from this place. But most people just watch, and no one knows what their fate will be.

To the east is the endless sea, and entering the sea is basically courting death, there is no other possibility.

Besides, even if you want to go, it is not so easy, because there are no big trees by the sea. Later, some who wanted to fight, found that they didn't even have the chance to fight.

There was nothing by the sea, and as the food gradually ran out, some orcs finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Orcs don't have a unified leadership, so some people rushed out directly, while others were watching. In this way, a group of teams rushed out, and then fought against the night elves, and they were all destroyed.

By the time the night elves had mastered the battleship, a third of those orcs had already rushed out.

"It's finally over. If it goes on like this, it's almost impossible to stop them."

Fang Jie was also relieved to hear the news. The number of night elves is still too small now, if the orcs are really desperate to attack, it is really possible for them to rush through the dark forest.

At that time, he could only use the undead army.

Once the Legion of the Undead is used, it is impossible for people to be completely unaware of such a big movement.

Fang Jie also wants to use the night elves to confuse others, which is related to his next plan.

Exposing the relationship between them now, even if it is a matter of employment, will easily arouse the vigilance of some people.

"Let's sail, and destroy them as soon as possible." Fang Jie gave an order, and a large number of warships soon appeared in the sea. These battleships ran directly to the sea, and before the orcs could react, they launched an attack.

Because of the distance, the Orcs could not reach the ships at all.

But the attack of the ship is very terrifying. Every time the attack falls, all the orcs in the circle of the hit position don't even want to survive.

The location of some of the principals of the Orcs was found out long ago, and this wave of attacks basically took them away. The leaders of the Orcs were wiped out, and the chaotic team was even more scattered.

The orcs were running around each other, and then it became a kind of containment, and the team became more and more chaotic.

"Very good, as long as it doesn't form a wave and rush in one direction." Fang Jie was very satisfied with the completely chaotic half-orc, but he didn't change the fighting mode.

Ships attack, and the night elves that rush out will be destroyed.

In this way, with the passage of time, a few days should be able to wipe them all out.

"Send a message to the outside world. The night elf kingdom will be established here. This will be a new force."

"Establish a kingdom? But master, you haven't established a kingdom. Wouldn't it be too high-profile."

"No, the main thing is to let the maritime alliance know, that's all. Besides, I will not set up a country. The place where I am is a territory. You must know that a territory has no boundaries and can continue to expand."

Fang Jie showed a smile, he knew that he was not a management material.

Although I have learned a lot during this time, but let myself be a king, don't joke, Fang Jie doesn't have that kind of mind.

With that time, wouldn't it be good to study more magic-related issues. It's not that he has not destroyed the kingdom, of course, he knows what those kings are doing all day long, and they almost have no time for themselves.

Before the Orcs were wiped out, the establishment of the Night Elf Kingdom spread out.

The maritime alliance not far from here also knew for the first time that a powerful emerging force had appeared in the south. You know, there used to be a wilderness, and they were all tribes of orcs.

There is a new force that has been taken seriously, and it is impossible to say that there is no attention.

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