Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 384 Someone Really Believes

While Fang Jie was clearing the eastern wasteland, the interior of the new territory was not stable.

The one who made the biggest move was Jasmine, who finally had a territory and now became a member of the cabinet. Jaswi is single-mindedly trying to realize the value of his life.

But at this time, there was actually a rebellion in his own territory, and Jia Siwei couldn't bear it anymore.

In the past, the strength was not as good as the opponent, and he was able to forbear, but now he needs to be patient.

Jia Siwei didn't need it, he himself used a lot of harvested wealth to buy a large number of puppet legions from Fang Jie. That's right, although he already has his own territory, Jasmine still bought a lot of puppets.

Because the puppet is too loyal and very obedient.

The development of his own territory is not so fast, and the supreme commander of the arms produced in the territory is still the big lord Fang Jie. Therefore, for those arms, Jia Siwei believes more in his own puppet army.

Buy tons of golems, even a few powerful gold golems among them.

Fang Jie, who let go, also sold some iron giants and jihad puppets to Jasmine.

This kind of puppet that can play a huge role on the battlefield, Jia Siwei likes it very much.

As soon as someone rebelled, Jia Siwei personally took the puppet army to encircle and suppress it. It's just because the puppet moves slowly, so many times of encirclement and suppression always make those rebels escape.

Later, in a fit of anger, Jia Siwei simply asked Fang Jie to come to him, asking for a large army of undead.

With the cooperation of the Undead Legion and some human legions produced by Jasmine later, these rebellions are no match at all. As long as they can't run away, frontal combat is not a level at all.

Jasmine wiped out these rebellions in one go, including the old nobles behind them.

As long as there is a little relationship, as long as there is a little evidence, Jasmine doesn't give them any reason to escape at all.

After a great cleaning, the entire territory of Jasmine was completely quiet. At least during this time, no one dared to fight against Jia Siwei, and everything will be much easier after that.

At the same time, the northern part of the Blue Sand Kingdom, that is, the area controlled by Korla, also adopted a similar approach.

However, Korla is better at fighting. Although he also used part of the undead army, most of them are troops made by himself. It took a longer time to completely quiet down here.

A large part of the rebels fled directly and went to the New Moon Kingdom.

After the fusion of the two rebels, their strength increased greatly, and they actually gained a firm foothold in the southern part of the New Moon Kingdom.

This is also because Qin Lan did not deal with these people with all his strength, but wanted to keep them.

In Qin Lan's own words, keeping them for training can also attract some people who are dissatisfied with him to enter, and they can be caught. With these people, the territory will actually be more secure.

Because of Qin Lan's suggestion, Fang Jie did not take the initiative to deal with these people.

As a result, on this day, Fang Jie suddenly discovered that a message had been sent to him.

"Interesting, there are so many Crescent Kingdom royals who have defected. I thought the Crescent Kingdom royals were all smart, but now it seems to be like that."

The royal family of the New Moon Kingdom has always been very shrewd.

Even with vampire power, none of them joined. But now it seems that it is not the same as I thought. After the above legendary powerhouses were not suppressed, some people still had other ideas.

Before, some people secretly joined Mobas and wanted to become a new vampire.

This is also human nature, after all, everyone wants to live forever, nothing.

But now, Fang Jie discovered that some people secretly defected. Because they were originally members of the royal family, these people had high status and could easily gain high positions within the alliance.

That's right, the alliance, the alliance of rebels.

There are many forces, no one agrees with each other, and now they are just uniting against the undead.

These people were suppressed by Qin Lan in the south, unable to lift their heads at all. But they didn't expect that they would be able to contact them. That's right, it's the night elf kingdom.

"What are we going to do now, these people actually asked for help here. The one who went to the Sea Alliance before seems to have contacted them, and they have to do something overseas."

Fang Jie found Qin Lan directly and wanted to see what Qin Lan thought.

In any case, now the homeland of the New Moon Kingdom has become Qin Lan's territory.

Qin Lan showed a beautiful smile: "Of course I'm helping them. Only in this way can more people believe that the night elves are an independent force, and it will be easier to disintegrate the maritime alliance in the future."

Fang Jie nodded: "That's not bad, just like this, the southern part of your territory will be more chaotic."

Fang Jie felt a little guilty, but he never thought that someone would actually believe what he did.

Originally, Fang Jie thought that even if someone believed it, it would be believed by some other forces far away. It's impossible for people who are close at hand to not see it.

But it turns out that idiots are everywhere, and a lot.

Even if it is close at hand, some people believe this and send out a message for help.

In this case, as long as you guide a little, I believe this will be more. This matter is not about how many flaws there are, but how many people are willing to believe and how much they are willing to believe.

"It doesn't matter, it's just the territory, and I don't rely on the territory to eat."

Fang Jie couldn't resist Qin Lan's eyes.

"Forget it, you can do whatever you want. Now that many people in the royal family have betrayed, what are you going to do?"

Fang Jie means, do you want to clean up these people like Jasmine, anyway, the excuse is enough now. The whole country has been won steadily, and it doesn't make much sense for those old nobles to stay.

"Let's forget it. After all, there are always some people with brains. Besides, aren't the people in the family still with you?"

Qin Lan said angrily, when the king sent the princess, and other people sent Fang Jie, all of them were under his command.

If he turns around and kills them himself, Fang Jie's reputation will be bad. Besides, even if there is nothing about Fang Jie, what have they become in the eyes of those women.

If those women partnered to make trouble for themselves, maybe it would be really troublesome.

Fang Jie didn't expect this, but it's all about Qin Lan's own territory, and Qin Lan can decide for himself.

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