Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 383 This Is An Independent Force

After a few days, the tenacious Orcs were almost wiped out.

This wasteland is no longer truly desolate. Because the night elves started to build towns here.

That's right, it's a town. Of course, it's essentially a fortress in the world, it's just an improvement. It seems that there is basically nothing special here, just like an ordinary town, and its defense is stronger.

At the same time, the night elves also began to clean up their surroundings, and with the help of farmland, a large number of plants were planted around them.

Although most are large trees, many are actually fruit trees that can be used for their own food needs. Likewise, excess fruit can be processed into a commodity.

In the past few days, the night elves have begun to contact the Sea Alliance, trying to open up business channels here.

Fang Jie didn't help, letting the night elves build the channel on their own.

From the very beginning, the night elves have nothing to do with themselves on the bright side, they are an independent force.

"Unfortunately, to really develop, I'm afraid it will take a long time."

Night elves are creatures, not undead, so although they are all built-up units, in fact they can still reproduce. However, the descendants of arms reproduction have certain problems in themselves.

It takes at least three generations before they become normal native creatures.

However, the life span of elves is very long, and the reproduction and growth time is too long. Therefore, it will take a very long time to truly multiply into a normal night elves.

But it doesn't matter, the normal ethnic group just looks normal, but in fact that ethnic group is not so easy to control at all. Different from the arms, it can really execute any order.

Regardless of the troops, they also have loyalty, but they are inherently loyal, and they are not so easy to fall.

Fang Jie shook his head and stopped thinking about the pros and cons of natives and troops.

These boundless things, wait until later, he has other things to do now.

Then, Fang Jie made a big counterattack in the dark forest. A group of night elves drove out the invading undead. At the edge of the dark forest, the defenses were re-established.

In the future, the dark forest, including the wasteland in the east, belonged to the night elves instead of the dark druids.

This is of course acting, and most people in the New Moon Kingdom simply don't believe it.

But Fang Jie doesn't matter, as long as he believes it. After making such a move, the Sea Alliance believed it.

Although the maritime alliance is scattered, the main force is too strong. If they regard themselves as enemies, and their strength is condensed, with Fang Jie's current strength, it is really not an easy task to deal with.

At the very least, it takes huge losses to be able to fight, which is really worth the loss.

Of course, even if Fang Jie is doing this, there are still some people working hard.

For example, Lukal, a member of the royal family of the New Moon Kingdom, was contacting their high-level officials everywhere in the Sea Alliance at this time. As a member of the royal family of a kingdom, the standard of courtesy is also very high.

However, the recent Crescent Kingdom was destroyed, and Lucal, a member of the royal family, immediately became a former member of the royal family.

All of a sudden, his worth fell to the bottom, and some people who were close to him suddenly became unfamiliar.

"Damn, don't these people have any brains? Those are undead, don't they believe in a group of undead rather than us." One of the men shouted angrily.

The New Moon Kingdom is destroyed, and his family is definitely not much better, and I don't know how it is now.

Lukar shook his head: "It's not that easy. When comparing with people, the strength of the other party also needs to be considered. We have no backers now, so we can only rely on ourselves."

Lukal looked lonely, and he never thought that the kingdom would disappear like this.

"But it is the undead that destroy us. The undead are the dead place of all living beings. They have become a climate now. Once they are allowed to continue to develop, even the sea alliance will not be better."

Lukar shook his head: "After all, they are a maritime alliance, and their power is on the sea. It is not so easy to influence the mainland. And they also believe that no one can easily threaten them at sea."

A person next to him also said cautiously: "I heard that those undead powers are related to Kuisha Island. Kuisha Island itself is likely to be captured by them, so it can be regarded as one of their own."

A Kuisha Island is powerful and very law-abiding, and the most important thing is to be able to bring them benefits.

As long as they can't fully unite the front internally, there's nothing they can do about Kuisha. As the powerful undead power behind Kuisha Island, they will not provoke it easily.

"What news have you got?" Lukar said with a serious face.

This subordinate he knows that although he has never liked him very much, he is really very capable. Especially when it comes to gathering intelligence, that far exceeds everyone else.

It is no longer whether they like this person or not, but they need to rely on this person's strength.

It can be seen with the naked eye that a person who was not very popular in the past has now risen in status.

"According to my analysis, Nakuisha Island should also have some relationship with Ping An Materials Trading Company. Ping An Materials Trading Company is developing very fast now, and there are many beneficiaries, so it is not easy to directly target them."

"Then what to do, if you have any way, say it quickly."

The person continued: "I found that while the development of Ping An Materials Trading Company, it also threatened the interests of many established forces. For example, the Kerry family has been actively contacting others to deal with them."

"That is to say, as long as we contact these people, we can guide them to deal with those undead by dealing with the Ping An material company, and finally complete the restoration of the country, right?"

Hearing Lukar's words, the man nodded: "This is the best way now."

Then he continued: "In addition, I heard that there is a new dark night kingdom on our side. I suspect that this dark night kingdom has something to do with the undead before, but they established a country, I am afraid the relationship between them has broken down."

"That's great, it seems that there are still a lot of forces that don't deal with those undead."

Everyone's faces became more and more beautiful as they spoke. Originally, I felt that I was in a state of desperation, but suddenly I have a direction to work hard. Lukar took people nervously to make plans one by one, and everyone was busy again.

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